Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/classes/full_cache/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/classes/full_cache/processMessages.php |
<?php //156 $this->result = array(); if( $this->code_sql==164 )//SELECT id FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages WHERE command='msg' AND toroomid=? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT { $params = array( 'toroomid'=>$params[0] ); $stat_arr = array(); $stats_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Stats'); $strDesc = 'DESC LIMIT '; $first = substr($this->queryStr,strpos($this->queryStr,$strDesc) + strlen($strDesc),-1); $first = (int) substr($first,0,-1); $first++; $stats_file = @fopen($stats_file_name, 'r'); if( !$stats_file) { $stat_value = $this->getRecordsCount($GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages'); //RESTORING message_stats file $this->saveStatsInCache('MESSAGES_COUNT', $stat_value); return false; } //stream_set_timeout($stats_file, 180); while ($stat = fgets($stats_file)) { //$stat = fgets($stats_file); $stat_elems = explode('=', $stat); if($stat_elems[0] == 'MESSAGES_COUNT') { $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = $stat_elems[1]; } } @fclose($stats_file); $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = (int) $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; //checking all cached files if they have messages with id's: $params["id"] .. $stat_arr["COUNT"] // if only one ID not found in cach files(if database have spec. command with this id), // this function return's false and we select all messages from files. $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $id_end = $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; $id = array(); $result = null; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0]!=$params['toroomid'] || $entry_elems[0] == 'pm') continue; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; $count=0; $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); fseek($handle,$entry_elems[3]); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { //$line = fgets($handle); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $bit_pos = $line_elems[count($line_elems)-1]; fseek($handle,$bit_pos); $line = fgets($handle); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); /*if( $count > $first ) break;*/ if( $count > 50 ) break; fseek($handle,$bit_pos-20); $id[] = $line_elems[0]; $count++; if( $line_elems[4]==0 ) break; } fclose($handle); } sort($id); $tempAr = array(); $tempAr[0]['numb'] = count($id); //return $tempAr; return new ResultSet1( $tempAr ); } if( $this->code_sql==155 )//SELECT id FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages WHERE command='msg' AND toroomid=? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT { $params = array( 'toroomid'=>$params[0] ); $stat_arr = array(); $stats_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Stats'); $strDesc = 'DESC LIMIT '; $first = substr($this->queryStr,strpos($this->queryStr,$strDesc) + strlen($strDesc),-1); $first = (int) substr($first,0,-1); $first++; $stats_file = @fopen($stats_file_name, 'r'); if( !$stats_file) { $stat_value = $this->getRecordsCount($GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages'); //RESTORING message_stats file $this->saveStatsInCache('MESSAGES_COUNT', $stat_value); return false; } //stream_set_timeout($stats_file, 180); while ($stat = fgets($stats_file)) { //$stat = fgets($stats_file); $stat_elems = explode('=', $stat); if($stat_elems[0] == 'MESSAGES_COUNT') { $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = $stat_elems[1]; } } @fclose($stats_file); $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = (int) $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; //checking all cached files if they have messages with id's: $params["id"] .. $stat_arr["COUNT"] // if only one ID not found in cach files(if database have spec. command with this id), // this function return's false and we select all messages from files. $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $id_end = $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; $id = array(); $result = null; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0]!=$params['toroomid'] || $entry_elems[0] == 'pm') continue; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; $count=0; $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); fseek($handle,$entry_elems[3]); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { //$line = fgets($handle); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $bit_pos = $line_elems[count($line_elems)-1]; fseek($handle,$bit_pos); $line = fgets($handle); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); if( $count > $first ) break; if( $count > 50 ) break; fseek($handle,$bit_pos-20); $id[] = $line_elems[0]; $count++; if( $line_elems[4]==0 ) break; } fclose($handle); } sort($id); $tempAr = array(); $tempAr[0]['id'] = $id[count($id)-$first]; //return $tempAr; return new ResultSet1( $tempAr ); } if( $this->code_sql==156 )//strpos($this->queryStr,"SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages WHERE command='msg' AND id>=? AND id<=? AND toroomid=? ORDER BY id")!