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<?php include("lib/common.php"); include("lib/globals.php"); include("lib/functions.php"); include"lib/SimpleImage.php"; include("lib/pager.php"); $page="travelgirls"; $todatee=date('Y-m-d'); ?> <? include "includes/header_top.php";?> <script language="javascript"> function opencountry(country) { location.href="home.php?ct="+country; } </script> <link href="5/thumbnail-slider.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="5/thumbnail-slider.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <body> <? include "includes/header.php";?> <div class="main_bg"> <div style="height:32px;"></div> <div style="width:1000px; margin:0 auto;"> <div class="estdetailscnt"> <div class="left_contain"> <div class="leftcnt_top"></div> <div class="leftct_mid"> <div class="leftct_midtop"> <div id="thumbnail-slider"> <div class="inner"> <ul> <? $sql_image="SELECT * FROM escort_photo order by id"; $res_image=execute_query($sql_image); while($row_image=mysql_fetch_array($res_image)) { ?> <li> <a href="/"> <span class="thumb" style="background-image:url(avtar/<?=$row_image['picture']?>);"> </span> </a> </li> <? } ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> //Note: this script should be placed at the bottom of the page, or after the slider markup. It cannot be placed in the head section of the page. var slides = document.getElementById("thumbnail-slider").getElementsByTagName("li"); for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].onmouseover = function (e) { var li = this; if (li.thumb) { var content = "<img src='" + li.thumbSrc + "' />" + li.thumb.innerHTML; tooltip.pop(li, content); } }; } </script> <div style="height:18px;"></div> <div class="leftct_midbot"> <? $sql_count="SELECT * FROM escort_details WHERE status='a' AND gender!='Male' AND travel='Yes' AND country_name='".$_SESSION['countryname']."'"; $res_count=execute_query($sql_count); $num_count=mysql_fetch_array($res_count); if($num_count>0) { $ii=1; $sql_locescort="SELECT * FROM escort_details WHERE travel='Yes' AND gender!='Male' AND ('$todatee'<=ft_ad_expair) AND ft_ad_status='Yes' AND country_name='".$_SESSION['countryname']."' AND status='a' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,6"; $res_locescort=execute_query($sql_locescort); $num_locescort=mysql_num_rows($res_locescort); while($row_locescort=mysql_fetch_array($res_locescort)) { increase_impression($row_locescort['id']); ?> <div class="escortpicsdiv" style="margin-bottom:9px;"> <div class="vipbdg"><img src="images/vip22.png" style="width:91px; height:123px;" /></div> <div class="estname"> <h1><?=$row_locescort['nickname']?></h1></div> <div class="estimage"> <? $sql_image="SELECT * FROM escort_photo where userid='".$row_locescort['user_id']."'"; $res_image=execute_query($sql_image); $row_image=mysql_fetch_array($res_image); $location = getUrlAttrib($row_locescort['escort_city']); $nickname = getUrlAttrib($row_locescort['nickname']); $title = $row_locescort['slogan'] ? "/".getTitle($row_locescort['slogan']) : null; $url = "http://{$location}.$serverName/FemaleEscorts/{$nickname}{$title}/{$row_locescort['id']}"; if($row_image['picture']!="") { ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"><img src="thubigg/<?=$row_image['picture']?>" /></a> <? } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"> <img src="images/no_photo_female.gif" style="width:210px; height:240px;" /></a> <? } ?> <?php /*?><div id="slider" class="aslider" data-duration="10" data-hide-controls> <? $sql_image="SELECT * FROM escort_photo where postid='".$row_locescort['id']."'"; $res_image=execute_query($sql_image); $location = getUrlAttrib($row_locescort['escort_city']); $nickname = getUrlAttrib($row_locescort['nickname']); $title = $row_locescort['slogan'] ? "/".getTitle($row_locescort['slogan']) : null; $url = "http://{$location}.$serverName/FemaleEscorts/{$nickname}{$title}/{$row_locescort['id']}"; while($row_image=mysql_fetch_array($res_image)) { ?> <div class="aslide" data-duration="4" > <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"><img src="avtar/<?=$row_image['picture']?>" /></a> </div> <? } ?> </div> <?php */?> </div> <div class="estlocation"><?=$row_locescort['escort_city']?