Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/chat/install_files/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/chat/install_files/funcs.php |
<?php function Message( $message, $good ) { if ( $good ) $yesno = '<b><font color="green" size="2px">Yes</font></b>'; else $yesno = '<b><font color="red" size="2px">No</font></b>'; echo '<tr><td class="normal">'. $message .'</td><td>'. $yesno .'</td></tr>'; } /** ** Check writeability of needed files and directories - used for step 1. **/ function isWriteable ( $canContinue, $file, $mode, $desc ) { @chmod( $file, $mode ); $good = is_writable( $file ) ? 1 : 0; Message ( $desc.' is writable: ', $good ); return ( $canContinue && $good ); } function changeConfigVariables( $contents, $replaces ) { /*unlink(dirname(__FILE__).'/../appdata/config_1.php'); foreach( $replaces as $k=>$v ) { $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}config_values,{$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}config SET {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}config_values.value='{$v}' WHERE {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}config_values.config_id = {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']} AND {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}config.level_0 = '{$k}'"; $res = mysql_query( $sql ); } return true;*/ /*foreach( $replaces as $k=>$v) { $patterns[] = '/\s*\''. $k .'\'\s*=>\s*\'{0,1}\w*\'{0,1}\s*,/i'; $replacements[] = "\n\t\t'$k' => $v,"; } //return $contents; return preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $contents);*/ } //------------------------------------------------- //MD5 file //------------------------------------------------- function md5file_cust($fname) { if( function_exists('md5_file') ) { return md5_file($fname); } $file = fopen($fname, 'rb'); $data = fread($file, filesize($fname)) ; fclose($file); return md5($data); } function getConfigData($fname = '') { return ''; /*if($fname == '') { $fname = CONFIG_FILE; } $handle = fopen($fname, 'r'); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($fname)); fclose($handle); return $contents;*/ } function writeConfig( $configData, $fname='' ) { return true; /*if( $fname == '' )$fname = CONFIG_FILE; $fp = @fopen( $fname, 'wb' ); if ( $fp ) { fwrite( $fp, $configData ); fclose( $fp ); return true; } else return false;*/ } //------------------------------------------------- //connect to database return Error str //------------------------------------------------- function connectToDB($dbname='', $dbuser='', $dbpass='', $dbhost='', &$dbpref) { if( $dbname == '' ) { require_once './inc/config.srv.php'; $dbhost = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['host']; $dbuser = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['user']; $dbpass = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pass']; $dbname = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['base']; $dbpref = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']; } if($conn = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) { if(! mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn)) { return "<b>Could not select '$dbname' database - please make sure this database exists</b><br>" . mysql_error(); } } else { return '<b>Could not connect to MySQL database - please check database settings</b><br>' . mysql_error(); } return ''; } //return string error or result array if all ok function db_get_array($sql, $primary_fld='') { $errstr = ''; $result = @mysql_query($sql) OR ($errstr = mysql_error()) ; if($errstr != '') return $errstr; $return = array(); while($ret = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if( $primary_fld != '' ) { $return[$ret[$primary_fld]] = $ret; }else { $return[] = $ret; } } return $return; } //------------------------------------------------- //generate html combo //------------------------------------------------- function htmlSelect($name, $arr, $selected, $addprop='') { $ret = "<SELECT name=\"$name\" $addprop>"; foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { if($selected == $k)$sel = 'SELECTED'; else $sel = ''; $ret .