==false { $params['toroomid'] = $params[2]; $params['id'] = $params[0]; $stat_arr = array(); $stats_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Stats'); $find_records = 0; $stats_file = @fopen($stats_file_name, 'r'); if( !$stats_file) { $stat_value = $this->getRecordsCount($GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages'); //RESTORING message_stats file $this->saveStatsInCache('MESSAGES_COUNT', $stat_value); return false; } //stream_set_timeout($stats_file, 180); while ($stat = fgets($stats_file)) { //$stat = fgets($stats_file); $stat_elems = explode('=', $stat); if($stat_elems[0] == 'MESSAGES_COUNT') { $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = $stat_elems[1]; } } @fclose($stats_file); $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = (int) $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; //checking all cached files if they have messages with id's: $params["id"] .. $stat_arr["COUNT"] // if only one ID not found in cach files(if database have spec. command with this id), // this function return's false and we select all messages from files. $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $id_end = $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; $id = array(); $result = null; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0]!=$params['toroomid'] || $entry_elems[0] == 'pm') continue; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; $count=0; $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); $this->setFilePos($handle,$params,$entry_elems[3]); if( !$is_cmd ) { //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { //$line = fgets($handle); if( $line=='' ) continue; $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $id = (int) $line_elems[0]; $created = $line_elems[1]; $roomid = (int) $line_elems[2]; if( $id >= $params['id'] ) { $txt = $line_elems[3]; $txt = str_replace('%$$%$', '#', $txt); $find_records++; $result_elem = array('id'=>$id, 'created'=>$created, 'toroomid'=>$params['toroomid'], 'command'=>'msg','userid'=>$userid, 'roomid'=>$roomid, 'txt'=>$txt); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } } } fclose($handle); } if( count( $result ) > 0 ) { if( !function_exists('cmp') ) { function cmp($elem1, $elem2) { if($elem1['id']<$elem2['id']) return -1; elseif($elem1['id']==$elem2['id']) return 0; elseif($elem1['id']>$elem2['id']) return 1; } } usort($result, 'cmp'); //return $result; return new ResultSet1( $result ); } else { $result = array(); return new ResultSet1( $result ); } }/* if( $this->code_sql==171 )//( from chatlist ) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Messages'); $arrayId1 = array(); $arrayFromMsg = array(); $sql = $this->queryStr; //find foomid in string $roomid = $params[0]; $time1 = strtotime( $params[1] ); $time2 = strtotime( $params[2] ); $allText = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, 'tables_id' )!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0] != $roomid ) continue; $content = file( $cachePath.$entry ); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($content); echo '</pre>'; foreach( $content as $key=>$val ) { $line = explode("#",$val); $time3 = strtotime($line[1]); //echo '['.$line[1].']'.$time3.'>='.'['.$params[1].']'.$time1.' && '.$time3.'<='.$time2.'<br/>'; if( $time3 >= $time1 && $time3 <= $time2 ) { $arr = array(); $arr['txt'] = html_entity_decode($line[3]); //$arr['txt'] = $line[3]; $arr['userid'] = $entry_elems[1]; $allText[] = $arr; } } } $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $contentUser = file( $FileName ); foreach( $allText as $key=>$val ) { $userid = $val['userid']; foreach( $contentUser as $k=>$v ) { $arrUser = explode("\t",$v); if( $userid==$arrUser[0] ) { $allText[$key]['login'] = $arrUser[1]; } } } return new ResultSet1( $allText ); }*/ if( $this->code_sql == 171 )//SELECT `created`, `roomid`, `userid` FROM `flashchat_messages` WHERE `roomid` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `flashchat_rooms` ) AND (`command`="adu" OR `command`="mvu") AND `toconnid` IS NULL { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $rooms_fname = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $rooms = file($rooms_fname); $all_rooms = array(); $j = 0; foreach($rooms as $v) { $line = explode("\t", $v); $all_rooms[$j]['id'] = $line[0]; $all_rooms[$j]['name'] = $line[3]; $j++; } $allText = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if(strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_') === FALSE) continue; $content = file($cachePath.