GIF89a; Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/serb/www/freichat/lang/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/serb/www/freichat/lang/english.php

FreiChat - English language
Do not use space but nbsp;
If you have copied this file and you are making your own
language then please write in the format similar to the file english.php

//NOTE: &nbsp; is euivalent to a space 

    $frei_trans['custom_guest_name_exists'] =   "Another person with same name already exists . PLease choose a different name!";

    $frei_trans['cb_head']           =          'Users';
    $frei_trans['g_prefix']          =          'Guest-';
    $frei_trans['pwdby']             =          'Powered By';
    $frei_trans['noline']            =          'No One Is Online';
    $frei_trans['noperms']           =          'Please&nbsp;LogIn&nbsp;to chat!';
    $frei_trans['on_offline']        =          'Getting list of online users .....';
    $frei_trans['go_online']         =          'Go Online';
    $frei_trans['go_offline']        =          'Go Offline';
    $frei_trans['go_invisible']      =          'Go Invisible';
    $frei_trans['go_busy']           =          'Go Busy';
    $frei_trans['newmesg']           =          'New Message! From';
    $frei_trans['restore_drag_pos']  =          'Restore Positions of chatwindows';
    $frei_trans['status_txt']        =          'Change Status';
    $frei_trans['opt_txt']           =          'Additional Options';
    $frei_trans['onOfflinemesg']     =          'Click to chat!';

    $frei_trans['plugin_transdisable']  =       'Disable';
    $frei_trans['plugin_trans_orig']    =       'Original message:';

    $frei_trans['titles_translate']     =       'Translate to your own language';
    $frei_trans['titles_clrcht']     =       'Clear chat history';
    $frei_trans['titles_upload']        =       'Send&nbsp;file';
    $frei_trans['titles_smiley']        =       'Insert smiley';
    $frei_trans['titles_save']        =       'Save chat history';
    $frei_trans["titles_mail"] 		=       'Send&nbsp;conversation&nbsp;as&nbsp;email';
    $frei_trans["titles_videochat"]     =       'Invite&nbsp;to&nbsp;Video&nbsp;Chat';

    $frei_trans['status_online']        =       'You are online';
    $frei_trans['status_busy']          =       'You are busy';
    $frei_trans['status_invisible']     =       'You are invisible';
    $frei_trans['status_offline']       =       'You are offline';
    $frei_trans['default_status']       =       'I am available';

    $frei_trans['status_txt_online']        =       'Available';
    $frei_trans['status_txt_busy']          =       'Busy';
    $frei_trans['status_txt_invisible']     =       'Invisible';
    $frei_trans['status_txt_offline']       =       'Offline';

    $frei_trans['chatHistoryNotFound']  =       'chat history not found!';
    $frei_trans['chatHistoryDeleted']   =       'chat history cleared';

    $frei_trans['set_custom_mesg']   =       'Set custom message:';
    $frei_trans['chat_room_title'] = 'Chat Rooms';
    $frei_trans['chat_message_me'] = 'Me';
    $frei_trans['chat_status'] = 'The user is offline, messages you send will be delivered when the user comes online. ';
    $frei_trans['rtl'] = 'Swicth rtl text';
    $frei_trans['profilelink'] = 'View&nbsp;profile';
    $frei_trans['ban_mesg'] = 'You are banned';
    $frei_trans['chatroom_label']='Chat Room';
    $frei_trans['chatroom_noline']   =  'You are the only one online here';