></div> </div> <? } ?> <!--///////////Regular ad//////// --> <? $page=$_GET["page"]; // get the pager class implemented $count_sql="select count(*) tot from escort_details WHERE status='a' AND travel='Yes' AND gender!='Male' AND country_name='".$_SESSION['countryname']."'"; //print $count_sql; $count_rs=execute_query($count_sql); $count_row=mysql_fetch_array($count_rs); $count=$count_row['tot']; if($count > 0) { //print $count; $addnumber=6-$num_locescort; $limit = 6 + $addnumber; // work out the pager values $pager = Pager::getPagerData($count, $limit, $page); $offset = $pager->offset; $limit = $pager->limit; $page = $pager->page; } if($count > 0) { $sql="SELECT * FROM escort_details WHERE status='a' AND travel='Yes' AND gender!='Male' AND country_name='".$_SESSION['countryname']."' order by id DESC limit $offset,$limit"; } else { $sql="SELECT * FROM escort_details WHERE status='a' AND travel='Yes' AND gender!='Male' AND country_name='".$_SESSION['countryname']."' order by id DESC"; } $rs=execute_query($sql); $prod_cnt=0; while($rs2=mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { increase_impression($rs2['id']); $item[$prod_cnt][0]=$rs2['id']; $item[$prod_cnt][1]=$rs2['nickname']; $item[$prod_cnt][2]=$rs2['escort_city']; $item[$prod_cnt][3]=$rs2['tel_national']; $item[$prod_cnt][4]=$rs2['slogan']; $prod_cnt++; } ?> <? $ii=1; if($prod_cnt > 0) { for($i=0;$i<$prod_cnt;$i++) { ?> <div class="escortpicsdiv" style="margin-bottom:9px;"> <div class="estname"> <h1><?=$item[$i][1]?></h1></div> <div class="estimage"> <? $sql_image="SELECT * FROM escort_photo where postid='".$item[$i][0]."'"; $res_image=execute_query($sql_image); $row_image=mysql_fetch_array($res_image); $location = getUrlAttrib($item[$i][2]); $nickname = getUrlAttrib($item[$i][1]); $title = $item[$i][4] ? "/".getTitle($item[$i][4]) : null; $url = "http://{$location}.$serverName/FemaleEscorts/{$nickname}{$title}/{$item[$i][0]}"; if($row_image['picture']!="") { ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"><img src="thubigg/<?=$row_image['picture']?>" /></a> <? } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"> <img src="images/no_photo_female.gif" /></a> <? } ?> </div> <div class="estlocation"><?=$item[$i][2]?></div> </div> <? } }?> <br class="spacer" /> <br/> <div style="width:650px; margin:0 auto;"> <? if($prod_cnt > 0) { ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin:0 auto;" align="center"> <!-- Paging display Start Table 4--> <tbody> <tr> <td width="158" > <? if ($page == 1) // this is the first page - there is no previous page echo " "; else // not the first page, link to the previous page echo "<a href=\"/travel-girls?page=" . ($page - 1) ."\"class=\"footer-link\" style='color:#ff9131; text-decoration:none;'><img src='images/escort_prev.png' /></a> "; ?> </td> <td width="7"></td> <td style="display:inline;"> <? for ($i = 1; $i <= $pager->numPages; $i++) { echo ""; if ($i == $pager->page) echo "<div class='footeraccttyy'>".$page."</div>"; else //////* link page name will change for different pages Ex:list_banner.php*///// echo "<a href=\"/travel-girls?page=$i\"class=\"footer-link22\"><div class='footeraccttyy_inac'>$i</div></a> "; } ?> </td> <td width="7"></td> <td width="158" align="center" valign="middle"> <? if ($page == $pager->numPages) // this is the last page - there is no next page echo " "; else // not the last page, link to the next page echo "<a href=\"/travel-girls?page=" . ($page + 1) ."\"class=\"footer-link\" style='color:#ff9131; text-decoration:none;'> <img src='images/escort_next.png' /></a>"; ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <? } else { ?> <? } ?> </div> <? }else {?> <div style="text-align:center; width:550px; margin:0 auto;"> <p class="noescort"> Sorry right now ,there are no escorts in the <?=$row_country['country']?> available. </p> </div> <? } ?> </div> <br class="spacer" /> </div> <div class="leftct_foot"></div> </div> <!--/*****start right_contain*****/--> <div class="right_contain"> <? include "includes/right_contain.php";?> </div><!--/*****end right_contain*****/--> <br class="spacer" /> <br/> </div> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> <? include "includes/footer.php";?>