Direktori : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/cmses/ |
Current File : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/cmses/ipb30CMS.php |
<?php /************************************************************************/ //!!! IMPORTANT NOTE //!!! FlashChat 4.4.0 and higher support a new user role: ROLE_MODERATOR //!!! Please edit the getUser and getRoles function if you need use of //!!! the new moderator role. This change has not yet been applied. /************************************************************************/ // integration class for Invision Power Board ( $curdir = getcwd(); $ipb_root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../') . '/'; chdir($ipb_root_path); require_once($ipb_root_path . 'conf_global.php'); chdir($curdir); class IPBCMS { var $userid; var $loginStmt; var $getUserStmt; var $getUsersStmt; function IPBCMS() { $this->loginStmt = new Statement( "SELECT m.member_id, AS login, m.ip_address as ip_address, m.member_group_id as mgroup from ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."members as m WHERE LOWER( AND m.members_pass_hash = MD5(CONCAT(MD5(m.members_pass_salt),MD5(?))) LIMIT 1"); $this->getUserIdStmt = new Statement("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."sessions WHERE id=?"); $this->getUserStmt = new Statement("SELECT member_id, name AS login, g.g_is_supmod AS is_admin, g.g_open_close_posts AS is_moderator FROM ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."members AS m INNER JOIN ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."groups AS g ON m.member_group_id = g.g_id WHERE member_id=? LIMIT 1"); $this->getUsersStmt = new Statement("SELECT member_id, name as login FROM ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."members"); $this->userid = NULL; if (isset($_COOKIE['session_id'])) { $rs = $this->getUserIdStmt->process($_COOKIE['session_id']); if($rs && ($rec = $rs->next())) { $this->userid = $rec['member_id']; } } } function isLoggedIn() { return $this->userid; } function getRoles($group) { $rv = NULL; if ($group == 1) $rv = ROLE_ADMIN; elseif ( $group == 2 ) $rv = ROLE_MODERATOR; elseif ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']) $rv = ROLE_CUSTOMER; else $rv = ROLE_USER; return $rv; } function getUserProfile($userid) { if ($userid == SPY_USERID) $rv = NULL; elseif ($user = $this->getUser($userid)) { $rv = ($id = $this->isLoggedIn() && ($id == $userid)) ? $GLOBALS["INFO"]["board_url"] . "/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=01" : $GLOBALS["INFO"]["board_url"]."/index.php?showuser={$user[id]}"; } return $rv; } function getUser($userid) { $rv = NULL; if(($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) { if ( $rec['is_admin'] == 1 ) $level = 1; elseif ( $rec['is_moderator'] == 1 ) $level = 2; else $level = 0; $rec['roles'] = $this->getRoles($level); $rv = $rec; } return $rv; } function login($u_login, $u_password) { // taken from IPB's Login::do_login function if (($rs = $this->loginStmt->process(stripslashes(str_replace("'", "'", $u_login)), $u_password)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) { // statements used by IPBCMS::login() $this->updateIPStmt = new Statement("UPDATE ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."members SET ip_address=? WHERE id=?"); $this->deleteSessionStmt = new Statement("DELETE FROM ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."sessions WHERE ip_address=? AND id <> ?"); $this->updateSessionStmt = new Statement("UPDATE ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."sessions SET member_name=?, member_id=?, running_time=?, member_group=?, login_type=? WHERE id=?"); $this->deleteSessionIPStmt = new Statement("DELETE FROM ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."sessions WHERE ip_address=?"); $this->insertSessionStmt = new Statement("INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS["INFO"]["sql_tbl_prefix"]."sessions (id, member_name, member_id, running_time, member_group, ip_address, browser, login_type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $this->userid = $rec['member_id']; $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_domain'] = $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_domain'] == "" ? "" : $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_domain']; $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_path'] = $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_path'] == "" ? "/" : $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_path']; @setcookie("member_id", $rec['member_id'], 0, $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_path'], $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_domain']); @setcookie("pass_hash", $rec[password], 0, $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_path'], $GLOBALS['INFO']['cookie_domain']); // update profile if IP address missing if ($rec[ip_address] == "" || $rec[ip_address] == '') { $this->updateIPStmt->process($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR], $rec['member_id']); } // create or update session $poss_session_id = isset($_COOKIE[$GLOBALS[INFO][cookie_id]."session_id"]) ? urldecode($_COOKIE[$GLOBALS[INFO][cookie_id]."session_id"]) : FALSE; if ($poss_session_id) { // delete any old session with this ipadd that doesn't match our session id $this->deleteSessionStmt->process($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR], $poss_session_id); $this->updateSessionStmt->process($rec[login], $rec['member_id'], time(), $rec[mgroup], 0, $poss_session_id); } else { $session_id = md5(uniqid(microtime())); // delete any old sessions with this users ip $this->deleteSessionIPStmt->process($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]); $this->insertSessionStmt->process($session_id, $rec[login], $rec['member_id'], time(), $rec[mgroup], $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR], substr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,0,50), 0); } return $rec['member_id']; } } function userInRole($userid, $role) { if($user = $this->getUser($userid)) { return ($user['roles'] == $role); } return false; } function logout() { } function getUsers() { $rv = $this->getUsersStmt->process(); return $rv; } function getGender($userid){ // 'M' for Male, 'F' for Female, NULL for undefined return NULL; } } $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db'] = array( 'host' => $INFO['sql_host'], 'user' => $INFO['sql_user'], 'pass' => $INFO['sql_pass'], 'base' => $INFO['sql_database'], 'pref' => $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']."fc_", ); $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cms'] = new IPBCMS(); foreach($GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'][$k]['dialog']['login']['moderator'] = ''; } ?>