    $frei_trans['no_search_results'] = 'No search results!';
    $frei_trans["custom_mesg_update"] = 'Update';
    $frei_trans['chatroom_tab_users'] = 'USERS';
    $frei_trans['chatroom_tab_rooms'] = 'Rooms';
    $frei_trans['chatroom_lobby'] = 'rooms';
    $frei_trans['new_chatroom_message'] = '<strong>Hey!</strong> A new message in the chatroom';
    $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_new"] = "enter chatroom name";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_pass"] = "enter chatroom password";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_paswd"] = "password protected";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_creator"] = "create chatroom";
    $frei_trans["create_chatroom_title"] = "Create your chatroom";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_exists"] = "A chatroom with the same name already exists";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_tools_toggle"] = "Show/hide chatroom options";
    $frei_trans["cancel"] = "cancel";
    $frei_trans["yes"] = "Yes";
    $frei_trans["mobile_chat"] = "Chat";
    $frei_trans["mobile_back"] = "Back";
    $frei_trans["mobile_send"] = "Send";
    $frei_trans["mobile_cancel"] = "Cancel";
    $frei_trans["mobile_list_title"] = "Online users";
    $frei_trans["mobile_private_def_head"] = "One-to-one chat";
    $frei_trans["mobile_private_enter_text"] = "Type your message";
    $frei_trans["mobile_file_title"] = "Select file to send";
    $frei_trans["mobile_mail_title"] = "Send conversation as email";
    $frei_trans["mobile_mail_subject"] = "Subject";
    $frei_trans["mobile_mail_rec_email"] = "Receivers email address";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_title"] = "Chatrooms";
    $frei_trans["chatroom_hide"] = "Hide";
    $frei_trans["mobile_settings"] = "Settings";
    $frei_trans["mobile_loading"] = "loading...";
    $frei_trans["mobile_users"] = "users";
    $frei_trans["mobile_chatroom_users"] = "chatroom users";
    $frei_trans["mobile_sound_toggle"] = "Switch sound on message:";
    $frei_trans["mobile_notify_toggle"] = "Switch message notifications:";
    $frei_trans["mobile_filter_list"] = 'Filter items...';
    $frei_trans["search_placeholder"] = 'search';
    $frei_trans["mail_conv_with"] = 'Conversation with';
    $frei_trans["mail_conv_type"] = 'chatroom conversation';
    $frei_trans["mail_conv_subject"] = 'enter your subject';
    $frei_trans["mail_conv_rec"] = "enter receiver's email address";
    $frei_trans["mail_conv_send"] = 'Send';   
    $frei_trans["mail_label_subject"] = "Subject";
    $frei_trans["mail_label_mail"] = "Email address";
    $frei_trans["file_title"] = "Send file";
    $frei_trans["file_select"] = "Select file";
    $frei_trans["file_remove"] = "Remove";
    $frei_trans["file_inotice"] = "Select a file to send";
    $frei_trans["file_inotice2"] = "Click Send file button to send your file";
    $frei_trans["file_inotice3"] = "Please select a file to send !";
    $frei_trans["file_change"] = "Change";
    $frei_trans["file_status_title"] = "File Upload Status";
    $frei_trans["file_status_uploaded"] = "File uploaded";
    $frei_trans["file_status_err"] = "Send another file";
    $frei_trans["file_status_close"] = "Window will be closed in about 6 seconds";
    $frei_trans["file_status_err_invalid"] = "Invalid file!";
    $frei_trans["file_status_err_large"] = "File size too large!";
    $frei_trans["file_status_err_error"] = "File upload error";
    $frei_trans["file_status_err_perms"] = "Upload directory does not have required permissions";
    $frei_trans["file_status_success_chatroom"] = "has been succesfully sent";
    $frei_trans["file_status_success_chat"] = "has been succesfully sent to";
    $frei_trans["file_status_success_download"] = "Download your file";
    $frei_trans["file_status_success_one_more"] = "or send another file";
    $frei_trans["custom_name_title"] = 'Set name:';
    $frei_trans["status_title"] = 'Set status:';
    $frei_trans["win_title"] = "video chat";
    $frei_trans["brand"] = "Video chat conversation";
    $frei_trans["capphoto"] = "Capture photo";
    $frei_trans["muteaudio"] = "Mute audio";
    $frei_trans["mutevideo"] = "Mute video";
    $frei_trans["fullscreen"] = "Go fullsreen";
    $frei_trans["textchat"] = "Text chat";
    $frei_trans["browser_unsupported"] = "Your browser is not supported . Please upgrade your browser";
    $frei_trans["onmediasuccess"] = "Access granted , loading your video .....";
    $frei_trans["onmediaerror"] = "Failed to get access to local media. Error code was ";
    $frei_trans["vid_waiting"] = "waiting for connection to be established with the peer .....";
    $frei_trans["vid_mkcall"] = "Initial connection established .";
    $frei_trans["vid_reconnect"] = "Re-establishing connection .... please wait.";
    $frei_trans["vid_pc_create"] = "peer connection created . ";
    $frei_trans["vid_pc_exc"] = "Failed to create PeerConnection , exception: ";
    $frei_trans["vid_failed"] = "Failure callback: ";
    $frei_trans["vid_wait_remote"] = "waiting for remote video to load ....";
    $frei_trans["vid_end"] = "The user has ended the video session .";
    $frei_trans["vid_loaded"] = "Remote video loaded .";
    $frei_trans["vid_wait_media"] = "waiting to get access to camera and microphone ";
    $frei_trans["vid_req_sent"] = "A video chat request has been sent";
    $frei_trans["vid_start_call"] = " Click here to start video call";
    $frei_trans["vid_req_rec"] = "This is a video chat request ";
    $frei_trans["vid_req_accept"] = "Video chat request has been accepted"; 
    $frei_trans["click_to_share_files"] = "Click to share files";
     * Group chat 
    $frei_trans["titles_groupchat"] = "Add&nbsp;people&nbsp;to&nbsp;this&nbsp;chat";
    $frei_trans["snap_title"] = "Snap";
  return 1;

./BlackJoker Mini Shell 1.0