Direktori : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/cmses/ |
Current File : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/cmses/phpBB307CMS.php |
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if ( !defined( 'INC_DIR' ) ) { die( 'hacking attempt' ); } define('IN_PHPBB', true); $phpbb3_root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../') . '/'; include($phpbb3_root_path . 'config.php'); include($phpbb3_root_path . 'includes/functions.php'); include($phpbb3_root_path . 'includes/constants.php'); class PhpBB30CMS { var $loginStmt; var $getPasswordStmt; var $getUserStmt; var $getUsersStmt; var $getPhotoStmt; var $getLoggedStmt; var $userid; function PhpBB30CMS() { $this->loginStmt = new Statement("SELECT user_id FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1"); $this->getPasswordStmt = new Statement("SELECT user_password FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1"); $this->getUserStmt = new Statement("SELECT user_id as id, username as login, user_rank, user_type FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}users WHERE user_id=? LIMIT 1"); $this->getUsersStmt = new Statement("SELECT user_id as id, username as login FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}users ORDER BY login"); $this->getPhotoStmt = new Statement("SELECT config_value FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}config WHERE config_name='avatar_salt' LIMIT 1"); $this->getLoggedStmt = new Statement("SELECT config_value FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}config WHERE config_name='cookie_name' LIMIT 1"); // select auth_role_id from *_acl_users table, which contains moderator permissions. artemK0 $this->getModeratorStmt = new Statement("SELECT auth_role_id FROM {$GLOBALS['table_prefix']}acl_users WHERE user_id=? LIMIT 1"); } function isLoggedIn() { $rs = $this->getLoggedStmt->process(); $rl = $rs->next(); $cookie_name = $rl['config_value'] . '_u'; if( isset($GLOBALS['_COOKIE'][$cookie_name]) && $GLOBALS['_COOKIE'][$cookie_name] != ANONYMOUS) { return $GLOBALS['_COOKIE'][$cookie_name]; } return null; } function login($username, $password) { $rp = $this->getPasswordStmt->process($username); $rep = $rp->next(); if($username && $password && ($rs = $this->loginStmt->process($username)) && ($rec = $rs->next()) && (phpbb_check_hash($password, $rep['user_password']))) { return $rec['user_id']; } return false; } function logout() { } function getUser($userid) { if($userid == SPY_USERID) return null; if($userid && ($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) { if ($rec['user_type'] >= 1) { if ($rec['user_type'] == 3) { $rec['roles'] = ROLE_ADMIN; $rec['user_level'] = ROLE_ADMIN; } else { $rec['roles'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; $rec['user_level'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; } } // [BEGIN added on 3.12.07] user_type in 3.0.RC8 is no longer contains in *_users table. Now all moderator permissions is in *_acl_users table. artemK0 elseif(($rec['user_type'] == 0) && ($rs_mod = $this->getModeratorStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec_mod = $rs_mod->next())) { // if auth_role_id==10 it means that user have permission "Full Moderator". artemK0 if($rec_mod['auth_role_id']=="10") { $rec['roles'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; $rec['user_level'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; } } // [END added on 3.12.07] elseif ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']) { $rec['roles'] = ROLE_CUSTOMER; $rec['user_type'] = ROLE_CUSTOMER; } elseif ($rec['user_rank'] >= 0) { $rec['roles'] = ROLE_USER ; $rec['user_type'] = ROLE_USER; switch($rec['user_rank']) { case 2: $rec['roles'] = ROLE_USER ; break; case 2: $rec['user_type'] = ROLE_USER; break; case 3: $rec['roles'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; break; case 3: $rec['user_type'] = ROLE_MODERATOR; break; default: $rec['roles'] = ROLE_USER ; break; } } return $rec; } return null; } function getUsers() { return $this->getUsersStmt->process(); } function getUserProfile($userid) { if($user = $this->getUser($userid)) { return "../ucp.php?i=164"; //return "../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$userid"; } return null; } function getPhoto($userid) { $rs = $this->getPhotoStmt->process(); $rl = $rs->next(); $name = $rl['config_value'] . '_' . $userid . '.jpg'; return '../images/avatars/upload/' . $name; } function userInRole($userid, $role) { if($user = $this->getUser($userid)) { return ($user['roles'] == $role); } return false; } function getGender($userid) { // 'M' for Male, 'F' for Female, NULL for undefined return NULL; } } $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db'] = array( 'host' => $dbhost, 'user' => (isset($dbuser) ? $dbuser : $dbuname), 'pass' => $dbpasswd, 'base' => $dbname, 'pref' => $table_prefix . 'fc_', ); $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cms'] = new PhpBB30CMS(); foreach($GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$k]['dialog']['login']['moderator'] = ''; } ?>