Direktori : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/classes/ |
Current File : /home/serb/www/chat/inc/classes/commands.php |
<?php if($irc_cmd == '/showignores') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $ignore_list = 'Ignored by you:'; $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'ignors WHERE userid=?',306); if($rs = $stmt->process($this->userid)) { if(!$rs->hasNext()) $ignore_list .= ' ---'; while($rec = $rs->next()) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['ignoreduserid']); $ignore_list .= ' ' . $user['login']; } $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $ignore_list, $this->color)); } $ignore_list = 'Ignores you:'; $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'ignors WHERE ignoreduserid=?',309); if($rs = $stmt->process($this->userid)) { if(!$rs->hasNext()) $ignore_list .= ' ---'; while($rec = $rs->next()) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['userid']); $ignore_list .= ' ' . $user['login']; } $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $ignore_list, $this->color)); } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/showbans' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans',254); if($rs = $stmt->process()) { if($rs->hasNext()) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { if($rec['userid']) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['userid']); $ban_list = 'Ban by ' . $user['login']; } if($rec['banneduserid']) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['banneduserid']); $ban_list .= ': user ' . $user['login']; } if($rec['roomid']) { $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms WHERE id=?',80); if($rs2 = $stmt->process($rec['roomid'])) { $room = $rs2->next(); $ban_list .= ' banned from room ' . $room['name']; } } else { if(!$rec['ip']) $ban_list .= ' banned from chat'; } if($rec['ip']) { $ban_list .= ' banned by ip ' . $rec['ip']; } $replacements = array( '-' => '', ' ' => '', ':' => ''); $rec['created'] = strtr($rec['created'], $replacements); $ban_list .= ' created at ' . substr($rec['created'], 8, 2) . ':' . substr($rec['created'], 10, 2); $ban_list .= ' date ' . substr($rec['created'], 4, 2) . '-' . substr($rec['created'], 6, 2); $deltatime = time() - mktime(substr($rec['created'], 8, 2), substr($rec['created'], 10, 2), substr($rec['created'], 12, 2), substr($rec['created'], 4, 2), substr($rec['created'], 6, 2), substr($rec['created'], 0, 4)); $deltatime = number_format(($GLOBALS['fc_config']['autounbanAfter'] - $deltatime) / 3600, 1); $ban_list .= ' expires in ' . $deltatime . ' hours'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $ban_list, $this->color)); if($rec['ip']) { $ban_list = 'ip=' . $rec['ip'] . ' host=' . gethostbyaddr($rec['ip']); $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $ban_list, $this->color)); } } return 'ok'; } $txt = 'No bans found'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/rooms' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms' , 55 ); $rs = $stmt->process(); while($rec = $rs->next()) { $rooms = $rec['name'] . ' is'; if($rec['ispublic']) $rooms .= ' public'; else $rooms .= ' private'; if(!$rec['ispermanent']) $rooms .= ' and temporary'; $rooms .= ' room'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $rooms, $this->color)); } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/welcome' || $irc_cmd == '/topic') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); require_once(INC_DIR . 'classes/doRoomEntryInfo.php'); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/status' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\' AND (userid IS NOT NULL OR roomid IS NOT NULL)',160); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Total messages: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\' AND touserid IS NOT NULL'); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Private messages: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans',272); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Bans: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'ignors',310); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Ignores: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE userid IS NOT NULL',234); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Logged in users: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms',63); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Total Rooms: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms WHERE ispublic IS NULL',64); $rs = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs->next(); $txt = 'Private Rooms: ' . $rec['msgnumb']; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/names') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms ORDER BY id',65); $rs = $stmt->process(); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE userid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY roomid' , 235); $rs2 = $stmt->process(); $rec = $rs2->next(); while($room = $rs->next()) { $userlist = $room['name']; if(!$room['ispublic']) $userlist .= ' (P)'; $userlist .= ':'; while($rec['roomid'] == $room['id']) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['userid']); $spy = ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_SPY); if($user && !$spy) $userlist .= ' "' . $user['login'] . '"'; $rec = $rs2->next(); } if($role_admin || $room['ispublic'] || $room['id'] == $this->roomid) $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $userlist, $this->color)); } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/sos') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $user = ChatServer::getUser($this->userid); $soscall = 'SOS call from user ' . $user['login'] . ' in this Room'; if(strlen($txt) > 4) $soscall .= '<br>User message: ' . substr($txt, 5); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE roomid=? AND userid IS NOT NULL',238); $rs = $stmt->process($this->roomid); while($rec = $rs->next()) { if(ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_ADMIN)) { $this->sendToUser($rec['userid'], new Message('alrt', $this->userid, null, $soscall)); return 'ok'; } } $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms WHERE id=?',80); $rs = $stmt->process($this->roomid); $rec = $rs->next(); $soscall = 'SOS call from user ' . $user['login'] . ' in Room ' . $rec['name']; if(!$rec['ispublic']) $soscall .= ' (Private)'; if(strlen($txt) > 4) $soscall .