= "<option value=\"$k\" $sel>$v"; } $ret .= "</SELECT>"; return $ret; } //------------------------------------------------- //redirect_inst //------------------------------------------------- function redirect_inst($url) { echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!--// redirect_inst window.location.href = "'.$url.'"; //--> </script> '; die; } //---------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------- function splitSql_fc(&$ret, $sql, $release) { $sql = trim($sql); $sql_len = strlen($sql); $char = ''; $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; $time0 = time(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) { $char = $sql[$i]; // We are in a string, check for not escaped end of strings except for // backquotes that can't be escaped if ($in_string) { for (;;) { $i = strpos($sql, $string_start, $i); // No end of string found -> add the current substring to the // returned array if (!$i) { $ret[] = $sql; return TRUE; } // Backquotes or no backslashes before quotes: it's indeed the // end of the string -> exit the loop else if ($string_start == '`' || $sql[$i-1] != '\\') { $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; break; } // one or more Backslashes before the presumed end of string... else { // ... first checks for escaped backslashes $j = 2; $escaped_backslash = FALSE; while ($i-$j > 0 && $sql[$i-$j] == '\\') { $escaped_backslash = !$escaped_backslash; $j++; } // ... if escaped backslashes: it's really the end of the // string -> exit the loop if ($escaped_backslash) { $string_start = ''; $in_string = FALSE; break; } // ... else loop else { $i++; } } // end if...elseif...else } // end for } // end if (in string) // We are not in a string, first check for delimiter... else if ($char == ';') { // if delimiter found, add the parsed part to the returned array $ret[] = substr($sql, 0, $i); $sql = ltrim(substr($sql, min($i + 1, $sql_len))); $sql_len = strlen($sql); if ($sql_len) { $i = -1; } else { // The submited statement(s) end(s) here return TRUE; } } // end else if (is delimiter) // ... then check for start of a string,... else if (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) { $in_string = TRUE; $string_start = $char; } // end else if (is start of string) // ... for start of a comment (and remove this comment if found)... else if ($char == '#' || ($char == ' ' && $i > 1 && $sql[$i-2] . $sql[$i-1] == '--')) { // starting position of the comment depends on the comment type $start_of_comment = (($sql[$i] == '#') ? $i : $i-2); // if no "\n" exits in the remaining string, checks for "\r" // (Mac eol style) $end_of_comment = (strpos(' ' . $sql, "\012", $i+2)) ? strpos(' ' . $sql, "\012", $i+2) : strpos(' ' . $sql, "\015", $i+2); if (!$end_of_comment) { // no eol found after '#', add the parsed part to the returned // array if required and exit if ($start_of_comment > 0) { $ret[] = trim(substr($sql, 0, $start_of_comment)); } return TRUE; } else { $sql = substr($sql, 0, $start_of_comment) . ltrim(substr($sql, $end_of_comment)); $sql_len = strlen($sql); $i--; } // end if...else } // end else if (is comment) else if( $char == '/' && $sql[$i+1] == "*")//parse /* */ comment { $start_of_comment = $i; $i += 1; while( ++$i < $sql_len) if( $sql[$i] == "/" && $sql[$i-1]=="*") break; $com_len = $i+1 - $start_of_comment; $sql = substr($sql, 0, $start_of_comment).ltrim(substr($sql, $i+1)); $sql_len = strlen($sql); $i -= $com_len; } // ... and finally disactivate the "/*!...