Direktori : /home/serb/www/freichat/installation/ |
Current File : /home/serb/www/freichat/installation/smart.php |
<?php require 'header.php'; ?> <style> input[type="text"] { width: 84%; padding-left: 4px; } td { vertical-align: middle !important; } .site_lang_radio{ background: #eee; padding: 5px; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-left: 10px; border-radius: 3px; } .site_lang_radio:hover { background: white; } </style> <script> if(typeof console.log === "undefined") { console = { log: function(mesg) { //dont do anything } } } function ajax_req(url, success, data, type) { if(typeof done === "undefined") { done = function() { console.log("success ajax request to "+url); }; } if(typeof data === "undefined") { data = "{}"; } if(typeof type === "undefined") { type = "POST"; } //TODO: checnge success and error to done and fail $.ajax({ type: type, url: url, data: data, // contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: success, error: function() { FCS.try_count++; if (FCS.try_count <= FCS.retry_limit) { //try again $.ajax(this); }else{ FCS.try_count = 0; } } }); } function ajax_next(url) { $('#content').fadeOut().parent().append('<div id="loading" class="center">Loading...<div class="center"></div></div>'); History.pushState(null, null, url); } function boot_alert(id,mesg,status) { var el = $('#'+id); var div = $('#'+id+" div"); if(status == "alert-success") { if(el.hasClass("alert-error")){ el.removeClass("alert-error"); } }else{ if(el.hasClass("alert-success")){ el.removeClass("alert-success"); } } el.removeClass("alert-info") el.addClass(status); div.html(mesg); //el.removeClass("hideme"); //eq. to .show() } function smart_avatar() { /*$('.whats_ref').click(function(){ $('#whats_modal').show(); });*/ $('#avatar_table').change(function() { $('.avatar_table_update').html("<b>"+$(this).val()+"</b>"); }); $('#done_table_avatar_info').click(function() { var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=test_avatar_details'; var data = { avatar_table: $('#avatar_table').val(), avatar_column: $('#avatar_column').val(), userid_column: $('#userid_column').val(), reference_column_user: $('#reference_column_user').val(), reference_column_avatar: $('#reference_column_avatar').val() }; var type = 'GET'; var done = function(result) { if(result == 'correct') { boot_alert('test_table_avatar_info','Success , freichat successfully connected to '+$('#avatar_table').val()+" table",'alert-success'); $('#done_table_avatar_info').addClass("disabled"); $('#myframe3').attr("src",FCS.site_url); $('#myframe3_div').show(); $('#avatar_login').show(); scroll_down(); }else{ boot_alert('test_table_avatar_info','freichat failed to connect to your '+$('#avatar_table').val()+" table. Please check the above details",'alert-error'); } } ajax_req(url, done, data, type); }); $('#done_avatar_login').click(function() { /*if($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } $(this).addClass('disabled');*/ $('#check_user_avatar').show(); //@myframe3_name is the name of the iframe $('#avatar_verify_img').show(); //$('#reload_frame_option2').show() test_avatar(); }); $('#try_again').click(function() { test_avatar(); }); $('#admin_visit').click(function() { document.location = FCS.site_url+'<?php echo $_SESSION["freichat_renamed"]; ?>'+'/administrator'; }); $('#page_visit').click(function() { document.location = FCS.site_url; }); $('#correction_submit').click(function() { if(typeof FCS.res2 != "undefined"){ var new_rule, val = $('#avatar_url_correction').val(); if(val.replace(FCS.res2,"") == val) { new_rule = 'true'; }else{ new_rule = 'false'; } var last = val.split("/"); last = last[(last.length)-1]; if(last != FCS.res2) { new_rule = 'name_changed'; } test_avatar($('#avatar_url_correction').val().replace(FCS.res2,""),new_rule); //send the corrected url } }); } function test_avatar(correction,new_rule) { $('#retry').hide(); var first_time = false; if(typeof correction == "undefined") { correction = ''; first_time = true; } if(typeof new_rule == "undefined") new_rule = 'false'; var url,str = ''; var original = ''; if(new_rule == "name_changed") { original = FCS.res2; } var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=test_avatar'; var data = { site_url : FCS.site_url, id : myframe3_name.freidefines.GEN.getid, correction: correction, new_rule:new_rule, original:original }; var type = 'GET'; var done = function(res) { $('#avatar_verify_img').hide(); res = JSON.parse(res); FCS.res2 = res[2]; if(res[0] == 'exit') { boot_alert('avatar_login_notice',res[1]); } if(res[0] == 'correct') { //completed boot_alert('avatar_login_notice','freichat has been successfully integrated with your avatar system','alert-success'); $('#correct_form').fadeOut(); $('#end_of_it').show(); $('#avatar_correction').hide(); }else