$entry); $j = 0; foreach($content as $val) { $line = explode("\t", $val); if($line[2] == '') { if($line[5] == 'adu' || $line[5] == 'mvu') { foreach($all_rooms as $room) { if($line[7] == $room['id']) { $allText[$j]['created'] = $line[1]; $allText[$j]['roomid'] = $line[7]; $allText[$j]['userid'] = $line[6]; $j++; } } } } } } return new ResultSet1( $allText ); } if( $this->code_sql == 172 )//SELECT `created`, `userid` FROM `flashchat_messages` WHERE `userid`='.$row['userid'].' AND (`command`="rmu" OR `command`="mvu") LIMIT '.($opened_rooms[$row['created']]['limit'] - 1).', 1 { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $allText = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if(strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_') === FALSE) continue; $content = file($cachePath.$entry); $j = 0; foreach($content as $val) { $line = explode("\t", $val); if($line[6] == $params[0]) { if($line[5] == 'rmu' || $line[5] == 'mvu') { $allText[$j]['created'] = $line[1]; $allText[$j]['userid'] = $line[6]; $j++; } } } } $returnText = array(); foreach($allText as $k => $v) { if($k == $params[1]) { $returnText[0] = $v; return new ResultSet1( $returnText ); } } return new ResultSet1( $allText ); } if( $this->code_sql == 173 ) //SELECT `userid`, `txt`, `command`, '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'_users.login, `touserid` FROM `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'_messages` LEFT JOIN `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'_users` ON ('.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'_messages.userid = '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].' WHERE ((`roomid` = '.$roomid.' AND (`command`="msg" OR `command`="adu")) OR (`touserid` IS NOT NULL AND `roomid` IS NULL) OR (`roomid` IS NULL AND (`command`="rmu" OR `command`="mvu"))) AND (`created` >= "'.$start.'" AND `created` <= "'.$end.'") //SELECT `roomid`, `userid`, `txt`, `command`, `created`, '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users.login FROM `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages` LEFT JOIN `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users` ON ('.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages.userid = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].' WHERE ((`roomid` = ? AND `command` IN ("msg", "adu") AND (`created` >= ? AND `created` <= ?)) OR (`roomid` IS NULL AND `command` = "rmu") AND (`created` >= ? AND `created` <= ?)) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $allText = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if($this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, 'tables_id' ) !== FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_') !== FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'config_') !== FALSE) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if($entry_elems[0] != $params[0]) continue; $content = file($cachePath.$entry); $j = 0; foreach($content as $val) { $line = explode("\t", $val); foreach($line as $v) { $str = explode('#', $v); if(strtotime($str[1]) >= strtotime($params[1])) { $allText[$j]['userid'] = $entry_elems[1]; $allText[$j]['roomid'] = $entry_elems[0]; $allText[$j]['created'] = $str[1]; $allText[$j]['txt'] = $str[3]; $allText[$j]['command'] = 'msg'; $j++; } } } } $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $contentUser = file( $FileName ); foreach( $allText as $key=>$val ) { $userid = $val['userid']; foreach( $contentUser as $k => $v ) { $arrUser = explode("\t", $v); if( $userid==$arrUser[0] ) { $allText[$key]['login'] = $arrUser[1]; } } } //echo '<pre>'; print_r($allText); echo '</pre>'; return new ResultSet1( $allText ); } if( $this->code_sql == 174 )//SELECT `userid`, `roomid`, `command`, `created`, `toconnid` FROM `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages` WHERE ( `roomid` IS NULL OR `roomid` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `flashchat_rooms`)) AND ( `created` >= "'.date('Y-m-d G:i:s', 0).'" AND `created` <= "'.date('Y-m-d G:i:s', time() + 60).'" ) AND `command` IN ("adu", "rmu", "mvu") AND `toconnid` IS NULL ORDER BY `created` { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $allText = array(); $rooms_fname = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $rooms = file($rooms_fname); $all_rooms = array(); $j = 0; foreach($rooms as $v) { $line = explode("\t", $v); $all_rooms[$j]['id'] = $line[0]; $all_rooms[$j]['name'] = $line[3]; $j++; } while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if(strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_') === FALSE) continue; $content = file($cachePath.