Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/freichat/administrator/admin_files/theme_maker/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/freichat/administrator/admin_files/theme_maker/theme_maker.php |
<?php if(!isset($_SESSION))session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST); while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { unset($process[$key][$k]); if (is_array($v)) { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v; $process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)]; } else { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v); } } } unset($process); } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { require_once '../../../arg.php'; } class theme_maker extends FreiChat{ public $one_or_three='../../../'; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function __construct($oot='../') { parent::__construct(); $this->init_vars(); $this->one_or_three=$oot; if($oot=='../../../'){ require_once '../home/magic_gpc_unset.php'; } if(!isset($_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme'])){ $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme']='basic'; } $this->path = RDIR . '/client/themes/' . $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme']; // var_dump($_SESSION); $this->freichat_theme = $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme']; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function json_encode($a = false) { if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { if (is_null($a)) return 'null'; if ($a === false) return 'false'; if ($a === true) return 'true'; if (is_scalar($a)) { if (is_float($a)) { // Always use "." for floats. return floatval(str_replace(",", ".", strval($a))); } if (is_string($a)) { static $jsonReplaces = array(array("\\", "/", "\n", "\t", "\r", "\b", "\f", '"'), array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\b', '\\f', '\"')); return '"' . str_replace($jsonReplaces[0], $jsonReplaces[1], $a) . '"'; } else return $a; } $isList = true; for ($i = 0, reset($a); $i < count($a); $i++, next($a)) { if (key($a) !== $i) { $isList = false; break; } } $result = array(); if ($isList) { foreach ($a as $v) $result[] = json_encode($v); return '[' . join(',', $result) . ']'; } else { foreach ($a as $k => $v) $result[] = json_encode($k) . ':' . json_encode($v); return '{' . join(',', $result) . '}'; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function interchange($source, $destination) { $des_contents = file_get_contents($source); if ($des_contents) { file_put_contents($destination, $des_contents); return 'success'; } else { $this->freichat_debug('Unable to get contents of argument.php file'); return false; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function list_themes() { $src = RDIR . '/client/themes'; $dir = opendir($src); $i = 0; $themes = array(); while (false !== ( $file = readdir($dir))) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { $themes[$i] = $file; $i++; } } } closedir($dir); return $themes; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function reset_argfile() { $destination = $this->path . '/argument.php'; $source = $this->path . '/argument_def.php'; $a = $this->interchange($source, $destination); var_dump($a); echo $destination.$source; } public function freichat_debug($message) { if ($this->debug == true) { $dbgfile = fopen($this->one_or_three."freixlog.log", "a"); fwrite($dbgfile, "\n" . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . ": " . $message . "\n"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function chk_project() { $file = $this->path . '/author.txt'; $author = file_get_contents($file); if ($author) { if (strpos($author, 'FreiChatX') !== FALSE) { return 'true'; } else { return 'false'; } } else { $this->freichat_debug('Unable to get contents of author.txt file'); } return 'false'; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function save() { $source = $this->path . '/argument_def.php'; $destination = $this->path . '/argument.php'; echo json_encode($this->interchange($source, $destination)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function recurse_copy($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); mkdir($dst); chmod($dst, 0777); while (false !== ( $file = readdir($dir))) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { $this->recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); chmod($dst . '/' . $file, 0777); } } } closedir($dir); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function recurse_delete($directory) { if (!is_readable($directory)) { return 'perms'; } else { $handle = opendir($directory); while (false !== ( $file = readdir($handle))) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { $path = $directory . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($path)) { $this->recurse_delete($path); } else { unlink($path); } } } @closedir($directory); if (!rmdir($directory)) { return 'perms'; } } return 'success'; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function gateway($theme_name,$author_name) { $status = array(); if (is_dir($this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $theme_name)) { $status['theme_name'] = 'exists'; } else { $this->create_theme($theme_name, $author_name); if (!is_dir($this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $theme_name)) { $status['theme_name'] = 'perms'; } else { $status['theme_name'] = 'success'; } } if ($status['theme_name'] == 'success') $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme'] = $theme_name; return $status['theme_name']; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function create_theme($theme_name, $author_name) { $this->recurse_copy($this->path . '/', $this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $theme_name); file_put_contents($this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $theme_name . '/author.txt', $author_name); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function change_theme() { $theme = strip_tags($_GET['theme']); $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme'] = $theme; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function delete_theme() { if(isset($_GET['theme_name'])) { $this->path = RDIR . '/client/themes/'.