= '<br>User message: ' . substr($txt, 5); ; $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE roomid<>? AND userid IS NOT NULL',239); $rs = $stmt->process($this->roomid); while($rec = $rs->next()) { if(ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_ADMIN)) { $this->sendToUser($rec['userid'], new Message('alrt', $this->userid, null, $soscall)); return 'ok'; } } $txt = 'No Moderators found in any Room'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/kickroom' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE roomid=? AND userid IS NOT NULL',238); if($rs = $stmt->process($this->roomid)) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { if(!ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_ADMIN)) { $conn = new Connection($rec['id']); $conn->doLogout('expiredlogin'); } } } return 'ok'; } if( $irc_cmd == '/motd' || $irc_cmd == '/move' || $irc_cmd == '/kickout' || $irc_cmd == '/reban' || $irc_cmd == '/unban' || $irc_cmd == '/unignore' || $irc_cmd == '/msg' || $irc_cmd == '/query' || $irc_cmd == '/whois' || $irc_cmd == '/whowas' || $irc_cmd == '/who' || $irc_cmd == '/profile' ) { $who_user = strtolower(substr($txt, $irc_len + 1)); if(substr($who_user, 0, 6) == '"') { $who_user = substr($who_user, 6, strrpos($who_user, '"') - 6); $start_mess = strlen($who_user) + 13 + $irc_len; } else { $who_user = substr($who_user, 0, strpos($who_user . ' ', ' ')); $start_mess = strlen($who_user) + 2 + $irc_len; } if($irc_cmd == '/unignore' || $irc_cmd == '/msg') { $msg_txt = substr($txt, $start_mess); } else { $msg_txt = ' '; } if($irc_cmd == '/motd') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); if($role_admin && $who_user == '@') { $rfile = './temp/appdata/motd.txt'; if(file_exists($rfile) && $php_file = @fopen($rfile, 'rb')) { $contents = fread($php_file, $fz = filesize ($rfile)); fclose ($php_file); $contents = str_replace( chr(13) . chr(10) , '<br>', $contents); // replace crlf with line breaks $contents = str_replace( chr(10) . chr(13) , '<br>', $contents); // replace lfcr with line breaks $rtxt = explode('<br>', $contents); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms',65); if($rs = $stmt->process()) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { foreach($rtxt as $k => $v) $this->sendToRoom(null, new Message('msg', $this->userid, $rec['id'], $v, $this->color)); reset($rtxt); } } } return 'ok'; } if($role_admin && $who_user) { $rfile = './temp/appdata/motd.txt'; if($php_file = @fopen($rfile, 'wb')) { fwrite($php_file, html_entity_decode(substr($txt, $irc_len + 1))); fclose ($php_file); } } require_once(INC_DIR . 'classes/doMotd.php'); return 'ok'; } if($who_user != substr($irc_cmd, 1)) { if( $irc_cmd == '/unignore' || $irc_cmd == '/whowas' || ($irc_cmd == '/unban' && $role_admin) || ($irc_cmd == '/reban' && $role_admin) ) { $who = ChatServer::getUsers(); while(list($key, $val) = each($who)) { if(strtolower($val['login']) == $who_user && $val['roles'] != ROLE_SPY) { $who_userid = $val['id']; break; } } } else { $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE userid IS NOT NULL',218); if($rs = $stmt->process()) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { $user = ChatServer::getUser($rec['userid']); $spy = ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_SPY); if($user && !$spy && $who_user == strtolower($user['login'])) { $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms WHERE id=?',80); $rs = $stmt->process($rec['roomid']); $room = $rs->next(); if($role_admin || $rec['userid'])// != $this->userid) { $who_userid = $rec['userid']; $replacements = array( '-' => '', ' ' => '', ':' => ''); $rec['created'] = strtr($rec['created'], $replacements); // contributed by Pavel $ipText = ($GLOBALS['fc_config']['commands']['showIP']) ? ' ip=' . $rec['ip']. ' host=' . gethostbyaddr($rec['ip']) : ''; $who_ip = 'User=' . $user['login'] . ' room=' . $room['name'] . ' created=' . substr($rec['created'], 8, 2) . ':' . substr($rec['created'], 10, 2) . ' lang=' . $rec['lang'] . ' tz=' . $rec['tzoffset'] . $ipText ; $who_id = $rec['id']; } if(!$role_admin && $room['ispublic']) $who_userid = $rec['userid']; break; } } } } if(!$who_userid && $who_user != '@') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = 'User "' . $who_user . '" was not found'; if($irc_cmd != '/whowas') $txt .= ' in any Room'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/kickout' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); if($who_user == '@') { $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections WHERE userid IS NOT NULL',218); if($rs = $stmt->process()) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { if(!ChatServer::userInRole($rec['userid'], ROLE_ADMIN)) { $conn = new Connection($rec['id']); $conn->doLogout('kickedOut'); } } } } else { $conn = new Connection($who_id); $conn->doLogout('kickedOut'); } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/reban' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); if($who_user == '@') { $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans',254); if($rs = $stmt->process()) { while($rec = $rs->next()) { $stmt = new Statement('UPDATE '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans SET created=NOW() WHERE banneduserid=?',280); $stmt->process($rec['banneduserid']); } } } else { $stmt = new Statement('UPDATE '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans SET created=NOW() WHERE banneduserid=?',280); $stmt->process($who_userid); } return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/unban' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $type = 'nbanu'; $this->sendToUser($who_userid, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $msg_txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('DELETE FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans WHERE banneduserid=?',274); $stmt->process($who_userid); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/move' && $role_admin) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms WHERE id=?',80); $rs = $stmt->process($this->roomid); $room = $rs->next(); if(!