$entry); $tmp = array(); foreach($content as $val) { $line = explode("\t", $val); if(($line[5] == 'adu' || $line[5] == 'rmu' || $line[5] == 'mvu') && $line[2] == '') { $tmp['created'] = $line[1]; $tmp['userid'] = $line[6]; $tmp['roomid'] = $line[7]; $tmp['command'] = $line[5]; $tmp['toconnid'] = $line[2]; $allText []= $tmp; } } } return new ResultSet1( $allText ); } if( $this->code_sql == 175 ) //SELECT `txt`, `created`, '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users.login, `touserid` FROM `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages` LEFT JOIN `'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users` ON ('.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages.userid = '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].' WHERE `roomid` IS NULL AND `command` = "msg" ORDER BY `created` { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $allText = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if($this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, 'tables_id' ) !== FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_') !== FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'config_') !== FALSE) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if($entry_elems[0] != 'pm') continue; $content = file($cachePath.$entry); foreach($content as $val) { $line = explode('#', $val); $tmp = array(); $tmp['created'] = $line[1]; $tmp['login'] = $entry_elems[1]; $tmp['touserid'] = $entry_elems[2]; $tmp['txt'] = $line[3]; $allText []= $tmp; } } $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $contentUser = file( $FileName ); foreach( $allText as $key=>$val ) { $userid = $val['login']; foreach( $contentUser as $k => $v ) { $arrUser = explode("\t", $v); if( $userid == $arrUser[0] ) { $allText[$key]['login'] = $arrUser[1]; } } } $array_sort = array(); foreach($allText as $k => $v) { $array_sort[$k] = $v['created']; } array_multisort($array_sort, SORT_ASC, $allText); return new ResultSet1( $allText ); } if( $this->code_sql==170 )//( from chatlist ) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Messages'); $arrayId1 = array(); $arrayFromMsg = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( strpos($entry,'messages')===false ) continue; $content = file( $cachePath.$entry ); break; } $msgArrray = array(); foreach( $content as $key => $val ) { if( $val=='' ) continue; $arr = explode("\t",$val); if( $arr[5]=='adu' || $arr[5]=='mvu' || $arr[5]=='rmu' ) { $arr['created'] = $arr[1]; $arr['command'] = $arr[5]; $arr['userid'] = $arr[6]; $arr['roomid'] = $arr[7]; $arr = $this->unsetAll($arr); $msgArrray[] = $arr; } else continue; } $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $contentUser = file( $FileName ); foreach( $msgArrray as $key=>$val ) { $userid = $val['userid']; foreach( $contentUser as $k=>$v ) { $arrUser = explode("\t",$v); if( $userid==$arrUser[0] ) { $msgArrray[$key]['login'] = $arrUser[1]; $msgArrray[$key]['roles'] = $arrUser[3]; } } } $FileName = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $contentRooms = file( $FileName ); foreach( $msgArrray as $key=>$val ) { $roomid = $val['roomid']; foreach( $contentRooms as $k=>$v ) { $arrRoom = explode("\t",$v); if( $roomid==$arrRoom[0] ) $msgArrray[$key]['name'] = $arrRoom[3]; } } return new ResultSet1( $msgArrray ); } if( $this->code_sql==161 )//strpos($this->queryStr,'SELECT id FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\' AND toroomid=? AND created > DATE_SUB(NOW(),')!==false { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $allUsers = array(); $arrayId1 = array(); $arrayId = array(); $first = 'INTERVAL'; $second = 'MINUTE'; $tempStr = substr($this->queryStr,strpos($this->queryStr,$first) + strlen($first),strpos($this->queryStr,$second)-(strpos($this->queryStr,$first) + strlen($first))); $min = trim($tempStr); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0] == '' )// continue; if( $entry_elems[0] != $params[0] ) continue; if( (time()-$entry_elems[4])>($min*60) ) continue; $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); while (!feof( $handle )) //strtotime($str)) { $line = fgets( $handle ); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); if( (time()-strtotime($line_elems[1]))>($min*60) ) continue; $id = (int) $line_elems[0]; $arrayId[$id] = $id; } fclose( $handle ); } sort( $arrayId ); if( count($arrayId)!=0 ) $arrayId1[0]['id'] = $arrayId[0]; else return null; //return $arrayId1; return new ResultSet1( $arrayId1 ); } //'SELECT count(*) as msgnumb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\' AND (userid IS NOT NULL OR roomid IS NOT NULL)' if( $this->code_sql==160 )//'SELECT id FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\' AND toroomid=? AND created > DATE_SUB(NOW(),' { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $count = 0; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; if( strpos($entry, 'tables_id')!==FALSE ) continue; $content = file( $cachePath.