Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/classes/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/chat/inc/classes/db_fullCache.php |
<?php define('STATEMENT_SELECT', 'select'); define('STATEMENT_INSERT', 'insert'); define('STATEMENT_UPDATE', 'update'); define('STATEMENT_DELETE', 'delete'); class Statement { var $queryArray; var $queryStr; var $type = STATEMENT_SELECT; var $conn = null; var $code_sql = 0; function Statement( $queryStr, $code_sql=0 ) { $this->queryArray = explode('?', $queryStr); $this->type = strtolower(substr($queryStr, 0, 6)); $this->queryStr = $queryStr; $this->result = array(); $this->code_sql = $code_sql; } //Return max ID value from table function getRecordsCount($table_name) { return $maxId; } //If admin logged, this function return :"./../".$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath']; //If user, this function return :$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath']; function getCachDir() { $dir = @dir($GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath']); $r = $dir->handle; settype($r, 'string'); if(strpos($r, 'Resource')!==FALSE) return $dir; else return dir('./../'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath']); } function unsetAll($array) { foreach( $array as $key=>$val ) if( is_numeric($key) ) unset( $array[$key] ); return $array; } //input: Rooms, Stats, Ignors //output: path to cach file function getCachFileName($input,$instace_id = null) { if( $input == '' ) return null; $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $fileName = ''; if( !isset($instace_id) || $instace_id==null || $instace_id=='' ) { if( $_SESSION['session_inst']=='' || !isset($_SESSION['session_inst']) ) { $my_instance = 1; } else $my_instance = $_SESSION['session_inst']; } else $my_instance = $instace_id; //$my_instance = 1; $filePref = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix']; $dbPref = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref']; $my_instance = 1; switch($input) { case 'Stats': $fileName = $cachePath.'messages_stats_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Rooms': $fileName = $cachePath.$dbPref.'rooms_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Connections': $fileName = $cachePath.$dbPref.'connections_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Users': $fileName = $cachePath.$dbPref.'users_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Ignors': $fileName = $cachePath.$dbPref.'ignors_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Bans': $fileName = $cachePath.$dbPref.'bans_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'Messages': return $cachePath.$dbPref.'messages_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; case 'configMain': return $cachePath.$dbPref.'configmain_'.$filePref.'.txt'; break; case 'configInstances': return $cachePath.$dbPref.'configinst_'.$filePref.'.txt'; break; case 'MessagesCommand': return $cachePath.$dbPref.'messagescmd_'.$filePref.'_'.$my_instance.'.txt'; break; } if( file_exists($fileName) ) { return $fileName; } else { return null; } } function sortByIdUser( $array ) { $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $i = 0; while( !($arrayUsr = file($file_name)) ) { $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } foreach( $array as $key=>$val ) { $bool = false; $login = ''; $roles = ''; foreach( $arrayUsr as $k=>$v ) { $usrEl = explode("\t", $v); if( $usrEl[0]==$val['userid'] ) { $bool = true; $login = $usrEl[1]; $roles = $usrEl[3]; } } if( $bool ) { $array[$key]['login'] = $login; $array[$key]['roles'] = $roles; } else unset($array[$key]); } return $array; } //columns: id or * //condition: string AFTER WHERE // queryParams: params that passed into this->process(...) function roomsIsCached($columns, $condition, $queryParams ) { $result = array(); $roomsFileName = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); if($roomsFileName!=null) { $i = 0; while( !($rooms = file($roomsFileName)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($rooms) ; $i++ ) { $roomsElems = explode("\t", $rooms[$i]); if($condition=='id=?') { if((int) $roomsElems[0] == (int) $queryParams[0]) { if($columns=='*') { $result_elem = array('id'=>$roomsElems[0], 'updated'=>$roomsElems[1], 'created'=>$roomsElems[2], 'name'=>$roomsElems[3],'password'=>$roomsElems[4], 'ispublic'=>$roomsElems[5], 'ispermanent'=>$roomsElems[6]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } elseif($columns=='id') { $result_elem = array('id'=>$roomsElems[0]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } } } elseif($condition=='ispermanent IS NULL AND updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? SECOND)') { $dateToSub = strtotime($roomsElems[1]);//some bug ??? $today = getdate(); $subDate = $today[0]-(int)$queryParams[0]; if( strpos((string)$roomsElems[6], 'NULL')!