Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/m/lib/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/m/lib/functions.php |
<? // crop to any size function forceConstraints($srcFile, $srcType, $dstType, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $dstPath) { if ($srcType == "image/jpeg") $handle = @imagecreatefromjpeg($srcFile); else if ($srcType == "image/png") $handle = @imagecreatefrompng($srcFile); else if ($srcType == "image/gif") $handle = @imagecreatefromgif($srcFile); else return false; if (!$handle) return false; $srcWidth = @imagesx($handle); $srcHeight = @imagesy($handle); if ($srcWidth >= $dstWidth && $srcHeight >= $dstHeight) { $newHandle = @imagecreatetruecolor($dstWidth, $dstHeight); if (!$newHandle) return false; if($srcHeight < $srcWidth) { $ratio = (double)($srcHeight / $dstHeight); $cpyWidth = round($dstWidth * $ratio); if ($cpyWidth > $srcWidth) { $ratio = (double)($srcWidth / $dstWidth); $cpyWidth = $srcWidth; $cpyHeight = round($dstHeight * $ratio); $xOffset = 0; $yOffset = round(($srcHeight - $cpyHeight) / 2); } else { $cpyHeight = $srcHeight; $xOffset = round(($srcWidth - $cpyWidth) / 2); $yOffset = 0; } } else { $ratio = (double)($srcWidth / $dstWidth); $cpyHeight = round($dstHeight * $ratio); if ($cpyHeight > $srcHeight) { $ratio = (double)($srcHeight / $dstHeight); $cpyHeight = $srcHeight; $cpyWidth = round($dstWidth * $ratio); $xOffset = round(($srcWidth - $cpyWidth) / 2); $yOffset = 0; } else { $cpyWidth = $srcWidth; $xOffset = 0; $yOffset = round(($srcHeight - $cpyHeight) / 2); } } if (!@imagecopyresampled($newHandle, $handle, 0, 0, $xOffset, $yOffset, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $cpyWidth, $cpyHeight)) return false; @imagedestroy($handle); if ($dstType == "png") @imagepng($newHandle, $dstPath.".png"); else if ($dstType == "jpg") @imagejpeg($newHandle, $dstPath.".jpg", 90); else if ($dstType == "gif") @imagegif($newHandle, $dstPath.".gif"); else return false; @imagedestroy($newHandle); return true; } else { return "Sorry, that image is too small. The image must be at least ".$dstWidth."x".$dstHeight." pixels in size."; } } //make image grayscaled function make_grey_jpg($source,$dest) { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($source); imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); //imagejpeg($im); imagejpeg($im, $dest, 90); imagedestroy($im); } function make_grey_gif($source,$dest) { $im = imagecreatefromgif($source); imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); //imagejpeg($im); imagegif($im, $dest, 90); imagedestroy($im); } function create_grey($input,$output,$type) { if($type==1) $bild = imagecreatefromgif($input); if($type==2) $bild = imagecreatefromjpeg($input); if($type==3) $bild = imagecreatefrompng($input); $x = imagesx($bild); $y = imagesy($bild); for($i=0; $i<$y; $i++) { for($j=0; $j<$x; $j++) { $pos = imagecolorat($bild, $j, $i); $f = imagecolorsforindex($bild, $pos); $gst = $f["red"]*0.15 + $f["green"]*0.5 + $f["blue"]*0.35; $col = imagecolorresolve($bild, $gst, $gst, $gst); imagesetpixel($bild, $j, $i, $col); } } if($type==1) imagegif($bild,$output); elseif($type==2) imagejpeg($bild,$output,90); elseif($type==3) imagepng($bild,$output); } //==============================================for admin portion===================== function get_catname($str) { $sql="select main_cat_name from va_main_category where main_cat_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['main_cat_name']; return $p_name; } function get_cat($str) { $sql="select cat_name from va_category where cat_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['cat_name']; return $p_name; } function get_product($str) { $sql="select name from va_product where p_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['name']; return $p_name; } function get_uname($str) { $sql="select u_name from va_user_login where user_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['u_name']; return $p_name; } function get_product_image($str) { $sql="select image from va_product where p_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['image']; return $p_name; } function get_make($str) { $sql="select make_name from va_category_make where make_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['make_name']; return $p_name; } function get_model($str) { $sql="select model_name from va_category_model where model_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['model_name']; return $p_name; } function get_style($str) { $sql="select style_name from va_category_style where style_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['style_name']; return $p_name; } function get_type($str) { $sql="select type_name from va_category_type where type_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['type_name']; return $p_name; } function get_job_type($str) { $sql="select name from va_job_type where id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['name']; return $p_name; } function get_parent_name($str) { if($str!