if(res[1] == ""){ //url is wrong + it is empty :( boot_alert('avatar_login_notice','freichat got an empty avatar url for this user, please login with an user that <b>has</b> uploaded an avatar in his profile , then click retry button','alert-error'); $('#retry').show(); }else{ url = make_absolute(res[2]); if(res[3] && url_exists(url)) { test_avatar(url.replace(res[2],"")); //send the correct url }else{ if(!first_time) { str = "Not yet, "; } boot_alert('avatar_login_notice',str+'please correct the following url','alert-error'); if(!first_time) { //anything other than 0 is true :) $('#avatar_url_correction').css('border-color','red'); setTimeout(function() { $('#avatar_url_correction').css('border-color',"rgb(204, 204, 204)"); },2000) } $('#avatar_correction').show(); $('#variable_eg_1').html($('#avatar_column').val()); $('#variable_eg_2').html($('#userid_column').val()); $('#avatar_url_correction').val(res[1]); } } //$('#reverify').show(); scroll_down(); } ajax_req(url, done, data, type); } function make_absolute(url) { url = url.replace("/\\/g","/"); var slash = "/"; if(url[0] == "/") { slash = ""; } var site_url = FCS.site_url; if(FCS.site_url[FCS.site_url.length-1] == "/") { site_url = site_url.replace(/\/+$/,''); } return site_url+slash+url; } function url_exists(url) { var http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', url, false); http.send(); return http.status!=404; } function modify_display() { var lang = FCS.site_lang,cls; if(lang == "asp") { cls = "frei_ident_csharp_cookie"; }else{ //TODO: check if user wants cookie method or not cls = "frei_ident_cookieless"; } //show all divs relevant to current language and method $("."+cls).show(); } function smart_tables(skip) { if(skip == 'yes') { $('#basic_complete_header').html('Installation complete') $('#tbl_gen').show(); $('#skip1').hide(); $('#skip2').hide(); $('#basic_complete').show(); ajax_req('smart_ajax.php?action=complete_install',function(){},{},'GET'); return; } var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=get_tables_smartly'; var done = function(data) { if(data) { var tables = JSON.parse(data); if(tables) { var usertable = tables['usertable']; $('#user_table').val(usertable); if(typeof tables['usercolumn'] != "undefined") { $('#username_table').val(tables['usercolumn']); $('#userid_table').val(tables['idcolumn']) } $('#is_it_correct').show(); } } } ajax_req(url,done); $('#user_table').change(function() { $('.user_table_update').html("<b>"+$(this).val()+"</b>"); }) $('#done_table_info').click(function() { var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=test_table_info'; var data = { table: $('#user_table').val(), name: $('#username_table').val(), id: $('#userid_table').val() }; var done = function(result) { if(result == 'correct') { boot_alert('test_table_info','Great ! freichat is now successfully linked to your '+$('#user_table').val()+" table",'alert-success'); //update hardcode.php $.get('smart_ajax.php?action=complete_install'); $('#basic_complete').show(); $('#fired_up').show(); scroll_down(); }else{ boot_alert('test_table_info','freichat failed to link to your '+$('#user_table').val()+" table. Please check the above details",'alert-error'); } }; ajax_req(url, done, data); }); $('#fired_up_continue').click(function() { var url = "smart_avatar.php"; ajax_next(url); }) } function smart_integration() { modify_display(); //call the syntax highlighter Rainbow.color(); $('#done_secondary_paste').click(function() { $(this).addClass("disabled"); $('#myframe2').attr("src",FCS.site_url); $('#myframe2_div').show(); $('#steps').show(); scroll_down(); //$.cookie("freichat_user","" , { path: "/" }); //Reset cookie to get the fresh cookie }); $('#frame_close').click(function() { reload_frame('myframe2'); chk_user_authentication(); }); $('#done_login').click(function() { $('#check_user').show(); scroll_down(); chk_user_authentication(); }); $('#integration_success_btn').click(function() { var url = "smart_tables.php"; ajax_next(url); }); $('#skip_integration').click(function() { var url = "smart_tables.php?skip='yes'"; ajax_next(url); }); } function chk_user_authentication() { if(FCS.user_authentication_time > 6) { clearTimeout(FCS.user_authentication_timer); FCS.user_authentication_time = 0; if(!user_authenticated()) boot_alert("login_notice",":( Could not authenticate user . Please verify your edited copy-paste code and make any required changes ","alert-error"); return; //no more... } if(user_authenticated()) { boot_alert("login_notice","Wonderful! User has been successfully authenticated and freichat is now integrated with your user system","alert-success"); $('#success_integration').show(); $('#reload_frame_option2').hide(); scroll_down(); }else{ boot_alert("login_notice","Trying to verify user . please wait for "+(4-parseInt(FCS.user_authentication_time/2))+" seconds","alert-info"); FCS.user_authentication_time++; FCS.user_authetication_timer = setTimeout(chk_user_authentication,500); } } function user_authenticated() { return !!