Direktori : /home/serb/www/freichat/client/ |
Current File : /home/serb/www/freichat/client/jsdef.js |
function Get_Cookie(b) { if ("undefined" !== typeof Storage) return localStorage.getItem(b); for (var c = document.cookie.split(";"), a = "", d = "", f = "", e = 0; e < c.length; e++) if (a = c[e].split("="), d = a[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), d == b) return 1 < a.length && (f = unescape(a[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""))), f; return!1 } function Set_Cookie(b, c) { if ("undefined" !== typeof Storage) localStorage.setItem(b, c); else { var a = 0, d = new Date; d.setTime(d.getTime()); a && (a *= 864E5); d = new Date(d.getTime() + a); document.cookie = b + "=" + escape(c) + (a ? ";expires=" + d.toGMTString() : "") + ";path=/" } } function Delete_Cookie(b, c, a) { Get_Cookie(b) && (document.cookie = b + "=" + (c ? ";path=" + c : "") + (a ? ";domain=" + a : "") + ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT") } ; if (!Get_Cookie('frei_time')) { Set_Cookie('frei_time', "<?php echo time(); ?>"); } if (!Get_Cookie('frei_custom_mesg')) { Set_Cookie('frei_custom_mesg', "<?php echo $frei_trans['default_status']; ?>"); } if (!Get_Cookie('frei_sound')) { Set_Cookie('frei_sound', "on"); } if (!Get_Cookie('selected_chatroom')) { Set_Cookie('selected_chatroom', "-1"); } if (!Get_Cookie('selected_chatroom_color')) { Set_Cookie('selected_chatroom_color', "grey"); } /*-----------------------Definitions--------------------------------------------*/ freidefines = { // GEN => GENERAL CONFIGURATION GEN: { is_guest: '<?php echo $_SESSION[$uid."is_guest"]; ?>', // url: '<?php echo $url; ?>', ses_status: '<?php echo $_SESSION[$uid."freistatus"]; ?>', // reidfrom: '<?php echo $id; ?>', // getid: '<?php echo $cvs->session_id; ?>', fromname: '<?php echo $pfromname; ?>', custom_mesg: Get_Cookie('frei_custom_mesg'), time: Get_Cookie('frei_time'), fromid: '<?php echo $_SESSION[$uid . "usr_ses_id"]; ?>', referer: window.location.href, rtl: '<?php echo $_SESSION[$uid."rtl"]; ?>', content_height: '<?php echo $cvs->content_height; ?>', user_defined_chatbox_content_status: '<?php echo $cvs->user_defined_chatbox_content_status; ?>', BOOT: '<?php echo $cvs->BOOT; ?>', force_load_jquery: '<?php echo $cvs->force_load_jquery; ?>', custom_error_handling: '<?php echo $cvs->custom_error_handling; ?>' }, // SET => GENERAL SETTINGS SET: { theme: '<?php echo $cvs->color; ?>', fonload: '<?php echo $cvs->load; ?>', chatspeed: '<?php echo $cvs->chatspeed; ?>', draggable: '<?php echo $cvs->draggable; ?>', fxval: '<?php echo $cvs->fxval; ?>', //Jquery Effects mesgSendSpeed: '<?php echo $cvs->msgSendSpeed; ?>', addedoptions_visibility: '<?php echo $cvs->addedoptions_visibility; ?>', show_avatar: '<?php echo $cvs->show_avatar; ?>', allow_guest_name_change: '<?php echo $cvs->allow_guest_name_change; ?>' }, STATUS: { IMG: { online: '<?php echo $frei_trans["go_online"]; ?>', offline: '<?php echo $frei_trans["go_offline"]; ?>', busy: '<?php echo $frei_trans["go_busy"]; ?>', invisible: '<?php echo $frei_trans["go_invisible"]; ?>' }, TEXT: { online: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_txt_online"]; ?>', busy: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_txt_busy"]; ?>', invisible: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_txt_invisible"]; ?>', offline: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_txt_offline"]; ?>' } }, video_config: { api_key: '<?php echo "20319841"; ?>' }, TRANS: { chat_message_me: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chat_message_me"]; ?>', chat_status: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chat_status"]; ?>', rtl: '<?php echo $frei_trans["rtl"]; ?> ', ban_mesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["ban_mesg"]; ?>', chatroom_label: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_label"];?>', no_search_results: '<?php echo $frei_trans["no_search_results"]; ?>', custom_mesg_update: '<?php echo $frei_trans["custom_mesg_update"]; ?>', g_prefix: '<?php echo $frei_trans["g_prefix"]; ?>', chatroom_tab_users: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_tab_users"]; ?>', chatroom_tab_rooms: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_tab_rooms"]; ?>', chatroom_hide: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_hide"]; ?>', mobile_chat: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mobile_chat"]; ?>', vid_req_sent: '<?php echo $frei_trans["vid_req_sent"]; ?>', chatroom_lobby: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_lobby"]; ?>', new_chatroom_message: '<?php echo $frei_trans["new_chatroom_message"]; ?>', chatroom_creator_new: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_new"]; ?>', chatroom_creator_pass: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_pass"]; ?