=0) { $sql="select cat_name from va_category where parent_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs); $p_name=$row['cat_name']; } else { $p_name="Not Available"; } return $p_name; } function get_total($str) { $sql="select cat_id from va_category where parent_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_num_rows($rs); $p_name=$row; return $p_name; } function get_total1($str) { $sql="select cat_id from va_category where maincat_id='$str'"; $rs=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_num_rows($rs); $p_name=$row; return $p_name; } function get_total_item($str) { $sql="select * from va_watchlist where user_id='$str'"; $res=execute_query($sql); $row=mysql_num_rows($res); $p_name=$row; return $p_name; } function grab_image($filename,$outfile,$image_format, $width, $height,$c) { // Media Size $size = $width. "x". $height; $ffmpegcmd1 = "../bin/ffmpeg -i $filename -vframes 1 -ss 00:00:0$c -an -vcodec $image_format -f rawvideo -s $size $outfile"; if(OS_VERSION=="WINDOWS") $ffmpegcmd1 =str_replace("/", "\\",$ffmpegcmd1); $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); //print("<br>ret: $ret"); // Execute this command using exec command or any other tool to grab image from converted flv file. return $outfile; } function grab_image1($filename,$outfile,$image_format, $width, $height,$c) { // Media Size $size = $width. "x". $height; $ffmpegcmd1 = "bin/ffmpeg -i $filename -vframes 1 -ss 00:00:0$c -an -vcodec $image_format -f rawvideo -s $size $outfile"; if(OS_VERSION=="WINDOWS") $ffmpegcmd1 =str_replace("/", "\\",$ffmpegcmd1); $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); //print("<br>ret: $ret"); // Execute this command using exec command or any other tool to grab image from converted flv file. return $outfile; } function recursive($id,$cl) { static $cat = array(); static $count = 0; $count++; ++$cl; $color[1]="#777777"; $color[2]="#888888"; $color[3]="#999999"; $rec_sql="SELECT * FROM page_content WHERE parent=$id ORDER BY id"; $result = execute_query($rec_sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $cat[$row['id']] =str_repeat(" ",$count-1)." ".$row['eng_menu']."$color[$cl]"; recursive($row['id'],$cl); } $count--; return $cat; } function recursive_name($id) { static $cat = array(); static $count = 0; $count++; $rec_sql="SELECT * FROM page_content WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id"; $result = execute_query($rec_sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $cat[$row['parent']] = $row['eng_menu']; recursive_name($row['parent']); } $count--; return $cat; } function recursive_name1($id,$l_id) { static $cat = array(); static $count = 0; $count++; $rec_sql="SELECT * FROM page_content WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id"; $result = execute_query($rec_sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($l_id==2) { $cat[$row['parent']] = $row['ger_title']; } else { $cat[$row['parent']] = $row['title']; } recursive_name1($row['parent'],$l_id); } $count--; return $cat; } function get_user_id_from_ad($escort_id) { $select_query = "SELECT user_id FROM escort_details WHERE id = '".$escort_id."'"; $select_result = execute_query($select_query); $select_row = mysql_fetch_array($select_result); return $select_row['user_id']; } function increase_impression($escort_id) { $update_query = "UPDATE escort_details SET `impression_count` = `impression_count`+1 WHERE id = '".$escort_id."'"; execute_query($update_query); $user_id = get_user_id_from_ad($escort_id); $report_insert_query = "INSERT INTO `USER_IMPRESSION_REPORT` SET ad_id = '".$escort_id."' , user_id = '".$user_id."' , ip_address = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' , add_date = now() "; execute_query($report_insert_query); } function increase_email_sent_count($user_id) { $update_query = "UPDATE user_info SET `email_count` = `email_count`+1 WHERE userid = '".$user_id."'"; execute_query($update_query); } function get_ad_total_visits() { $report_query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS TOTAL_VISITS FROM `USER_AD_REPORT` WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['userid']."'"; $report_result = execute_query($report_query); $report_row = mysql_fetch_array($report_result); return $report_row['TOTAL_VISITS']; } function get_ad_total_impression() { $report_query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS TOTAL_IMPRESSIONS FROM `USER_IMPRESSION_REPORT` WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['userid']."'"; $report_result = execute_query($report_query); $report_row = mysql_fetch_array($report_result); return $report_row['TOTAL_IMPRESSIONS']; } function get_user_total_emails() { $report_query = "SELECT email_count FROM `user_info` WHERE userid = '".$_SESSION['userid']."'"; $report_result = execute_query($report_query); $report_row = mysql_fetch_array($report_result); return $report_row['email_count']; } ?>