==FALSE && $dateToSub<$subDate) { if($columns=='*') { $result_elem = array('id'=>$roomsElems[0], 'updated'=>$roomsElems[1], 'created'=>$roomsElems[2], 'name'=>$roomsElems[3], 'password'=>$roomsElems[4], 'ispublic'=>$roomsElems[5], 'ispermanent'=>$roomsElems[6]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } elseif($columns=='id') { $result_elem = array('id'=>$roomsElems[0]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } } } } return $result; } else { //IF rooms file not found, //RESTORING ROOMS in cache $this->saveRoomsInCache(); return false; } } //check if this is file return true function is_this_file($file,$params) { $entry_elems = explode('_', $file); if( strpos($file, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_')!==FALSE && $entry_elems[2] >= $params['id']) { if( strpos($file, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'] )!==FALSE ) return true; } if( ( ( $entry_elems[0] == $params['toroomid'] || $entry_elems[0] == '' ) && $entry_elems[2] >= $params['id'] && $entry_elems[0] != 'pm' ) || ( $entry_elems[0] == 'pm' && $entry_elems[3] >= $params['id'] ) ) { return true; } else return false; } //set file position start function setFilePos($point,$params,$seek) { fseek($point,$seek); while ($line = fgets($point)) { $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $bit_pos = $line_elems[count($line_elems)-1]; fseek($point,$bit_pos); $line = fgets($point); $line_elems = explode('#', $line); if( $line_elems[0] < $params['id'] ) break; if( $line_elems[4]<=0 ) break; fseek($point,$bit_pos-20); } if( $bit_pos == '' || $bit_pos == null ) fseek($point,0); else fseek($point,$bit_pos); } function setFileMsgPos($point,$params,$seek) { fseek($point,$seek); while ($line = fgets($point)) { //$line = fgets($point); $line_elems = explode("\t", $line); $bit_pos = $line_elems[count($line_elems)-2]; fseek($point,$bit_pos); $line = fgets($point); $line_elems = explode("\t", $line); if( $line_elems[0] < $params['id'] ) break; if( $line_elems[count($line_elems)-2]<=0 ) break; fseek($point,$bit_pos-20); } if( $bit_pos == '' || $bit_pos == null ) fseek($point,0); else fseek($point,$bit_pos); return $point; } function getCommand( $point, $params,$id_start,$id_end ) { $result = array(); $find_records = 0; //stream_set_timeout($point, 180); while ($line = fgets($point)) { if( $line=='' ) continue; $line_elems = explode("\t", $line); $id = (int) $line_elems[0]; $created = $line_elems[1]; $roomid = (int) $line_elems[2]; if($id_start<=$id && $id<=$id_end) { $find_records++; $txt = $line_elems[3]; $result_elem = array('id'=>$line_elems[0], 'created'=>$line_elems[1], 'toconnid'=>$line_elems[2], 'touserid'=>$line_elems[3], 'toroomid'=>$line_elems[4], 'command'=>$line_elems[5],'userid'=>$line_elems[6], 'roomid'=>$line_elems[7], 'txt'=>$line_elems[8]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; //break; } } fclose($point); if( $find_records>0 ) return $result[0]; else return false; } //checking if last messages is cached //input: params that passed in this->process(...) function messageIsCached( $queryParams ) { $tempParams = $queryParams; $params = array('toconnid'=>$queryParams[0], 'touserid'=>$queryParams[1], 'toroomid'=>$queryParams[2], 'id'=>$queryParams[3]); $stat_arr = array(); $stats_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Stats'); $stats_file = @fopen($stats_file_name, 'r'); if( !$stats_file) { $stat_value = $this->getRecordsCount($GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages'); //RESTORING message_stats file $this->saveStatsInCache('MESSAGES_COUNT', $stat_value); return false; } //stream_set_timeout($stats_file, 180); while ($stat = fgets($stats_file)) { //$stat = fgets($stats_file); $stat_elems = explode('=', $stat); if($stat_elems[0] == 'MESSAGES_COUNT') { $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = $stat_elems[1]; } } @fclose($stats_file); $params['id'] = (int) $params['id']; $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT'] = (int) $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; //checking all cached files if they have messages with id's: $params["id"] .. $stat_arr["COUNT"] // if only one ID not found in cach files(if database have spec. command with this id), // this function return's false and we select all messages from files. $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $id_start = $params['id']; $id_end = $stat_arr['MESSAGES_COUNT']; $find_records = 0; $result = array(); $boolean = false; if((int) $id_start > (int) $id_end) { return $result; } while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( $this->breakFile($entry) ) continue; $entry_elems = explode('_', $entry); if( strpos($this->queryStr,'SELECT count(*) AS numb FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages WHERE command=\'msg\'')!