Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/freichat/client/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/freichat/client/plugins.js |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Chatroom font formatter plugin */ FreiChat.util = { storage: { get: function (index) { if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { localStorage.getItem(index); } else { Get_Cookie(index); } }, set: function (index, value) { if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { localStorage.setItem(index, value); } else { Set_Cookie(index, value); } } } }; FreiChat.plugins = { formatter: { id: "frei_chatroom_formatter_plugin", color: null, get_html: function () { var ident =; var wrapper = '<div onclick="FreiChat.plugins.formatter.show_html()" id="' + ident + '" class="' + ident + '" > '; var body = ''; var sel = '<div class="cp-default" id="frei_chatroom_cp"><div id="frei_chatroom_cp_content"></div></div>'; var end = '</div>'; return wrapper + body + end + sel; }, load: function () { this.color = this.get_color(); this.cp = $jn("#" +; $jn("#frei_chatroom_cp_content").spectrum({ color: this.color, showPaletteOnly: true, showPalette: true, palette: [ ['rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 0, 85)', 'rgb(0, 128, 0)', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'], ['rgb(128, 0, 0)', 'rgb(128, 0, 128)', 'rgb(255, 85, 0)', 'rgb(255, 255, 0)', 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'], ['rgb(0, 128, 128)', 'rgb(0, 255, 255)', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)', 'rgb(255, 0, 255)', 'grey'], ], flat: true, change: function (tcolor) { FreiChat.plugins.formatter.change_clr(tcolor); } }); this.cp.css("background", this.color); $jn('#chatroommessagearea').css("color", this.color); }, change_clr: function (color) { var rgba = color.toHexString(); this.cp.css("background", rgba); this.set_color(rgba); }, show_html: function () { $jn("#frei_chatroom_cp").show(); }, get_color: function () { return Get_Cookie('selected_chatroom_color'); }, set_color: function (color) { Set_Cookie('selected_chatroom_color', color); this.color = color; $jn('#chatroommessagearea').css("color", color); }, formatBB: function (message) { if (this.color !== "#808080" || this.color !== "grey") { message = "[color=" + this.color + "]" + message + "[/color]"; } return message; }, format: function (message) { if (this.color !== "#808080" || this.color !== "grey") { message = "<span style='color:" + this.color + "'>" + message + "</span>"; } return message; } }, is_allowed: function (index) { var guests = (freidefines.GEN.is_guest == 1 && freidefines.ACL[index].guest == "allow"); var users = (freidefines.GEN.is_guest == 0 && freidefines.ACL[index].user == "allow"); return (guests || users); } }; /* The SMILEY plugin !*/ FreiChat.smiley = function (id) { if (id == FreiChat.in_room) { id = "chatroom"; } FreiChat.current_smiley_selected = id; var smileys = $jn('#frei_smileys_' + id); smileys.slideToggle(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.smileylist = function (id) { var smileys = freidefines.smileys; var i = 0; var sm_array = []; for (i = 0; i < smileys.length; i++) { sm_array[i] = smileys[i].symbol; } var str; /* if(freidefines.thememaker == true) { str= '<span class="smileylist">'+FreiChat.mksmileyurl([':)',':(',':B',':\')',':laugh:',':cheer:',';)',':P',':angry:',':unsure:',':ohmy:',':huh:',':dry:',':lol:',':silly:',':woohoo:'], id)+'</span>'; }else{ str= '<span class="smileylist">'+FreiChat.mksmileyurl([':)',':(',':B',':\')',':laugh:',':cheer:',';)',':P',':angry:',':unsure:',':ohmy:',':huh:',':o',':0',':dry:',':lol:',':D',':silly:',':woohoo:'], id)+'</span>'; }*/ str = '<span class="smileylist">' + FreiChat.mksmileyurl(sm_array, id) + '</span>'; return str; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.mksmileyurl = function (name, id) { var namelen = name.length; var i = 0; var str = '<tr>'; var j = 0; for (i = 0; i <= namelen; i++) { if (name[i] == null || name[i] == undefined) { break; } if (j >= 5) { str += '</tr><tr>'; j = 