$room['ispublic']) $this->sendToUser($who_userid, new Message('adr', null, $this->roomid, $room['name'])); $this->sendToAll(new Message('mvu', $who_userid, $this->roomid, $msg)); $stmt = new Statement('UPDATE '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections SET updated=NOW(), roomid=? WHERE id=?',240); $stmt->process($this->roomid, $who_id); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/unignore') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $type = 'nignu'; $this->sendToUser($who_userid, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $msg_txt, $this->color)); $stmt = new Statement('DELETE FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'ignors WHERE userid=? AND ignoreduserid=?',305); $stmt->process($this->userid, $who_userid); return 'ok'; } if($irc_cmd == '/msg' || $irc_cmd == '/query') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); if($irc_cmd == '/msg') $txt = $msg_txt; else $txt = ''; $this->sendToUser($who_userid, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } if($who_ip) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $who_ip, $this->color)); if($irc_cmd == '/who') return 'ok'; } if(substr($irc_cmd, 0, 4) == '/who') { if(!$who_ip) $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $this->doRequestUserProfileText($who_userid); return 'ok'; } } } //start fix nr 1 for not displaying bad IRC commands and also all available IRC commands when /? or /help if(substr($txt, 0, 2) == '/?' || substr($txt, 0, 5) == '/help') { if( !$role_admin || (substr($txt, 0, 5) == '/?all' || substr($txt, 0, 8) == '/helpall') ) { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>User Commands are:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>Announcing availability:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/away</b> Sets user as away. Typing this command again sets user as "here".'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/here</b> Sets user as here. This reverses the "away" and "busy" states.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/busy</b> Sets user as busy. Typing this command again sets user as "here".'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>Managing messages:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/back <number></b> Shows the last <number> of entries of the rooms chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/backtime <minutes></b> Shows the last <minutes> of the rooms chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/clear</b> Clears the chat screen. This only affects your screen, not the screen of other users.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/me <action></b> Issues an IRC-like "action" to the chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/msg <user> <message></b> Initiates a PM with <user> and fills PM box with optional <message>.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/query <user></b> Initiates a PM with <user>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>Accessing rooms:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/join <room></b> Switches the user to <room>. For example: "/join The Lounge"'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/part</b> Logout of the chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/quit</b> Logout of the chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/logout</b> Logout of the chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>Managing users:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/ignore <user></b> Ignores PMs from <user>.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/invite <user></b> Invites <user> to the room that you are currently in.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/names</b> Shows a list of all user names in all public rooms'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/showignores</b> Shows a list of users ignored by you and which other users are ignoring you.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/sos <message></b> Alerts moderator in current room or all moderators. <message> is optional.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/unignore <user> <message></b> Removes your ignore of <user> with optional <message> to user.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/who <user></b> Profile page popup for <user>. If you are <user> login information is added.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/whois <user></b> Profile page popup for <user> where <user> must be logged in to the chat.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/whowas <user></b> Profile page popup for any registered <user>.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>Other:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/motd</b> Displays the Message of the Day.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/topic</b> Shows the topic or welcome message for the room you are in, if any.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/version</b> Shows which version of the chat you are using.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/welcome</b> Same as /topic.'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); } if($role_admin) { $txt = '<b>Moderator Commands are:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/kick</b> user <b>/boot</b> user <b>/ban</b> user <b>/banip</b> user <b>/gagX</b> user <b>/ungag</b> user <b>/broadcast</b> message'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/alert</b> user message <b>/roomalert</b> message <b>/chatalert</b> message'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/showbans</b> <b>/unban</b> user <b>/reban</b> user <b>/reban</b> @ <b>/rooms</b> <b>/who</b> user <b>/whois</b> user <b>/names</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/kickout</b> user <b>/kickout</b> @ <b>/kickroom</b> <b>/move</b> user <b>/status</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/motd</b> <b>/motd</b> @ <b>/motd</b> [new message] <b>/?all</b> <b>/helpall</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/addbot</b> botname <b>/startbot</b> botname <b>/killbot</b> botname <b>/showbots</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '<b>/teach</b> "botname" "phrase" => "response" <b>/unteach</b> "botname" "phrase"'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); } if($GLOBALS['fc_config']['disabledIRC']) { $txt = '<b>Some IRC commands are disabled:</b>'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = '/' . str_replace ( ',', ' /', $GLOBALS['fc_config']['disabledIRC']); $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); } return 'ok'; } if(substr($txt, 0, 1) == '/') { $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); $txt = 'Warning ! Only IRC subset can be used (Type /? or /help for list of IRC commands)'; $this->sendToUser(null, new Message($type, $this->userid, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['liveSupportMode']?$this->roomid:null, $txt, $this->color)); return 'ok'; } ?>