$entry ); $count += sizeof($content); } $arrayId1 = array(); $arrayId1[]['msgnumb'] = $count; return new ResultSet1( $arrayId1 ); } elseif( $this->code_sql==153 )//DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages WHERE created < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? SECOND { return true; } elseif( $this->code_sql == 151 )//insert { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; if($this->queryStr=='DELETE FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE created < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? SECOND)') { return true; } else//if we INSERT new messages { $isPrivate = ($params[2]!=''); if( $params[4]!='msg' ) { if( $params[4]=='lin' ) { while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; if(strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'config_') !== FALSE) continue; //$cachePath.$entry $element = explode('_',$entry); if( $element[1]==$params[5] || ($element[0]=='pm' && $element[1]==$params[5]) || ((time() - filemtime($cachePath.$entry))>3600)) { unlink($cachePath.$entry); } } } return $this->insertCommand( $params ); } $id = $this->file_insert_id( 7 ); $params = array('id'=>$id, 'touserid'=>$params[2], 'toroomid'=>$params[3], 'userid'=>$params[5], 'roomid'=>$params[6], 'txt'=>$params[7], 'instance_id'=>$params[9]); /*if( $params['roomid']=='' ) return;*/ $today = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); //$today = time(); $appended = false; $greate = false; $to_add = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix']; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE ) continue; if(!$isPrivate) { //$file = @fopen($cachePath.$params['toroomid'].'_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$to_add.'.txt', 'w'); if( strpos($entry,$params['toroomid'].'_'.$params['userid'].'_') !== FALSE ) { if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'] ) !== FALSE ) { $file = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'a'); $greate = true; $file_name = $cachePath.$entry; } } } else { if( strpos($entry,'pm_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$params['touserid'].'_') !== FALSE ) { if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'] ) !== FALSE ) { $file = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'a'); $greate = true; $file_name = $cachePath.$entry; } } } } if( !$greate ) { if(!$isPrivate) { $file_name = $cachePath.$params['toroomid'].'_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$id.'_0_'.time().'_'.$to_add.'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'].'.txt'; $file = @fopen($file_name, 'w'); } else { $file_name = $cachePath.'pm_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$params['touserid'].'_'.$id.'_0_'.$to_add.'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'].'.txt'; $file = @fopen( $file_name , 'w' ); } } $pos = filesize($file_name); $params['txt'] = ereg_replace('#', '%$$%$', $params['txt']); $_str = $id.'#'.$today.'#'.$params['roomid'].'#'.$params['txt'].'#'.$pos."\n"; @fwrite($file,$_str); fflush($file); @fclose($file); $cacheDir->close(); $lastrow = filesize($file_name)-$pos; if( $greate ) { if(!$isPrivate) { rename($file_name, $cachePath.$params['toroomid'].'_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$id.'_'.$pos.'_'.time().'_'.$to_add.'_1.txt'); } else { rename($file_name, $cachePath.'pm_'.$params['userid'].'_'.$params['touserid'].'_'.$id.'_'.$pos.'_'.time().'_'.$to_add.'_1.txt'); } } return $id; } //return true; //return $this->saveMessagesInCache( $params ); } elseif( $this->code_sql == 157 )//$this->queryStr=="SELECT userid FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages where command=? or command=? and userid is not null order by userid" { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $total = ''; $allMsg = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) ) continue; if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages')!==FALSE ) { $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); $array = explode("\t",$buffer); if( ( $array[5] != $params[0] && $array[5] != $params[1] ) && $array[6] != '' ) { $array['userid'] = $array[6]; $array = $this->unsetAll($array); $allMsg[] = $array; } } @fclose($handle); } } return new ResultSet1( $allMsg ); } elseif( $this->code_sql==152 )//SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']}messages WHERE toconnid=? AND id>=? ORDER BY id { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $total = ''; $allMsg = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) ) continue; if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages')!==FALSE ) { $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $elem = explode('_',$entry); $params['id'] = $params[1]; $handle = $this->setFileMsgPos($handle,$params,$elem[2]); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($buffer = fgets($handle)) { //$buffer = fgets($handle); $array = explode("\t",$buffer); if( $array[2]==$params[0] && $array[0]>=$params[1] )// && ''!