*/" syntax if MySQL < 3.22.07 /*else if ($release < 32270 && ($char == '!' && $i > 1 && $sql[$i-2] . $sql[$i-1] == '/*')) { $sql[$i] = ' '; } */// end else if // loic1: send a fake header each 30 sec. to bypass browser timeout /* $time1 = time(); if ($time1 >= $time0 + 30) { $time0 = $time1; header('X-pmaPing: Pong'); } // end if */ } // end for // add any rest to the returned array if (!empty($sql) && preg_match('/[^[:space:]]+/', $sql)) { $ret[] = $sql; } return TRUE; } // end of the 'PMA_splitSqlFile()' function // parse mysql_conf.sql and create config cache file. $filename - path to mysql_conf.sql. artemK0 function createConfigCacheFile($filename, $table_prefix) { define('TAB', "\t"); define('CRLF', "\n"); define('SLASH', '\\'); $magicQuotes = ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime'); if($magicQuotes == 1) { $delimiter = SLASH; $offset = 1; } else { $delimiter = ''; $offset = 0; } $f = fopen($filename, 'r'); $return_lines = array(); $return_lines_main = array(); while(!feof($f)) { $str = fgets($f); if(strlen($str) > 28) { $tbl_name_arr = explode(' ', $str); switch($tbl_name_arr[2]) { case $table_prefix.'config': $tmp = substr($str, strpos($str, '(') + 2 + $offset, -5 - $offset); $tmp = str_replace($delimiter.'",'.$delimiter.'"', TAB, $tmp); $tmp = str_replace($delimiter.'\"', '"', $tmp); //fix starts. artemK0 $tmp = str_replace(SLASH.SLASH.SLASH."'".'USD'.SLASH.SLASH.SLASH."'", "\\'USD\\'", $tmp); //fix ends. artemK0 if(strlen($tmp) != 0) { $id_arr = explode(TAB, $tmp); $id = $id_arr[0]; $return_lines[$id] = implode(TAB, $id_arr); } break; case $table_prefix.'config_values': $tmp = substr($str, strpos($str, '(') + $offset, -5 - $offset); $tmp = str_replace($delimiter.'",'.$delimiter.'"', TAB, $tmp); $tmp = str_replace('\"', '"', $tmp); if(strlen($tmp) != 0) { $id_arr = explode(TAB, $tmp); $id = $id_arr[2]; unset($id_arr[0]); unset($id_arr[1]); unset($id_arr[2]); if(array_key_exists($id, $return_lines)) { $return_lines[$id] .= TAB . implode(TAB, $id_arr); } } break; case $table_prefix.'config_main': $tmp = substr($str, strpos($str, '(') + 1, -2); $tmp = str_replace(', ', ',', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace(' ,', ',', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace($delimiter."',", ',', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace(",".$delimiter."'", ',', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace(',', TAB, $tmp); $tmp = str_replace(');', '', $tmp); if(strlen($tmp) != 0) { $return_lines_main []= $tmp; } break; default: break; } } } fclose($f); $return_lines_sort = array(); $i = 0; foreach($return_lines as $v) { $cols = explode(TAB, $v); foreach($cols as $v) { $return_lines_sort[$i] []= $v; } $i++; } foreach($return_lines_sort as $k => $v) { $sort_arr[$k] = $return_lines_sort[$k][11]; } array_multisort($sort_arr, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $return_lines_sort); $return_lines = array(); foreach($return_lines_sort as $v) { $return_lines []= implode(TAB, $v); } $str = ''; foreach($return_lines_main as $v) { $str .= $v.CRLF; } $f = fopen(INC_DIR . '../temp/tmp_main.txt', 'w'); fwrite($f, $str); fclose($f); $str = ''; foreach($return_lines as $v) $str .= $v . TAB . CRLF; return $str; } // add font files from /fonts dir, and inserts to table/file function addFontsToConfig($dbpref, $session_instance, $cacheType, $cachePath, $cacheFilePrefix) { $d=dir(INC_DIR . '../fonts'); $fonts=array(); $itm=array(); $_order=array(); $existed_fonts=array(); while(false!