Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js |
/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: * * * For further information visit: * * * File Name: fck_link.js * Scripts related to the Link dialog window (see fck_link.html). * * Version: 2.0 RC3 * Modified: 2005-02-09 13:53:13 * * File Authors: * Frederico Caldeira Knabben ( */ var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ; var FCK = oEditor.FCK ; var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ; //#### Dialog Tabs // Set the dialog tabs. window.parent.AddTab( 'Info', FCKLang.DlgLnkInfoTab ) ; window.parent.AddTab( 'Target', FCKLang.DlgLnkTargetTab, true ) ; // TODO : Enable File Upload (1/3). //window.parent.AddTab( 'Upload', 'Upload', true ) ; window.parent.AddTab( 'Advanced', FCKLang.DlgAdvancedTag ) ; // Function called when a dialog tag is selected. function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode ) { ShowE('divInfo' , ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ; ShowE('divTarget' , ( tabCode == 'Target' ) ) ; // TODO : Enable File Upload (2/3). // ShowE('divUpload' , ( tabCode == 'Upload' ) ) ; ShowE('divAttribs' , ( tabCode == 'Advanced' ) ) ; } //#### Regular Expressions library. var oRegex = new Object() ; oRegex.UriProtocol = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UriProtocol.compile( '^(((http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)|mailto:)', 'gi' ) ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.compile( '^(http|https|ftp|news)://(?=.)', 'gi' ) ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.compile( '^(javascript:|#|/)', 'gi' ) ; oRegex.ReserveTarget = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.ReserveTarget.compile( '^_(blank|self|top|parent)$', 'i' ) ; oRegex.PopupUri = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.PopupUri.compile( "^javascript:void\\(\\s*\\(\\s*'([^']+)'\\s*,\\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\\s*,\\s*'([^']*)'\\s*\\)\\s*\\)\\s*$" ) ; oRegex.PopupFeatures = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.PopupFeatures.compile( '(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\\d+|yes|no)', 'gi' ) ; //#### Parser Functions var oParser = new Object() ; oParser.ParseEMailUrl = function( emailUrl ) { // Initializes the EMailInfo object. var oEMailInfo = new Object() ; oEMailInfo.Address = '' ; oEMailInfo.Subject = '' ; oEMailInfo.Body = '' ; var oParts = emailUrl.match( /^([^\?]+)\??(.+)?/ ) ; if ( oParts ) { // Set the e-mail address. oEMailInfo.Address = oParts[1] ; // Look for the optional e-mail parameters. if ( oParts[2] ) { var oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)subject=([^&]+)/i ) ; if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Subject = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ; oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)body=([^&]+)/i ) ; if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Body = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ; } } return oEMailInfo ; } oParser.CreateEMailUri = function( address, subject, body ) { var sBaseUri = 'mailto:' + address ; var sParams = '' ; if ( subject.length > 0 ) sParams = '?subject=' + escape( subject ) ; if ( body.length > 0 ) { sParams += ( sParams.length == 0 ? '?' : '&' ) ; sParams += 'body=' + escape( body ) ; } return sBaseUri + sParams ; } //#### Initialization Code // oLink: The actual selected link in the editor. var oLink = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ; if ( oLink ) FCK.Selection.MoveToNode( oLink ) ; window.onload = function() { // Translate the dialog box texts. oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ; // Fill the Anchor Names and Ids combos. LoadAnchorNamesAndIds() ; // Load the selected link information (if any). LoadSelection() ; // Update the dialog box. SetLinkType( GetE('cmbLinkType').value ) ; // Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button. GetE('divBrowseServer').style.display = oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowser ? '' : 'none' ; // Show the initial dialog content. GetE('divInfo').style.display = '' ; // Activate the "OK" button. window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ; } var bHasAnchors ; function LoadAnchorNamesAndIds() { var aAnchors = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.anchors ; var aIds = oEditor.FCKTools.GetAllChildrenIds( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body ) ; bHasAnchors = ( aAnchors.length > 0 || aIds.length > 0 ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aAnchors.length ; i++ ) { var sName = aAnchors[i].name ; if ( sName && sName.length > 0 ) oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbAnchorName'), sName, sName ) ; } for ( var i = 0 ; i < aIds.length ; i++ ) { oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbAnchorId'), aIds[i], aIds[i] ) ; } ShowE( 'divSelAnchor' , bHasAnchors ) ; ShowE( 'divNoAnchor' , !bHasAnchors ) ; } function LoadSelection() { if ( !oLink ) return ; var sType = 'url' ; // Get the actual Link href. var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute('href',2) + '' ; // TODO: Wait stable version