=trim($array[3]) { $array['id'] = $array[0]; $array['created'] = $array[1]; $array['toconnid'] = $array[2]; $array['touserid'] = $array[3]; $array['toroomid'] = $array[4]; $array['command'] = $array[5]; $array['userid'] = $array[6]; $array['roomid'] = $array[7]; $array['txt'] = $array[8]; $array['chatid'] = $array[9]; $array = $this->unsetAll($array); $allMsg[] = $array; } } @fclose($handle); } } //return $allMsg; return new ResultSet1( $allMsg ); } elseif( $this->code_sql==158 )//strpos($this->queryStr,"SELECT msgs.*, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD")!==false { $params = array('toconnid'=>$params[0], 'touserid'=>$params[1], 'toroomid'=>$params[2], 'id'=>$params[3]); $params['id'] = (int) $params['id']; $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $result = array(); $find_records = 0; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos( $entry , 'messages_' )!==false ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if($entry_elems[0] == 'pm') { $is_private = true; $userid = (int) $entry_elems[1]; $touserid = (int) $entry_elems[2]; } else { $is_private = false; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; } $str = $this->queryStr; if($_REQUEST['roomid']) { if( $toroomid!=$_REQUEST['roomid'] ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['userid']) { if( $userid!=$_REQUEST['userid'] && $touserid!=$_REQUEST['userid'] ) continue; } $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { //$line = fgets($handle); if( $line=='' ) continue; $find_records++; $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $tempArray['id'] = $line_elems[0]; $tempArray['created'] = $line_elems[1]; $tempArray['toconnid'] = ''; if($_REQUEST['days']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) <= strtotime($_REQUEST['days']) ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['from']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) <= strtotime($_REQUEST['from']) ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['to']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) >= strtotime($_REQUEST['to']) ) continue; } if( $is_private ) $tempArray['touserid'] = $entry_elems[2]; else $tempArray['touserid'] = ''; $tempArray['toroomid'] = $toroomid; $tempArray['command'] = 'msg'; $tempArray['userid'] = $entry_elems[1]; $tempArray['roomid'] = $entry_elems[0]; if($_REQUEST['keyword']) { if( strpos($line_elems[3],$_REQUEST['keyword'])!==true ) continue; } $tempArray['txt'] = $line_elems[3]; $tempArray['chatid'] = 1; $tempArray['sent'] = date('F j, Y, g:i a',strtotime($line_elems[1])); $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); //$arrayRoom = file( $file_name ); $i = 0; while( !($arrayRoom = file($file_name)) ) { $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $toRoomStr = ''; $fromRoomStr = ''; foreach( $arrayRoom as $key=>$val ) { $room_elems = explode("\t", $val); if( $room_elems[0]==$entry_elems[0] ) { $toRoomStr = $room_elems[3]; $fromRoomStr = $room_elems[3]; break; } } $tempArray['toroom'] = $toRoomStr; $tempArray['fromroom'] = $fromRoomStr; $result[] = $tempArray; } fclose( $handle ); } if( $find_records > 0 ) { if( !function_exists('cmp11') ) { function cmp11($elem1, $elem2) { if($elem1['id']<$elem2['id']) return -1; elseif($elem1['id']==$elem2['id']) return 0; elseif($elem1['id']>$elem2['id']) return 1; } } usort($result, 'cmp11'); return new ResultSet1( $result ); } else { $result = array(); return new ResultSet1( $result ); } } elseif( $this->code_sql==162 )//strpos($this->queryStr,"SELECT msgs.*, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD")!==false { $params = array('toconnid'=>$params[0], 'touserid'=>$params[1], 'toroomid'=>$params[2], 'id'=>$params[3]); $params['id'] = (int) $params['id']; $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $result = array(); $find_records = 0; if( isset($_REQUEST['from']) ) { $date = $_REQUEST['from'].''; $_REQUEST['from'] = substr( $date , 0 , -3 ); } if( isset($_REQUEST['to']) ) { $date = $_REQUEST['to'].''; $_REQUEST['to'] = substr( $date , 0 , -3 ); } if( isset($_REQUEST['days']) ) { $date = $_REQUEST['days'].''; $_REQUEST['days'] = substr( $date , 0 , -3 ); } while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos( $entry , 'messages_' )!==false || strpos( $entry , 'tables_id' )!==false || strpos( $entry , 'config_' )!==false)// continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if($entry_elems[0] == 'pm') { $is_private = true; $userid = (int) $entry_elems[1]; $touserid = (int) $entry_elems[2]; } else { $is_private = false; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; } $str = $this->queryStr; if($_REQUEST['roomid']) { if( $toroomid!