>', chatroom_creator_paswd: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_paswd"]; ?>', chatroom_creator: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_creator"]; ?>', chatroom_creator_exists: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_creator_exists"]; ?>', cancel: '<?php echo $frei_trans["cancel"]; ?>', create_chatroom_title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["create_chatroom_title"]; ?>', custom_guest_name_exists: '<?php echo $frei_trans["custom_guest_name_exists"]; ?>', chatroom_tools_toggle: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_tools_toggle"]; ?>', search_placeholder: '<?php echo $frei_trans["search_placeholder"]; ?>', custom_name_title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["custom_name_title"]; ?>', status_title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_title"]; ?>', MAIL: { _with: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_conv_with"]; ?>', type: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_conv_type"]; ?>', subject: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_conv_subject"]; ?>', rec: "<?php echo $frei_trans['mail_conv_rec']; ?>", send: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_conv_send"]; ?>', title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mobile_mail_title"]; ?>', lsubject: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_label_subject"]; ?>', lmail: '<?php echo $frei_trans["mail_label_mail"]; ?>' }, FILE: { title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_title"]; ?>', select: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_select"]; ?>', remove: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_remove"]; ?>', inotice: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_inotice"]; ?>', inotice2: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_inotice2"]; ?>', inotice3: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_inotice3"]; ?>', change: '<?php echo $frei_trans["file_change"]; ?>' } }, language: '<?php echo $cvs->lang; ?>', lockedimg: '<?php echo $lockedimg; ?>', wrenchimg: '<?php echo $wrenchimg; ?>', smiley_chatroomimg: '<?php echo $smiley_chatroomimg; ?>', rtlimg_enabled: '<?php echo $rtlimg_enabled; ?>', rtlimg_disabled: '<?php echo $rtlimg_disabled; ?>', gchatimg: '<?php echo $gchatimg; ?>', mailimg: '<?php echo $mailimg; ?>', saveimg: '<?php echo $saveimg; ?>', videoimg: '<?php echo $videoimg;?>', groupchatimg: '<?php echo $groupchatimg;?>', smileyimg: '<?php echo $smileyimg; ?>', arrowimg: '<?php echo $arrowimg; ?>', newtopimg: '<?php echo $newtopimg; ?>', btopimg: '<?php echo $btopimg; ?>', notransimg: '<?php echo $notransimg; ?>', translateimg: '<?php echo $translateimg; ?>', uploadimg: '<?php echo $uploadimg; ?>', deleteimg: '<?php echo $deleteimg; ?>', minimg: '<?php echo $minimg; ?>', maximg: '<?php echo $maximg; ?>', closeimg: '<?php echo $closeimg; ?>', logoutimg: '<?php echo $logoutimg; ?>', onlineimg: '<?php echo $onlineimg; ?>', busyimg: '<?php echo $busyimg; ?>', invisibleimg: '<?php echo $invisibleimg; ?>', restoreimg: '<?php echo $restoreimg; ?>', offlineimg: '<?php echo $offlineimg; ?>', offline: '<?php echo $offline; ?>', optimg: '<?php echo $optimg; ?>', toolimg: '<?php echo $toolimg; ?>', chatroomimg: '<?php echo $chatroomimg; ?>', jquery_theme: '<?php echo $jquery_theme; ?>', fnopermsht: '<?php echo $fnopermsht; ?>', //Height When user has no permissions fnoonlineht: '<?php echo $fnoonlineht; ?>', //Height When No one is online fone_onlineht: '<?php echo $fone_onlineht; ?>', //Height When one user online fmaxht: '<?php echo $fmaxht; ?>', //Height when more than one user smileys: JSON.parse('<?php echo $smileys; ?>'), thememaker: false, mobile: '<?php echo $mobile; ?>', chatHistoryDeleted: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatHistoryDeleted"]; ?>', chatHistoryNotFound: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatHistoryNotFound"]; ?>', cb_head: '<?php echo $frei_trans["cb_head"]; ?>', pwdby: '<?php echo $frei_trans["pwdby"]; ?>', nopermsmesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["noperms"]; ?>', nolinemesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["noline"]; ?>', chatroom_nolinemesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chatroom_noline"]; ?>', newmesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["newmesg"]; ?>', onfoffline: '<?php echo $frei_trans["on_offline"]; ?>', restore_drag_pos: '<?php echo $frei_trans["restore_drag_pos"]; ?>', status_txt: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_txt"]; ?>', opt_txt: '<?php echo $frei_trans["opt_txt"]; ?>', onOfflinemesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["onOfflinemesg"]; ?