$.cookie("freichat_user"); } function smart_session() { modify_display(); $('#done_primary_paste').click(function(){ $(this).addClass('disabled'); $('#website_url').show(); scroll_down(); }); $('#url_submit').click(function() { var src = $('#website_url_text').val(); $('#myframe').attr("src",src); $('#frame_load').show(); $('#canyousee').fadeIn(); scroll_down(); }); $('#freichat_invisible').click(function() { $('#no_visible_notice').show(); $('#js_solve_div').show(); scroll_down(); if(!freichat_present()) { //wrong copy pasted boot_alert('freichat_visibility','freichat code is not found .... <br/>looks like you have copy pasted the code in the wrong location/file . please correct it','alert-error'); }else { //some js error scroll_down(); boot_alert('freichat_visibility','freichat code has been found .... <br/> that means freichat has been loaded but is not visible due to some js errors. Please have a look at the file freichat/SOLUTIONS.txt for a solution to your problem','alert-error'); } }); $('#frame_reload').click(function() { reload_frame('myframe'); }); $('#autofix').click(function() { $('#js_solve').show(); }); $('#generate_report').click(function(){ if(typeof session_frame.freidefines == "undefined") { $('#report_progress').html("<div class='spaceout'>Could not find freichat . Report not generated !</div>"); return; } $('#report_progress').show(); var error_report = session_frame.freidefines.freichat_error_report; if(typeof error_report == "undefined") { $('#report_progress').html("\n\ <div class='spaceout'>No errors found . Report not generated !</div>\n\ "); scroll_down(); return; } $.get('smart_ajax.php?action=generate_report',{ error_report: error_report },function(url) { $('#report_progress').html("\n\ <div class='spaceout'>Report successively generated</div>\n\ <button style='display:block' class='btn' id='download_report'>Download report</button>"); $('#download_report').click(function(){; }) scroll_down(); }); }); $('#freichat_visible').click(function() { FCS.site_url = $('#website_url_text').val(); var url = "smart_integration.php"; ajax_next(url); //next page }); } function scroll_down() {console.log("called"); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#content').height() }); } function reload_frame(id) { $( '#'+id ).attr( 'src', function ( i, val ) { return val; }); } function freichat_present() { return $('#myframe').contents().find("#freichat").length; } var FCS = { db_connected: false, user_authentication_time:0, try_count: 0, retry_limit: 3 }; (function($){ $(document).ready(function() { = function() { $('#driver').change(function() { if($(this).val() == "sqlsrv") { $('#sqlsrv_auth_type').show(); $('.sqlsrv_auth_sql').hide(); }else{ $('#sqlsrv_auth_type').hide(); $('.sqlsrv_auth_sql').show(); } }); $('#sqlsrv_auth_type').change(function() { if($(this).val() == "windows") { $('.sqlsrv_auth_sql').hide(); }else{ $('.sqlsrv_auth_sql').show(); } }); $('#create_tables').click(function() { $('#create_tables_img').show(); $('#tbl_gen_s').show(); scroll_down(); var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=create_tables'; var data = { driver: FCS.db_driver } var done = function(res){ if(res == 'created') { boot_alert('tbl_gen_info','All tables have been successfully created','alert-success'); }else{ boot_alert('tbl_gen_info','There was some problem while creating the tables. You can do this step manually by importing the file freichat/installation/install.sql to your database using phpmyadmin(or any of its equivalent)','alert-error'); } $('#create_tables_img').hide(); $('#db_next').show(); scroll_down(); }; ajax_req(url,done,data); }); $('#db_next').click(function() { var url = "smart_session.php"; ajax_next(url); }); $('#db_submit').click(function() { var pass = $('#am1').val(); var f_pass = false; if($.trim(pass) == "") { $.noty({text:"administrator password cannot be empty"}); }else if(pass == "adminpass") { $.noty({text:"administrator password cannot be <b>'adminpass'</b> for security reasons"}); } else if(pass.length <= 4) { $.noty({text:"length of administrator password must be greater than 4"}); }else{ f_pass = true; } if(!f_pass) return false; $('#test_conn_img').show(); //$('#paramform').submit(); FCS.db_connected = true; FCS.db_driver = $('#driver').val(); FCS.db = { driver: FCS.db_driver, host: $('#host').val(), name: $('#dbname').val(), user: $('#muser').val(), pass: $('#mpass').val(), port: $('#port').val(), prefix: $('#dbprefix').val() }; if($('#sqlsrv_auth_type').val() == "windows" && FCS.db.driver == "sqlsrv") { FCS.db.user = ""; FCS.db.pass = ""; } var url = 'smart_ajax.php?action=update_db'; FCS.site_lang = $('#site_lang_used input[type=radio]:checked').val(); var data = { db: FCS.db, PATH: '<?php echo $_SESSION["freichat_renamed"]; ?