and remove the following commented lines. // if ( sHRef.startsWith( FCK.BaseUrl ) ) // sHRef = sHRef.remove( 0, FCK.BaseUrl.length ) ; // Look for a popup javascript link. var oPopupMatch = oRegex.PopupUri.exec( sHRef ) ; if( oPopupMatch ) { GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'popup' ; sHRef = oPopupMatch[1] ; FillPopupFields( oPopupMatch[2], oPopupMatch[3] ) ; SetTarget( 'popup' ) ; } // Search for the protocol. var sProtocol = oRegex.UriProtocol.exec( sHRef ) ; if ( sProtocol ) { sProtocol = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ; GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol ; // Remove the protocol and get the remainig URL. var sUrl = sHRef.replace( oRegex.UriProtocol, '' ) ; if ( sProtocol == 'mailto:' ) // It is an e-mail link. { sType = 'email' ; var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUrl( sUrl ) ; GetE('txtEMailAddress').value = oEMailInfo.Address ; GetE('txtEMailSubject').value = oEMailInfo.Subject ; GetE('txtEMailBody').value = oEMailInfo.Body ; } else // It is a normal link. { sType = 'url' ; GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ; } } else if ( sHRef.substr(0,1) == '#' && sHRef.length > 2 ) // It is an anchor link. { sType = 'anchor' ; GetE('cmbAnchorName').value = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value = sHRef.substr(1) ; } else // It is another type of link. { sType = 'url' ; GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ; GetE('txtUrl').value = sHRef ; } if ( !oPopupMatch ) { // Get the target. var sTarget = ; if ( sTarget && sTarget.length > 0 ) { if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sTarget ) ) { sTarget = sTarget.toLowerCase() ; GetE('cmbTarget').value = sTarget ; } else GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ; GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = sTarget ; } } // Get Advances Attributes GetE('txtAttId').value = ; GetE('txtAttName').value = ; GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value = oLink.dir ; GetE('txtAttLangCode').value = oLink.lang ; GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value = oLink.accessKey ; GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value = oLink.tabIndex <= 0 ? '' : oLink.tabIndex ; GetE('txtAttTitle').value = oLink.title ; GetE('txtAttContentType').value = oLink.type ; GetE('txtAttCharSet').value = oLink.charset ; if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) { GetE('txtAttClasses').value = oLink.getAttribute('className',2) || '' ; GetE('txtAttStyle').value = ; } else { GetE('txtAttClasses').value = oLink.getAttribute('class',2) || '' ; GetE('txtAttStyle').value = oLink.getAttribute('style',2) ; } // Update the Link type combo. GetE('cmbLinkType').value = sType ; } //#### Link type selection. function SetLinkType( linkType ) { ShowE('divLinkTypeUrl' , (linkType == 'url') ) ; ShowE('divLinkTypeAnchor' , (linkType == 'anchor') ) ; ShowE('divLinkTypeEMail' , (linkType == 'email') ) ; window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Target' , (linkType == 'url') ) ; // TODO : Enable File Upload (3/3). // window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Upload' , (linkType == 'url') ) ; window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Advanced' , (linkType != 'anchor' || bHasAnchors) ) ; if ( linkType == 'email' ) window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ; } //#### Target type selection. function SetTarget( targetType ) { GetE('tdTargetFrame').style.display = ( targetType == 'popup' ? 'none' : '' ) ; GetE('tdPopupName').style.display = GetE('tablePopupFeatures').style.display = ( targetType == 'popup' ? '' : 'none' ) ; switch ( targetType ) { case "_blank" : case "_self" : case "_parent" : case "_top" : GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = targetType ; break ; case "" : GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = '' ; break ; } if ( targetType == 'popup' ) window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ; } //#### Called while the user types the URL. function OnUrlChange() { var sUrl = GetE('txtUrl').value ; var sProtocol = oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.exec( sUrl ) ; if ( sProtocol ) { sUrl = sUrl.substr( sProtocol[0].length ) ; GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ; GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ; } else if ( oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.test( sUrl ) ) { GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ; } } //#### Called while the user types the target name. function OnTargetNameChange() { var sFrame = GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ; if ( sFrame.length == 0 ) GetE('cmbTarget').value = '' ; else if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sFrame ) ) GetE('cmbTarget').value = sFrame.toLowerCase() ; else GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ; } //#### Builds the javascript URI to open a popup to the specified URI. function BuildPopupUri( uri ) { var oReg = new RegExp( "'", "g" ) ; var sWindowName = "'" + GetE('txtPopupName').value.replace(oReg, "\\'") + "'" ; var sFeatures = '' ; var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName('chkFeature') ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) sFeatures += ',' ; sFeatures += aChkFeatures[i].value + '=' + ( aChkFeatures[i].checked ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ; } if ( GetE('txtPopupWidth').