==($entry = $d->read())) { if(!($entry=="." || $entry==".." || strpos($entry, ".swf")===false)) { $fonts[]=ucfirst(substr($entry, 0, -4));//.swf } } $d->close(); $query="SELECT ".$dbpref."config.level_2, ".$dbpref."config._order, ".$dbpref."config_values.value FROM ".$dbpref."config, ".$dbpref."config_values WHERE ".$dbpref." = ".$dbpref."config_values.config_id AND ".$dbpref."config.level_0 = 'text' AND ".$dbpref."config.level_1 = 'fontFamily'"; $stmt = new Statement($query, 426); $result = $stmt->process(); while($v = $result->next()) { $itm[]=substr($v['level_2'], -1, 1); $_order[]=$v['_order']; $existed_fonts[]=$v['value']; } if(count($itm) <= 0) { $max_itm = 1; } else { $max_itm = max($itm) + 1; } if(count($_order) <= 0) { $max_order = 1; } else { $max_order = max($_order) + 1; } foreach($fonts as $v) { $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbpref.'config VALUES(NULL,"text","fontFamily",?,"","","string","","",?,"","font",?)'; $stmt = new Statement($query, 427); $result = $stmt->process("itm".$max_itm, "text|fontFamily|itm".$max_itm, $max_order); // in full caching function mysql_insert_id() wont work. artemK0 if($cacheType != 2) { $query = 'SELECT MAX(id) FROM '.$dbpref.'config'; $result = mysql_query($query); $id = mysql_result($result, 0, 'MAX(id)'); } else { $id = cache_insert_id($cachePath, $dbpref, $cacheFilePrefix); $id--; } $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbpref.'config_values VALUES(NULL,?,?,?,?)'; $stmt = new Statement($query, 421); $result = $stmt->process($session_instance, $id, $v, '0'); $max_itm++; $max_order++; } // if full caching enabled, then sort config cache file by parent_page value. artemK0 if($cacheType == 2) { sortCacheFile($cachePath, $dbpref, $cacheFilePrefix); } return true; } // gets the max id from config file. artemK0 function cache_insert_id($cachePath, $table_prefix, $cache_prefix) { $fname = $cachePath.$table_prefix."config_".$cache_prefix."_1.txt"; $lines=file($fname); $max_arr=array(); foreach($lines as $v) { $cols=explode("\t", $v); $max_arr[]=$cols[0]; } if(count($max_arr) <= 0) { $id = 1; } else { $id = max($max_arr) + 1; } return $id; } // sorts config cache file by parent_page value. artemK0 function sortCacheFile($cachePath, $table_prefix, $cache_prefix) { $columns=array("id", "level_0", "level_1", "level_2", "level_3", "level_4", "type", "units", "title", "comment", "info", "parent_page", "_order", "value", "disabled"); $fname = $cachePath.$table_prefix."config_".$cache_prefix."_1.txt"; $lines=file($fname); $return_lines_sort=array(); $i=0; foreach($lines as $v) { $j=0; $cols=explode("\t", $v); foreach($cols as $v) { $return_lines_sort[$i][$columns[$j]]=$v; $j++; } $i++; } foreach($return_lines_sort as $k => $v) { $sort_arr1[$k]=$return_lines_sort[$k][$columns[11]]; $sort_arr2[$k]=$return_lines_sort[$k][$columns[0]]; } array_multisort($sort_arr1, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $sort_arr2, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $return_lines_sort); $return_lines=array(); foreach($return_lines_sort as $v) { $return_lines[]=implode("\t", $v); } $str=""; foreach($return_lines as $v) $str.=$v; $f=@fopen($fname, "w"); @fwrite($f, $str); @fclose($f); return true; } // clears /temp dir. artemK0 function clearTempDir($fname) { $d=dir($fname); while(false!==($entry = $d->read())) { if('config.srv.php' == $entry || 'modules'==$entry || $entry=="." || $entry==".." || strpos($entry, "_users_")!==false) continue; if(is_file($fname."/".$entry)) { @unlink($fname."/".$entry); } elseif(is_dir($fname."/".$entry)) { clearTempDir($fname."/".$entry); } } $remove=""; if($d->read()===false && $fname!