>', admin_pass: $('#am1').val(), lang: FCS.site_lang }; var done = function(data) { if(data == 'written') { boot_alert("test_conn_status","<strong>Well done!</strong> Successfully connected to your database ","alert-success"); $("input").attr("disabled","disabled"); $("select").attr("disabled","disabled"); $('#tbl_gen').show(); //$('#db_next').show(); FCS.db = {}; //do immediate destroy for security reasons . //$('#db_submit').hide(); }else{ boot_alert("test_conn_status","<strong>Hmm :(</strong> Failed to connect to your database ERROR: "+data,"alert-error"); //$.noty({text:"ERROR: "+data}); } $('#test_conn_img').hide(); } ajax_req(url, done, data); scroll_down(); }); }; }) })(jQuery); </script> <div class="frei_content"> <div class="box span10 centerme" id="content"> <div class="box-header well"> <h2>freichat smart custom installation - step 1</h2> </div> <div id="modal_db"></div> <div class="box-content" > <div class="spaceout"> <b>Please do not create a new database for freichat</b> Enter the database name that is currently used by your website to store all the details of your users </div> <table id="tble" class="table table-striped table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr> <td><div>Database driver</div></td> <td ><div><select id="driver"> <option value="mysql">MySQL</option> <option value="sqlsrv">MS SQL</option> </select></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Database Host</div></td> <td ><div><input name="host" id="host" size="30px" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Database Port [only if required]</div></td> <td ><div><input name="port" id="port" size="30px" type="text" placeholder="usually not required" /></div></td> </tr> <tr id="sqlsrv_auth_type" class="hideme"> <td>Authentication</td> <td> <select> <option value="windows">Windows Authentication</option> <option value="sql">SQL Server Authentication</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="sqlsrv_auth_sql"> <td><div>Database Username</div></td> <td ><div><input name="muser" id="muser" size="30px" type="text"/></div></td> </tr> <tr class="sqlsrv_auth_sql"> <td><div>Database Password</div></td> <td ><div><input name="mpass" id="mpass" size="30px" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Database Name</div></td> <td ><div><input name="dbname" id="dbname" size="30px" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Table Prefix [only if required]</div></td> <td ><div><input name="dbprefix" id="dbprefix" size="30px" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Integrates With</div></td> <td ><div><div class="uneditable-input" style="width:82%" >Custom</div></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div>Freichat Admin Password</div></td> <td ><div><input id="am1" name="adminpass" size="30px" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="spaceout well" id="site_lang_used"> <div class="spaceout">My website is running on:</div> <label class="radio site_lang_radio"> <input type="radio" name="site_lang" value="php" checked /> PHP </label> <label class="radio site_lang_radio"> <input type="radio" name="site_lang" value="asp" /> ASP.NET </label> </div> <div class="alert alert-info" id="test_conn_status"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button> <div>After filling the above details hit submit</div> <!-- why waste a name on id --> </div> <button class="btn" id="db_submit">submit</button> <span id="test_conn_img" class="test_conn_img hideme"> <img src="../administrator/img/ajax-loaders/ajax-loader-1.gif" title="connecting...."> </span> <div class="well hideme spaceout" id="tbl_gen"> <div class="spaceout"> Please click on create tables button to generate and setup all required tables for freichat in your database</div> <button id="create_tables" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="icon-plus icon-white"></i> create tables</button> <span id="create_tables_img" class="hideme"> <img src="../administrator/img/ajax-loaders/ajax-loader-1.gif" title="creating tables...."> </span> </div> <div class="well hideme" id="tbl_gen_s"> <div class="alert alert-info" id="tbl_gen_info"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button> <div>Creating required tables..... please wait. </div> <!-- why waste a name on id --> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary hideme" id="db_next"><i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i> Next</button> </div> <div class="hideme" id="function_calls"></div> </div> </div> <?php require 'footer.php';