$_GET['theme_name']; } $status = $this->recurse_delete($this->path); if ($status == 'success' && isset($_GET['theme_name'])==false) $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme'] = 'basic'; echo json_encode($status); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function rename_theme() { $theme_name = strip_tags($_GET['theme_name']); if(!isset($_GET['old_name'])) { $old_name = $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme']; }else{ $old_name = $_GET['old_name']; } $old_name = $this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $old_name; $new_name = $this->one_or_three.'client/themes/' . $theme_name; $status = array(); if (is_dir($new_name)) { $status['theme_name'] = 'exists'; } else { //$this->create_theme($theme_name, $author_name); rename($old_name, $new_name); if (!is_dir($new_name)) { $status['theme_name'] = 'perms'; } else { $status['theme_name'] = 'success'; } } if ($status['theme_name'] == 'success' && isset($_GET['old_name']) == false) $_SESSION[$this->uid . 'curr_theme'] = $theme_name; echo json_encode($status); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function explode($del, $arr) { $f_array = explode($del, $arr); array_pop($f_array); return $f_array; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function replace_tokens($string,$reverse=false) { $tokens = array( ">" => "C_GREATER_THAN", "*" => "C_ASTERIX" ); foreach($tokens as $token=>$value) { if($reverse == false) $string = str_replace($token,$value,$string); else $string = str_replace($value,$token,$string); } return $string; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function parsecss($css) { //$css = file_get_contents($file); $css = $this->replace_tokens($css); //bad hack , i know it. preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9\s\.\:#_\-@,]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr); $result = array(); foreach ($arr[0] as $i => $x){ $selector = $this->replace_tokens(trim($arr[1][$i]),true); $rules = explode(';', trim($arr[2][$i])); $rules_arr = array(); foreach ($rules as $strRule){ if (!empty($strRule)){ $rule = explode(":", $strRule); if(!isset($rule[1])) continue; $property = trim($rule[0]); $value = trim($rule[1]); if(isset($rules_arr[$property])){ //looks like there are same properties with different values //so first make the value itself an array of previous value and push all values into it one by one if(!is_array($rules_arr[$property])){ $rules_arr[$property] = array($rules_arr[$property]);//store the previous value as an array } array_push($rules_arr[$property], $value); }else{ $rules_arr[$property] = $value; } } } $selectors = explode(',', trim($selector)); foreach ($selectors as $strSel){ if(!isset($result[$strSel])) $result[$strSel] = $rules_arr; else{ $result[$strSel] = array_merge($result[$strSel],$rules_arr); } } } return $result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function get_css_array() { $css = $this->get_css(); echo json_encode($css); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function get_css() { $file = $this->path.'/styles.css'; $css = file_get_contents($file); return $this->parsecss($css); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function save_style_changes(){ $css = $this->get_css(); $format = ''; $css_array = $_POST['css_array']; foreach($css as $css_key => $css_values) { if(isset($css_array[$css_key])) { //this is modified $css_values = array_merge($css[$css_key], $css_array[$css_key]); } $format .= $css_key . " {\n"; $css_key_content = ''; foreach ($css_values as $css_property => $css_value) { if(is_array($css_value)) { //duplicate css property is stores as an multi value array foreach($css_value as $value) { $css_key_content .= $css_property . ":" . $value.";\n"; } }else{ $css_key_content .= $css_property . ":" . $css_value.";\n"; } } $format .= $css_key_content; $format = $format."}\n\n"; } $file = strip_tags($_POST['filename']); $filename = $this->path.'/'.strip_tags($_POST['filename']); preg_match_all('/<\?php(.*?)\?>/s',$format,$matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $new = str_replace( "^", ";", $match); $format = str_replace($match,$new,$format); } $preformat = ''; if($file == 'css.php' ) { $preformat = "/*X_CSS_PARSE*/\n"; } //echo $filename; $format = $preformat.$format; file_put_contents($filename, rtrim($format)); } public function set_default() { $current_theme = $_POST['current_theme']; $query = "UPDATE frei_config SET frei_config.val='$current_theme' WHERE frei_config.\"key\"='freichat_theme'"; $this->db->query($query); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $theme = new theme_maker('../../../'); if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'restore') $theme->reset_argfile(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'save') $theme->save(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'list_themes') $theme->list_themes(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'change_theme') $theme->change_theme(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete_theme') $theme->delete_theme(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'rename_theme') $theme->rename_theme(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'get_css_array') $theme->get_css_array(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'save_style_changes') $theme->save_style_changes(); else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'set_default') $theme->set_default (); }