="./temp") $remove=$fname; $d->close(); if($remove!="") @rmdir($remove); } // creates directories and files in /temp. artemK0 function fillTempDir($fname) { $d = dir($fname); while(false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue; if(is_file($fname . '/' . $entry)) { $new_fname = './temp' . substr($fname, strpos($fname, '/temp_dir') + 9) . '/' . $entry; // added by Pavel 22.10.09 if (strpos($new_fname, 'config.srv.php') !== false && file_exists($new_fname)) { continue; } // $lines = @file($fname . '/' . $entry); $fw = @fopen($new_fname, 'w'); foreach($lines as $v) { @fwrite($fw, $v); } @fclose($fw); @chown($new_fname, 'nobody'); @chmod($new_fname, 0777); } elseif(is_dir($fname . '/' . $entry)) { $new_fname = './temp' . substr($fname, strpos($fname, '/temp_dir') + 9) . '/' . $entry; $b = @mkdir($new_fname, 0777); @chmod($new_fname, 0777); fillTempDir($fname . '/' . $entry); } } $d->close(); } //------------------------------------------------- //create array of field values for sql update/insert //------------------------------------------------- function getPOSTfields($subj, $add=array(), $post=NULL) { if( $post == NULL ) $post = $_POST; $len = strlen($subj); $flds = array(); foreach( $add as $k=>$v ) { $post[$k] = $v; } $func[] = 'NOW()'; while( list($k,$v) = each($post) ) { if ( $fld == 'AddName' || $fld == 'AddValue' || $fld == 'Substitute' ) continue; if (substr($k,0,strpos($k,"_")) == 'type') { $type = $v; continue; } if (substr($k,0,strpos($k,"_")) == 'name') { $name = $v; continue; } if (substr($k,0,strpos($k,"_")) == 'field') { $field = $v; continue; } if( substr($k,0, $len ) != $subj ) continue; $fld = substr($k, $len); $v2 = $v; if( ! in_array($v, $func) ) $v2 = "'$v2'"; if ( $_REQUEST['module'] == 'badwords' ) { list($k1,$v1) = each($post); $disabled = $v1; } if ( $_REQUEST['module'] == 'modules' ) { $num = substr($fld,0,strpos($fld,"_") ); if ( isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && $_REQUEST['change'] == $num) { $flds['ins'][$fld] = ''; $flds['err'][$fld]['value'] = ''; } if ( $_REQUEST['change'] == $num && $_REQUEST['count'] != 1) continue; $fld = substr($fld,strpos($fld,"_")+1); if ( isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && $_REQUEST['change'] == $num ) { $v2 = ''; } else $v2 =substr($v2,1,strlen($v2)-2); if ( isset($flds['ins'][$fld]) ) $sign = ','; else $sign = ''; $flds['ins'][$fld] = $flds['ins'][$fld].$sign.$v2; $flds['err'][$fld]['type'] = $type; $flds['err'][$fld]['name'] = $name; $flds['err'][$fld]['field'] = $field; $flds['err'][$fld]['value'] = $flds['err'][$fld]['value'].$sign.$v; if ( isset($disabled) ) $flds['err'][$fld]['disabled'] = $disabled; $flds['upd'][$fld] = "$fld = $v2"; } else { $flds['ins'][$fld] = $v2; $flds['err'][$fld]['type'] = $type; $flds['err'][$fld]['name'] = $name; $flds['err'][$fld]['field'] = $field; $flds['err'][$fld]['value'] = $v; if ( isset($disabled) ) $flds['err'][$fld]['disabled'] = $disabled; $flds['upd'][$fld] = "$fld = $v2"; } } if( sizeof($flds) ) { $flds['key'] = implode(',', array_keys($flds['ins'])); $flds['val'] = implode(',', array_values($flds['ins'])); $flds['set'] = implode(',', $flds['upd']); } return $flds; } // functions that operate with defaultUsrExtCMS file. artemK0 function getConfigDataEXT($fname = '') { if($fname == '') { $fname = CONFIG_FILE; } $handle = fopen($fname, 'r'); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($fname)); fclose($handle); return $contents; } function writeConfigEXT($configData, $fname = '') { if($fname == '') { $fname = CONFIG_FILE; } $fp = @fopen($fname, 'wb'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $configData); fclose($fp); return true; } else { return false; } } ?>