Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/common.php |
<?php if(strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'install.php') > 0) { } else { } //--- if(substr(phpversion(), 0, 1) >= '5') @ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', '0');// for PHP 5 compatibility //--- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function tLg($title, $str) { //if( !$GLOBALS['fc_config']['errorReports'] ) return; return; $fname = 'log.txt'; if( (!is_writable( $fname ) && file_exists( $fname )) || !is_writable( '.' ) ) return; $fp = @fopen($fname,'a'); $date = date("H:i:s d/m/y"); @fwrite($fp,"\n//-----------------------------------------------------"); @fwrite($fp,"\n//---- $date ---- $title"); @fwrite($fp,"\n//-----------------------------------------------------"); /*if( is_array( $str ) ) {*/ ob_start(); print_r( $str ); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //} @fwrite ( $fp,"\n".$str); @fclose( $fp ); } function toLog($t, $s) { tLg($t, $s); } //------------------------------------------------- //end tLg //------------------------------------------------- ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0); if( !defined('INC_DIR') ) define('INC_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); define('SPY_USERID', -1); define('ROLE_NOBODY', 0); define('ROLE_USER', 1); define('ROLE_ADMIN', 2); define('ROLE_MODERATOR', 3); define('ROLE_SPY', 4); define('ROLE_CUSTOMER', 8); define('ROLE_ANY', -1); define('BAN_BYROOMID', 1); define('BAN_BYUSERID', 2); define('BAN_BYIP', 3); define('BAN_BYPC', 4); define('LEFT', 2); define('RIGHT', 1); define('TOP', 2); define('BOTTOM', 1); if(!isset($GLOBALS['fc_config_stop'])) $GLOBALS['fc_config_stop'] = false; require_once( INC_DIR . 'config.srv.php' ); switch($GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheType']) { case 0: require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/db.php' ); break; case 1: require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/db_cache.php' ); break; case 2: require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/db_fullCache.php' ); break; } if ( $step > 2 || !isset($step) ) { //temp comment temp cpmment temp comment require_once( INC_DIR . 'config.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR . 'badwords.php' ); } require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/connection.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/messageQueue.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/message.php' ); //require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/chatServer.php' ); if(substr(PHP_VERSION, 0, strrpos(PHP_VERSION, '.')) < 5) { eval('?>' . preg_replace('|/\*PHP4(.*?)\*/|', '\\1', file_get_contents('classes/chatServer.php')) ); } else { require_once('classes/chatServer.php'); } require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/functions_utils.php' ); $GLOBALS['fc_config']['languages'] = array(); if(!$GLOBALS['fc_config_stop']) require_once( INC_DIR . 'config_ln.php' ); //--- error reporting if( isset($GLOBALS['fc_config']['errorReports']) && $GLOBALS['fc_config']['errorReports'] ) { // we will do our own error handling $old_error_handler = set_error_handler('userErrorHandler'); } //path to files where application data is stored (MUST be writeable!) $GLOBALS['fc_config']['appdata_path'] = './temp/appdata/appTime.txt'; $GLOBALS['fc_config']['botsdata_path'] = './temp/appdata/bots.txt'; $GLOBALS['clientId'] = -1; //---CMS if ( isset($_REQUEST['step']) ) { if(isset($_SESSION['forcms'])) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['CMSsystem'] = $_SESSION['forcms'];//commented on 090706 or chat instances } } /*if ( isset($_SESSION['instStep']) && !isset($_SESSION['usecms']) ) { $GLOBALS['fc_config']['CMSsystem'] = $_SESSION['forcms'];//commented on 090706 or chat instances require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/db.php'); }*/ /*$f_cms = INC_DIR . 'cmses/' . $GLOBALS['fc_config']['CMSsystem'] . '.php'; if( !file_exists($f_cms) || !is_file($f_cms) ) { require_once(INC_DIR . 'cmses/statelessCMS.php');//free for all users } else require_once( $f_cms ); //---end CMS */ $GLOBALS['fc_config']['currentCMSsystem'] = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['CMSsystem']; require_once( INC_DIR . 'classes/chatServer.php'); ChatServer::prepare(); //Bots future enabling if($GLOBALS['fc_config']['enableBots']) { require_once( INC_DIR.'../bot/bot_class.php' ); $GLOBALS['fc_config']['bot'] =& new Bot(); // $bot = new Bot(); // $GLOBALS['fc_config']['bot'] = & $bot; } //Socket Server future enabling config if($GLOBALS['fc_config']['enableSocketServer']) { if (!$GLOBALS['fc_config']['javaSocketServer']) { require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/patServer/config.socketSrv.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/patServer/' ); require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/patServer/patServer.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/patServer/patXMLServer_Dom.php' ); require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/patServer/socketServer.php' ); } else { require_once( INC_DIR.'../temp/javaServer/config.socketSrv.php' ); } } $_REQUEST['errors'] = ''; function addError($error) { $_REQUEST['errors'] .