=$_REQUEST['roomid'] ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['userid']) { if( $userid!=$_REQUEST['userid'] && $touserid!=$_REQUEST['userid'] ) continue; } $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { if( $line=='' ) continue; $find_records++; $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $tempArray['id'] = $line_elems[0]; $tempArray['created'] = $line_elems[1]; $tempArray['toconnid'] = ''; if($_REQUEST['days']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) < strtotime($_REQUEST['days']) ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['from']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) < strtotime($_REQUEST['from']) ) continue; } if($_REQUEST['to']) { if( strtotime($tempArray['created']) > strtotime($_REQUEST['to']) ) continue; } if( $is_private ) $tempArray['touserid'] = $entry_elems[2]; else $tempArray['touserid'] = ''; $tempArray['toroomid'] = $toroomid; $tempArray['command'] = 'msg'; $tempArray['userid'] = $entry_elems[1]; $tempArray['roomid'] = $entry_elems[0]; if($_REQUEST['keyword']) { if( strpos($line_elems[3],$_REQUEST['keyword'])===false ) continue; } $tempArray['txt'] = html_entity_decode($line_elems[3]); $tempArray['chatid'] = 1; $tempArray['sent'] = date('F j, Y, g:i a', strtotime($line_elems[1])); $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); //$arrayRoom = file( $file_name ); $i = 0; while( !($arrayRoom = file($file_name)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $toRoomStr = ''; $fromRoomStr = ''; foreach( $arrayRoom as $key=>$val ) { $room_elems = explode("\t", $val); if( $room_elems[0]==$entry_elems[0] ) { $toRoomStr = $room_elems[3]; $fromRoomStr = $room_elems[3]; break; } } $tempArray['toroom'] = $toRoomStr; $tempArray['fromroom'] = $fromRoomStr; $result[] = $tempArray; } fclose( $handle ); } if( $find_records > 0 ) { if( !function_exists('cmp11') ) { function cmp11($elem1, $elem2) { if( $elem1['id']<$elem2['id'] ) return -1; elseif( $elem1['id']==$elem2['id'] ) return 0; elseif( $elem1['id']>$elem2['id'] ) return 1; } } usort($result, 'cmp11'); //return $result; return new ResultSet1( $result ); } else { $result = array(); return new ResultSet1( $result ); } } //SELECT userid,login,txt FROM flashchat_messages LEFT JOIN flashchat_users //ON (flashchat_messages.userid = WHERE (flashchat_messages.command = 'msg') //AND (flashchat_messages.roomid = '1') AND (flashchat_messages.created >= 2007-09-12 17:36:42) //AND (flashchat_messages.created <= 2007-09-12 17:37:29) if( $this->code_sql==163 ) { $params = array('toconnid'=>$params[0],'touserid'=>$params[1],'toroomid'=>$params[2],'id'=>$params[3]); $params['id'] = (int) $params['id']; $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $result = array(); $find_records = 0; $allUsers = array(); $userArray = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos( $entry , 'messages_' )!==false || strpos( $entry , 'tables_id' )!==false) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( $entry_elems[0]!=$GLOBALS['tempValue']['roomid'] ) continue; $content = file( $cachePath.$entry ); foreach( $content as $key=>$val ) { $find_records++; $line_elems = explode('#', $val); $values['txt'] = $line_elems[3]; $values['room'] = $entry_elems[0]; $values['userid'] = $entry_elems[1]; $userArray[] = $entry_elems[1]; $allUsers[] = $values; } } $allUsers = $this->sortByIdUser( $allUsers ); return new ResultSet1( $allUsers ); } elseif( $this->code_sql==154 ) { if( ($rows=$this->messageIsCached($params)) !== FALSE ) { return new ResultSet1($rows); } else { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $total = ''; $allMsg = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) || strpos($entry, 'messages')!==FALSE ) continue; if( strpos($entry, 'messages')!==FALSE ) { $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $elem = explode('_',$entry); $params['id'] = $params[3]; $this->setFileMsgPos($handle,$params,$elem[2]); //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($buffer = fgets($handle)) { //$buffer = fgets($handle); $array = explode("\t",$buffer); if( ( $array[2]!='msg' && $array[5]!='lout' && $array[2]!='msgu' ) && ( $array[2]==$params[0] || $array[3]==$params[1] || $array[4]==$params[2] || ( $array[2]=='' && $array[3]=='' && $array[4]=='' ) ) && $array[0]>=$params[3] ) { $array['id'] = $array[0]; $array['created'] = $array[1]; $array['toconnid'] = $array[2]; $array['touserid'] = $array[3]; $array['toroomid'] = $array[4]; $array['command'] = $array[5]; $array['userid'] = $array[6]; $array['roomid'] = $array[7]; $array['txt'] = $array[8]; $array['chatid'] = $array[9]; $array['instance_id'] = $_SESSION['session_inst']; $array = $this->unsetAll($array); $allMsg[] = $array; } } @fclose($handle); } } return new ResultSet1( $allMsg ); } } ?>