0; } var action; if (freidefines.thememaker == true) { action = '' } else { action = 'onmousedown=FreiChat.appendsmiley("' + name[i] + '","' + id + '")'; } str += '<td><div class="frei_smiley_image" ' + action + ' >' + FreiChat.SmileyGenerate(name[i], id) + '</div></td>'; j++ } //sconsole.log('<table><td>'+str+'</td></table>'); return '<table class="frei_smileys_table">' + str + '</table>'; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.appendsmiley = function (name, id) { if (id == "chatroom") { id = "chatroommessagearea"; } else if (id == "mobile") { id = "chat_message"; } else { id = 'chatboxtextarea' + id; } var area = $jn('#' + id); $jn('#frei_smileys_' + id).css('display', 'none') .removeClass('inline') .addClass('none'); area.val(area.val() + name + " "); setTimeout(function () { FreiChat.move_cursor_to_end(document.getElementById(id)); }, 100); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.move_cursor_to_end = function (el) { if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number") { el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = el.value.length; } else if (typeof el.createTextRange != "undefined") { el.focus(); var range = el.createTextRange(); range.collapse(false);; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.SmileyGenerate = function (messages, id) { var replaced_mesg = messages; var smileys = freidefines.smileys; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < smileys.length; i++) { replaced_mesg = replaced_mesg.frei_smiley_replace(smileys[i].symbol, '<img id="smile__' + id + '" src="' + FreiChat.make_url(smileys[i].image_name, "smileys") + '" alt="smile" />'); } return replaced_mesg; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String.prototype.frei_smiley_replace = function (name, value) { name = name.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); var re = new RegExp(name, "g"); return this.replace(re, value); } /* The SMILEY plugin !*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* The MAIL plugin !*/ FreiChat.sendmail = function (user, id) { FreiChat.toid = id; FreiChat.touser = user; var left = (screen.width - 450) / 2; var top = (screen.height - 250) / 2; FreiChat.is_chatroom = (FreiChat.in_room === id); + "client/plugins/mail/html.php", 'mailWindow', 'width=450,height=250,top=' + top + ',left=' + left); }; /* The MAIL plugin !*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* The TRANSLATE plugin !*/ FreiChat.changelang = function (lang, id) { var CookieStatus = FreiChat.getCookie(id); if (lang == 'disable') { FreiChat.setCookie("frei_stat_" + id, "disable&opened&" + CookieStatus.chatwindow_2 + "&" + CookieStatus.message + "&" + CookieStatus.pos_top + "&" + CookieStatus.pos_left); $jn("#translateimage" + id).attr('src', FreiChat.make_url(freidefines.notransimg)); $jn("#frei_trans" + id).slideToggle('slow'); } else { $jn("#translateimage" + id).attr('src', FreiChat.make_url(freidefines.translateimg)); FreiChat.setCookie("frei_stat_" + id, lang + "&opened&" + CookieStatus.chatwindow_2 + "&" + CookieStatus.message + "&" + CookieStatus.pos_top + "&" + CookieStatus.pos_left); $jn("#frei_trans" + id).slideToggle('slow'); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.translate = function (id) { $jn("#frei_trans" + id).slideToggle(); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.langlist = function (id) { var str = '<span class="langlist">' + FreiChat.makelangurl(['en', 'de', 'zh', 'cy', 'tr', 'uk', 'ru', 'it', 'ja', 'el', 'iw', 'fr', 'gl', 'ar'], id) + '<br/><a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown=FreiChat.changelang("disable",\'' + id + '\')>' + freidefines.plugin_trans_disable + '</a> </span>'; return str; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.makelangurl = function (name, id) { var namelen = name.length; var i = 0; var str = ''; for (i = 0; i <= namelen; i++) { if (name[i] == null || name[i] == undefined) { break; } str += '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown=FreiChat.changelang("' + name[i] + '",\'' + id + '\')>' + name[i] + '</a> '; } return str; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.appendtranslate = function (language, id, arr) { var div = null; if (arr[0] == 'callbyget') { div = $jn('#msg_' + arr[1]); div.translate(language, { not: '.notranslate' }); } else { div = $jn("#frei_" + id + " .chatboxcontent"); if (arr == null || arr == '') { div.translate(language, { not: '.notranslate' }); } else { div.translate(language, { not: '.notranslate' }); } } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.show_original_text = function (me, id) { var show_by_delaying = function () { var pos = $jn(me).position(); if ($jn("#frei_orig_" + id).hasClass('iamtobehovered')) { $jn("#frei_orig_" + id).css({ "left": (pos.left - 30) + "px", "top": ( - 50) + "px", "display": "block" }); } }; FreiChat.timer = setTimeout(show_by_delaying, 500); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.show_original_text_onhover = function (me) { if ($jn(me).hasClass('iamtobehovered')) { $jn(me).addClass('iambeinghovered'); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.hide_original_text = function (id) { var a = function () { if (!$jn("#frei_orig_" + id).hasClass('iambeinghovered')) { $jn("#frei_orig_" + id).css("display", "none"); } }; setTimeout(a, 500); clearTimeout(FreiChat.timer); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.hide_original_text_onout = function (id) { var hide_by_delaying = function () { $jn("#frei_orig_" + id).removeClass('iambeinghovered'); $jn("#frei_orig_" + id).css("display", "none"); }; setTimeout(hide_by_delaying, 500); }; /* The TRANSLATE plugin !*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* The UPLOAD plugin !*/ FreiChat.upload = function (user, id) { FreiChat.toid = id; FreiChat.touser = user; var left = (screen.width - 400) / 2; var top = (screen.height - 200) / 2; FreiChat.secure_upload = true; FreiChat.is_chatroom = (FreiChat.in_room == id); + "client/plugins/upload/html.php", 'uploadWindow', 'width=400,height=200,top=' + top + ',left=' + left); }; /* The UPLOAD plugin !*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* The VIDEO plugin !*/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Time */ FreiChat.getlocal_time = function (GMT_time) { if (GMT_time == 0) { GMT_time = FreiChat.getGMT_time(); } var d = FreiChat.Date; var offset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var timestamp = GMT_time - offset; var dTime = new Date(timestamp); var hours = dTime.getHours(); var minute = dTime.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0" + minute; } /* var period = "AM"; if (hours > 12) { period = "PM" } else { period = "AM"; }*/ //hours = ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours) return hours + ":" + minute + " ";// + period }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreiChat.getGMT_time = function () { var d = new Date(); var localtime = d.getTime(); var offset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; return localtime + offset; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreiChat.show_time = function (id) { try { if (freidefines.PLUGINS.chat_time_shown_always === 'no') $jn("#freichat_time_" + id).css("visibility", "visible"); } catch (e) { console.log('Something happended in FreiChat.show_time that was not supposed to happen!'); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreiChat.hide_time = function (id) { try { if (freidefines.PLUGINS.chat_time_shown_always === 'no') $jn("#freichat_time_" + id).css("visibility", "hidden"); } catch (e) { console.log('Something happended in FreiChat.hide_time that was not supposed to happen!'); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Time */ /* profile link */ FreiChat.show_profilelink = function (id) { $jn("#freichat_profile_link_" + id).css("visibility", "visible"); $jn("#freichat_user_" + id).addClass('freichat_userlist_hover'); }; FreiChat.hide_profilelink = function (id) { $jn("#freichat_user_" + id).removeClass('freichat_userlist_hover'); $jn("#freichat_profile_link_" + id).css("visibility", "hidden"); }; FreiChat.has_scrollbar = function (id) { var _elm = $jn("#" + id); var _hasScrollBar = false; if ((_elm.clientHeight < _elm.scrollHeight) || (_elm.clientWidth < _elm.scrollWidth)) { _hasScrollBar = true; } return _hasScrollBar; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.create_scrollbar = function (id, push) { var pane = $jn("#" + id); pane.nanoScroller({ preventPageScrolling: true, scroll: 'bottom', alwaysVisible: true, contentClass: 'frei_content' }); if (typeof push === "undefined") push = true; if (push) FreiChat.jscrollers.push(id); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreiChat.show_prompt = function (mesg) { var mesg = prompt(mesg); return mesg; }; //-------------scrolls down the scroller --------------------------- FreiChat.update_custom_gst_name = function () { FreiChat.freichatopt("nooptions"); var name = $jn('#custom_guest_name_id').val(); if (FreiChat.name_exists(name)) { alert(freidefines.TRANS.custom_guest_name_exists); return; } var l_name = name.toLowerCase(); if (l_name.indexOf(FreiChat.g_prefix) >= 0) { FreiChat.custom_gst_name = name; } else { FreiChat.custom_gst_name = FreiChat.mod_guest_name(name, false); } }; FreiChat.mod_guest_name = function (name, dup) { if (dup) { return name + Math.floor(Math.random() * 90 + 10); } else { return name + " (" + FreiChat.g_prefix + ")"; } }; FreiChat.name_exists = function (name) { var len = FreiChat.userdata.length; //here len>0 makes sure that len-- does not make len as -1 while (len > 0 && len--) { if (name === FreiChat.userdata[len].show_name || FreiChat.mod_guest_name(name, false) === FreiChat.userdata[len].show_name) break; } return !!len; }; //-------------scrolls down the scroller --------------------------- FreiChat.scroll_down = function (ele_id, id) { //is called when content is added dynamically //reinistialize for every new message (dynamic content) if (id) { //FreiChat.jscroll[id].reinitialise(); //FreiChat.jscroll[id].scrollToBottom(); } else { //chatroom -> as false is passed in this case } //->bring scroller to bottom //get jquery div var div = $jn("#" + ele_id); //assuming only id of the element is passed //get height of div //var ht = div[0].scrollHeight; //DOM property //set its scrolltop equal to its new scroll height if (FreiChat.jscrollers.indexOf(ele_id) != -1) { div.nanoScroller().nanoScroller({scroll: 'bottom'}); //console.log(ele_id); } else { div.scrollTop(div.prop("scrollHeight")); } }; /* profile link */ // API FreiChat.API = { //will get fired for every new user added to the list /** * * @param {Object} data * @param {Boolean} first * data contains the new user's following properties * * data { * * avatar : //Absolute url to his avatar pic * img_url: //Absolute url to his current status * profile_link: //Absolute url to his profile (empty if not available) * show_name: //his name that will be visible * status_mesg: //his current custom status message * userid: //his userid * username: //his username * * } * * first: * true when method gets called for the first time * false otherwise * * TODO: Add a property to check whether he is a guest or an user * NOTE: This function immediately gets called on page load when users * are added for the first time to avoid that you can use the parameter * first * */ onUser: function (data, first) { /** * Example * if(!first) console.log(data.username + " was added to the list"); */ }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Called when chatwindow html is added to the DOM * This gets called before any js events are binded * * @param <object> {user, id} */ onChatWindow: function (data) { if (FreiChat.is_allowed('GROUPCHAT') && freidefines.PLUGINS.showmobilechat == 'enabled') FreiChat.groupchat.initTag(data); }, /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Gets called everytime there is a new message //You can use this function to make a beep sound or override to create //your own sound beep: function () { try { if (typeof FreiChat.beep !== "undefined" && FreiChat.sound_enabled === "on"); } catch (e) { FreiChat.buglog("info", "SoundManager Error: " + e); } } };