==false ) { $is_cmd = false; $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = fgets($handle); if( $entry_elems[0]==$tempParams[0] ) $find_records++; } continue; } if( !$this->is_this_file($entry,$params))// && strpos($entry, 'messagescmd_')===false continue; $is_cmd = false; if($entry_elems[0] == 'pm') { $is_private = true; $userid = (int) $entry_elems[1]; $touserid = (int) $entry_elems[2]; } else { $is_private = false; $userid = $entry_elems[1]; $toroomid = $entry_elems[0]; } if( strpos($entry, 'messages_')!==false ) { $is_cmd = true; } $handle = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'r'); $tempArray = array(); if( !$is_cmd ) $this->setFilePos($handle,$params,$entry_elems[3]); else { $this->setFileMsgPos($handle,$params,$entry_elems[3]); } if( !$is_cmd ) { //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { if( $line=='' ) continue; $line_elems = explode('#', $line); $id = (int) $line_elems[0]; $created = $line_elems[1]; $roomid = (int) $line_elems[2]; if($id_start<=$id && $id<=$id_end) { if($is_private) { if( $touserid != $params['touserid'] && $userid!=$params['touserid'] )// continue; } else { if( $toroomid != $params['toroomid'] ) { if( $toroomid == '' && $userid==$params['touserid']) { } else continue; } } $txt = $line_elems[3]; $txt = str_replace('%$$%$', '#', $txt); $find_records++; if($is_private) $result_elem = array('id'=>$id, 'created'=>$created, 'touserid'=>$touserid, 'command'=>'msg','userid'=>$userid, 'roomid'=>$roomid, 'txt'=>$txt); else $result_elem = array('id'=>$id, 'created'=>$created, 'toroomid'=>$params['toroomid'], 'command'=>'msg','userid'=>$userid, 'roomid'=>$roomid, 'txt'=>$txt); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; //break; } } } else { //stream_set_timeout($handle, 180); while ($line = fgets($handle)) { if( $line=='' ) continue; $line_elems = explode("\t", $line); if( $line_elems[5]=='lout' && $params['toconnid']!=$line_elems[2])// continue; if( ($params['toconnid']==$line_elems[2] || $params['touserid']==$line_elems[3] || $params['toroomid']==$line_elems[4]) || ($line_elems[2]=="" && $line_elems[3]=="" && $line_elems[4]=='')) { $id = (int) $line_elems[0]; $created = $line_elems[1]; $roomid = (int) $line_elems[7]; if($id_start<=$id && $id<=$id_end) { $find_records++; $result_elem = array('id'=>$id, 'created'=>$created, 'touserid'=>$line_elems[3], 'command'=>$line_elems[5],'userid'=>$line_elems[6], 'roomid'=>$line_elems[7], 'txt'=>$line_elems[8]); $result[count($result)] = $result_elem; } } else continue; } } fclose($handle); } if( strpos($this->queryStr,'SELECT count(*) AS numb')!==false ) { $tempAr = array(); $result = array(); $tempAr[0]['numb'] = $find_records; $result = $tempAr; return $result; } if( $find_records>0 ) { if( !function_exists('cmp') ) { function cmp($elem1, $elem2) { if($elem1['id']<$elem2['id']) return -1; elseif($elem1['id']==$elem2['id']) return 0; elseif($elem1['id']>$elem2['id']) return 1; } } usort($result, 'cmp'); return $result; } else { return false; } } //check if connections is cached function insertCommand( $params ) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; while (false !== ($entry = $cacheDir->read())) { if( strpos($entry, 'messages_stats')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'ignors')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'bans')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, '.htaccess')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'tables_id')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'update')!==FALSE || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || $entry=='index.html' ) continue; if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages')!==FALSE ) { if( strpos($entry, $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'] )!==FALSE ) { $file = @fopen($cachePath.$entry, 'a'); $params[0] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //$str = implode( "\t",$params ); $str = $params[0]."