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',width=' + GetE('txtPopupWidth').value ; if ( GetE('txtPopupHeight').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',height=' + GetE('txtPopupHeight').value ; if ( GetE('txtPopupLeft').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',left=' + GetE('txtPopupLeft').value ; if ( GetE('txtPopupTop').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',top=' + GetE('txtPopupTop').value ; return ( "javascript:void('" + uri + "'," + sWindowName + ",'" + sFeatures + "'))" ) ; } //#### Fills all Popup related fields. function FillPopupFields( windowName, features ) { if ( windowName ) GetE('txtPopupName').value = windowName ; var oFeatures = new Object() ; var oFeaturesMatch ; while( ( oFeaturesMatch = oRegex.PopupFeatures.exec( features ) ) != null ) { var sValue = oFeaturesMatch[2] ; if ( sValue == ( 'yes' || '1' ) ) oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = true ; else if ( ! isNaN( sValue ) && sValue != 0 ) oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = sValue ; } // Update all features check boxes. var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName('chkFeature') ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ ) { if ( oFeatures[ aChkFeatures[i].value ] ) aChkFeatures[i].checked = true ; } // Update position and size text boxes. if ( oFeatures['width'] ) GetE('txtPopupWidth').value = oFeatures['width'] ; if ( oFeatures['height'] ) GetE('txtPopupHeight').value = oFeatures['height'] ; if ( oFeatures['left'] ) GetE('txtPopupLeft').value = oFeatures['left'] ; if ( oFeatures['top'] ) GetE('txtPopupTop').value = oFeatures['top'] ; } //#### The OK button was hit. function Ok() { var sUri ; switch ( GetE('cmbLinkType').value ) { case 'url' : sUri = GetE('txtUrl').value ; if ( sUri.length == 0 ) { alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoUrl ) ; return false ; } sUri = GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value + sUri ; if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' ) sUri = BuildPopupUri( sUri ) ; break ; case 'email' : sUri = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ; if ( sUri.length == 0 ) { alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoEMail ) ; return false ; } sUri = oParser.CreateEMailUri( sUri, GetE('txtEMailSubject').value, GetE('txtEMailBody').value ) ; break ; case 'anchor' : var sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorName').value ; if ( sAnchor.length == 0 ) sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value ; if ( sAnchor.length == 0 ) { alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor ) ; return false ; } sUri = '#' + sAnchor ; break ; } if ( oLink ) // Modifying an existent link. oLink.href = sUri ; else // Creating a new link. { oLink = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( sUri ) ; if ( ! oLink ) return true ; } // Target if( GetE('cmbTarget').value != 'popup' ) SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ) ; else SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', null ) ; // Advances Attributes SetAttribute( oLink, 'id' , GetE('txtAttId').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'name' , GetE('txtAttName').value ) ; // No IE. Set but doesnt't update the outerHTML. SetAttribute( oLink, 'dir' , GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'lang' , GetE('txtAttLangCode').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'accesskey', GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'tabindex' , ( GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value > 0 ? GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value : null ) ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'title' , GetE('txtAttTitle').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'class' , GetE('txtAttClasses').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'type' , GetE('txtAttContentType').value ) ; SetAttribute( oLink, 'charset' , GetE('txtAttCharSet').value ) ; if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) = GetE('txtAttStyle').value ; else SetAttribute( oLink, 'style', GetE('txtAttStyle').value ) ; return true ; } function BrowseServer() { // Set the browser window feature. var iWidth = oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth ; var iHeight = oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ; var iLeft = (screen.width - iWidth) / 2 ; var iTop = (screen.height - iHeight) / 2 ; var sOptions = "toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes" ; sOptions += ",width=" + iWidth ; sOptions += ",height=" + iHeight ; sOptions += ",left=" + iLeft ; sOptions += ",top=" + iTop ; // Open the browser window. var oWindow = oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL, "FCKBrowseWindow", sOptions ) ; } function SetUrl( url ) { document.getElementById('txtUrl').value = url ; OnUrlChange() ; }