= "<error><![CDATA[{$error}]]></error>"; } function getErrors() { return $_REQUEST['errors']; } function htmlColor($color)// { //return $color; return sprintf('#%06X', $color); } function convert_timestamp($timestamp, $timezoneOffset=0) { $replacements = array( '-' => '', ' ' => '', ':' => ''); $timestamp = strtr($timestamp, $replacements); return $timestamp?mktime( substr($timestamp,8,2), substr($timestamp,10,2) - $timezoneOffset + $GLOBALS['fc_config']['timeOffset'], substr($timestamp,12,2), substr($timestamp,4,2), substr($timestamp,6,2), substr($timestamp,0,4) ):0; } function format_Timestamp($timestamp, $tzoffset) { return gmdate($GLOBALS['fc_config']['timeStampFormat'], convert_timestamp($timestamp, $tzoffset)); } function array2attrs($arr) { $ret = ''; if(is_array($arr) && count($arr) > 0) { foreach($arr as $k => $v) { if(!is_array($v)) $ret .= " $k=\"$v\" "; } } return $ret; } function array2attrsHtml($arr) { $ret = ''; if(is_array($arr) && count($arr) > 0) { foreach($arr as $k => $v) { if(!is_array($v)) $ret .= " $k=\"".htmlspecialchars($v)."\""; } } return $ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------- //Error handler function //------------------------------------------------- // user defined error handling function function userErrorHandler ($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { $send_to_mail = ''; // timestamp for the error entry $dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s (T)'); // define an assoc array of error string // in reality the only entries we should // consider are 2,8,256,512 and 1024 $errortype = array ( 1 => 'Error', 2 => 'Warning', 4 => 'Parsing Error', 8 => 'Notice', 16 => 'Core Error', 32 => 'Core Warning', 64 => 'Compile Error', 128 => 'Compile Warning', 256 => 'User Error', 512 => 'User Warning', 1024=> 'User Notice' ); // set of errors for which a var trace will be saved $user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE); $err = "<errorentry>\n"; $err .= "\t<datetime>".$dt."</datetime>\n"; $err .= "\t<errornum>".$errno."</errornum>\n"; $err .= "\t<errortype>".$errortype[$errno]."</errortype>\n"; $err .= "\t<errormsg>".$errmsg."</errormsg>\n"; $err .= "\t<scriptname>".$filename."</scriptname>\n"; $err .= "\t<scriptlinenum>".$linenum."</scriptlinenum>\n"; /* if (in_array($errno, $user_errors)) $err .= "\t<vartrace>".wddx_serialize_value($vars,"Variables")."</vartrace>\n"; */ $err .= "</errorentry>\n\n"; if ($errno != 8) { //mail($send_to_mail , "-error handler-$errortype[$errno]-$errmsg", $err);//send error by mail } } function write2file($filename, $data) { $file = fopen($filename, 'w+');//file_put_contents $res = fwrite($file, $data); fflush($file); fclose($file); } function scan_record($rec, &$config) { if($rec['level_1'] == '') { $config[$rec['level_0']] = cast2type($rec['value'], $rec['type']); } else if($rec['level_2'] == '') { alloc_arr(2, $rec, $config); $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']] = cast2type($rec['value'], $rec['type']); } else if($rec['level_3'] == '') { alloc_arr(3, $rec, $config); $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']] = cast2type($rec['value'], $rec['type']); } else if($rec['level_4'] == '') { alloc_arr(4, $rec, $config); $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']][$rec['level_3']] = cast2type($rec['value'], $rec['type']); } else { alloc_arr(5, $rec, $config); $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']][$rec['level_3']][$rec['level_4']] = cast2type($rec['value'], $rec['type']); } } function cast2type($val, $type) { if(strcmp($type, 'integer') == 0) return ($val + 0); if(strcmp($type, 'string') == 0) return ($val == null)? '' : $val; if(strcmp($type, 'boolean') == 0) return ($val == 1); return $val; } function alloc_arr($level, $rec, $config) { if(isset( $config[$rec['level_0']] ) && !is_array($config[$rec['level_0']])) $config[$rec['level_0']] = array(); if(isset( $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']] ) && !is_array($config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']]) && $level > 2) $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']] = array(); if(isset( $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']] ) && !is_array($config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']]) && $level > 3) $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']] = array(); if(isset( $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']][$rec['level_3']] ) && !is_array($config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']][$rec['level_3']]) && $level > 4) $config[$rec['level_0']][$rec['level_1']][$rec['level_2']][$rec['level_3']] = array(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //!!! be carefull - this function delete php files !!! function is_script($fname) { $fp = fopen($fname, 'r'); while(!feof($fp)) { $rs = trim(fread($fp, 2048)); if(strlen($rs) > 0) { fclose($fp); //$m = preg_match('/\w*<\?|CWS|FWS/', $rs); $m = preg_match('/\w*<\?/', $rs); if($m == 1) { unlink($fname); return true; } return false; } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // check for Turck MMCache if (function_exists('mmcache_rm_page')) mmcache_rm_page($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?GET='.serialize($_GET)); ?>