\t".$params[1]."\t".$params[2]."\t".$params[3]."\t".$params[4]."\t".$params[5]."\t".$params[6]."\t".$params[7]; $id = $this->file_insert_id(7); $pos = filesize( $cachePath.$entry ); @fwrite($file,$id."\t".$str."\t1\t".$pos."\t\n"); fflush($file); @fclose($file); rename($cachePath.$entry,$cachePath.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages_'.$id.'_'.$pos.'_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_1.txt'); return $id; } } } return null; } function getContent($table='') { if($table='') return null; if(func_num_args() > 0) { $params = func_get_args(); } else { $params = array(); } $content = array(); foreach( $params as $key=>$val ) $content[$table] = $this->getCachFileName($table); return $content; } function createFile( $name,$instance = '' ) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; if($instance=='') $file = @fopen($cachePath.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].$name.'_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'.txt', 'a'); else $file = @fopen($cachePath.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].$name.'_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$instance.'.txt', 'a'); } function saveRoomsInCache( $queryParams ) { $params = $queryParams; if($this->queryStr == 'UPDATE '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms,'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections SET '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms.updated=NOW() WHERE '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].' = '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections.roomid') { $rooms_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $connections_file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Connections'); $i = 0; while( !($rooms_file = file($rooms_file_name)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $i = 0; while( !($connections_file = file($connections_file_name)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $records_to_update = array(); if($rooms_file!=FALSE && $connections_file!=FALSE) { for( $i=0 ; $i < count($rooms_file) ; $i++ ) { $rooms_elem = explode("\t", $rooms_file[$i]); for($j=0;$j<count($connections_file);$j++) { $connections_elem = explode("\t", $connections_file[$j]); if($rooms_elem[0] == $connections_elem[4]) { array_push($records_to_update, $i); break; } } } for($i=0; $i<count($records_to_update); $i++) { $rooms_elem = explode("\t", $rooms_file[$records_to_update[$i]]); $rooms_elem[1] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');//some bug ??? $rooms_file[$records_to_update[$i]] = implode("\t", $rooms_elem); } $file = @fopen($rooms_file_name, 'w'); for($i=0;$i<count($rooms_file);$i++) { @fwrite($file, $rooms_file[$i]); } fflush($file); fclose($file); } } else { //if($this->queryStr=='INSERT INTO '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms (created, name, password, ispublic, ispermanent) VALUES (NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?)') if( $this->code_sql==58 ) { } else { if(($file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms')) != null) $file = @fopen($file_name, 'a'); else { $today = getdate();//??? $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $file = @fopen($cachePath.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'rooms_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'.txt', 'a'); } if(!$file) return; $id = $this->file_insert_id(8); fwrite($file, $id."\t".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".$params[0]."\t".$params[1]."\t".$params[2]."\t"."\t"."\n"); fflush($file); fclose($file); $filename = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath'].'updroom_'.$id.'_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_.txt'; $file = @fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($file, time()); fflush($file); fclose($file); return $id; } } } //queryParams: params, passed to this->process function function saveStatsInCache($stat_name, $stat_value) { $fileName = $this->getCachFileName('Stats'); if($fileName!=null) { $file = @fopen($fileName, 'r'); $file_created = false; } else { $today = getdate(); $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $fileName = $cachePath.'messages_stats_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'].'.txt'; $file = @fopen($fileName, 'w'); $file_created = true; } if(!$file) return; //$lines = file($fileName); $replaced = false; $newLines = array(); if(!$file_created) while(!