>', plugin_trans_disable: '<?php echo $frei_trans["plugin_transdisable"]; ?>', plugin_trans_orig: '<?php echo $frei_trans["plugin_trans_orig"]; ?>', titles_translate: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_translate"]; ?>', titles_upload: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_upload"]; ?>', titles_mail: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_mail"]; ?>', titles_smiley: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_smiley"]; ?>', titles_clrcht: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_clrcht"]; ?>', titles_save: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_save"]; ?>', titles_videochat: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_videochat"]; ?>', titles_groupchat: '<?php echo $frei_trans["titles_groupchat"]; ?>', status_online: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_online"]; ?>', status_busy: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_busy"]; ?>', status_invisible: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_invisible"]; ?>', status_offline: '<?php echo $frei_trans["status_offline"]; ?>', default_status: '<?php echo $frei_trans["default_status"]; ?>', set_custom_mesg: '<?php echo $frei_trans["set_custom_mesg"]; ?>', chat_room_title: '<?php echo $frei_trans["chat_room_title"]; ?>', PLUGINS: { show_file_send: '<?php echo $cvs->show_file_sending_plugin; ?>', showtranslate: '<?php echo "disabled"; ?>', showsmiley: '<?php echo $cvs->show_smiley_plugin; ?>', showsave: '<?php echo $cvs->show_save_plugin; ?>', showmail: '<?php echo $cvs->show_mail_plugin; ?>', showchatroom: '<?php echo $show_chatroom_plugin; ?>', showvideochat: '<?php echo $cvs->show_videochat_plugin; ?>', showmobilechat: '<?php echo $cvs->show_mobilechat_plugin; ?>', chatroom_location: '<?php echo $cvs->chatroom_location; ?>', chatroom_autoclose: '<?php echo $cvs->chatroom_autoclose; ?>', chatroom_offset: '<?php echo $cvs->chatroom_offset; ?>', chatroom_label_offset: '<?php echo $cvs->chatroom_label_offset; ?>', chatroom_rotate: '<?php echo $chatroom_rotate; ?>', chatroom_override_positions: '<?php echo $cvs->chatroom_override_positions; ?>', chat_time_shown_always: '<?php echo $cvs->chat_time_shown_always; ?>' }, JSdebug: '<?php echo $cvs->JSdebug; ?>', playsound: '<?php echo $cvs->playsound ?>', busy_timeOut: '<?php echo $cvs->busy_timeOut; ?>', offline_timeOut: '<?php echo $cvs->offline_timeOut; ?>', xhash: '<?php echo preg_replace("/\?./","",$_SESSION[$uid."xhash"]); ?>', jconflicts: '<?php echo $cvs->conflict; ?>' }; freidefines.ACL = JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($ACL); ?>'); //COMM_15_DAY_NOTIFY_2 /*----------------------THE-PHP-JS-Bridge---------------------------------------*/ //COMM_EVERY_TIME_CHECK if (freidefines.PLUGINS.chatroom_override_positions == 'yes') { //positions are taken from the theme instead from the backend freidefines.PLUGINS.chatroom_label_offset = '<?php echo $chatroom_position; ?>'; freidefines.PLUGINS.chatroom_offset = '<?php echo $chatroom_offset; ?>'; } /* THE main FreiChatX INIT part */ var X_init = false; if (typeof FreiChat != "undefined") { X_init = true; } var FreiChat = { oldtitle: document.title, loop: 0, last_chatroom_msg_id: null, last_chatroom_usr_id: null, last_chatroom_msg_type: [], //[BUBBLE !!]TRUE ->RIGHT FALSE ->LEFT ses_status: freidefines.GEN.ses_status, time: 0, chatroom_mesg_time: 0, freistatus: null, ostatus: null, box_count: 0, box_crt: [], box_crt_id: [], room_array: [], windowFocus: false, debug: freidefines.JSdebug, //Set to true to debug with firebug , set to false(default) when over cnt: 0, inact_time: 0, //initial Inactivity time busy_timeOut: freidefines.busy_timeOut, // In seconds offline_timeOut: freidefines.offline_timeOut, //In seconds inactive: false, //initially not inactive onloadActive: false, clrchtids: [], bulkmesg: [], isOlduser: null, load_chatroom_complete: false, //Ttext:null, temporary_status: 0, unique: 0, timer: null, change_titletimer: null, first: false, RequestCompleted_get_members: true, RequestCompleted_send_messages: true, RequestCompleted_isset_mesg: true, SendMesgTimeOut: 0, passBYpost: false, custom_mesg: 'i am null', in_room: Get_Cookie('selected_chatroom'), chatroom_users: [], title: 'General Talk', bulkmesg_chatroom: [], height: 20, chatroom_changed: false, first_message: true, last_chatmessage_usr_id: {}, msg_access: true, long_poll: 'true', chatroom_written: [false, false, false, false, false, false], current_smiley_selected: 0, d_id: freidefines.GEN.reidfrom, video_message_sent: false, video_rids: [], jscrollers: [], userdata: [], dragxTimer: false, custom_gst_name: freidefines.GEN.fromname, g_prefix: freidefines.TRANS.g_prefix.replace("-", "").toLowerCase(), jscroll: {} //all scroller objects for each chatwindow is stored here };