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file); if($line=='') continue; $lineElems = explode('=', $line); if($lineElems[0] == $stat_name) { array_push($newLines, $lineElems[0].'='.$stat_value."\n"); $replaced = true; } else array_push($newLines, $lineElems[0].'='.$lineElems[1]); } fflush($file); fclose($file); if(!$replaced) array_push($newLines, $stat_name.'='.$stat_value."\n"); $file = @fopen($fileName, 'w'); if($file) { for($i=0; $i<count($newLines); $i++) @fwrite($file, $newLines[$i]); fflush($file); @fclose($file); } } //insert virtual id to file //0-bans;1-config;2-config_chats;3-config_instances;4-config_value;5-connections;6-ignors;7-messages;8-rooms;9-users function file_insert_id( $table,$view = '' ) { if(!isset($_SESSION['session_inst'])) { echo $table; exit; } $fname = $GLOBALS['fc_config']['cachePath'].'tables_id_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'].'.txt'; if( !file_exists( $fname ) ) { $fp = @fopen($fname,'w+'); @fwrite($fp, '0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#4#0'); fflush($fp); @fclose( $fp ); } $i = 0; while( !($buffer = file($fname)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $array = explode('#',$buffer[0] ); if( $view=='' ) { $array[$table]++; $count = $array[$table]; $str = implode('#',$array); $fp = @fopen($fname,'w+'); @fwrite( $fp , $str ); fflush($fp); @fclose( $fp ); if( $table==7 ) $this->saveStatsInCache('MESSAGES_COUNT', $count); } else { $count = $array[$table]; } return $count; } function selectIfConn( ) { $cacheDir = $this->getCachDir(); $cachePath = $cacheDir->path; $fname = $cachePath.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'connections_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_1'.'.txt'; $array = array(); return true; if( file_exists( $fname ) ) { return new ResultSet1( $array ); } else { return null; } } function breakFile( $entry ) { if( strpos($entry, 'messages_stats_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'rooms_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'connections_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'bans_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'ignors_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'users_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'configinst_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'configmain_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'index')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'tables_id_'.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['cacheFilePrefix'].'_'.$_SESSION['session_inst'])!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'update')!==FALSE || strpos($entry, 'updroom')!==FALSE || $entry == '.htaccess' || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ) return true; else return false; } function processRoomsAll( $output='' , $input='' , $params=array() ) { $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $handle = fopen($file_name, 'r'); $total = ''; $allRooms = array(); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); if( $buffer=='' ) continue; $array = explode("\t",$buffer); if( $input=='' ) { if( $array[5]='' && $array[6]=='') continue; }elseif( $input=='id' ) { if( $array[0]==$params[0]) { $array['id'] = $array[0]; $array['updated'] = $array[1]; $array['created'] = $array[2]; $array['name'] = $array[3]; $array['password'] = $array[4]; $array['ispublic'] = $array[5]; $array['ispermanent'] = $array[6]; unset($array[0]);unset($array[1]);unset($array[2]);unset($array[3]);unset($array[4]);unset($array[5]);unset($array[6]); $allRooms[] = $array; break; } continue; } $array['id'] = $array[0]; $array['updated'] = $array[1]; $array['created'] = $array[2]; $array['name'] = $array[3]; $array['password'] = $array[4]; $array['ispublic'] = $array[5]; $array['ispermanent'] = $array[6]; unset($array[0]);unset($array[1]);unset($array[2]);unset($array[3]);unset($array[4]);unset($array[5]);unset($array[6]);unset($array[7]); $allRooms[] = $array; } fflush($handle); @fclose($handle); return $allRooms; } function processUser( $output='' , $input='' , $params = array() ) { $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Users'); $content = file($file_name); for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($content);$i++ ) { } return $allUsers; } function getRoomsIdMax() { $id = $this->file_insert_id(8,'1')+1; $arr = array(); return $arr[]['newid'] = $id; } function processRoomsCount( $str = '' ) { $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); $i = 0; while( !($arrayRoom = file($file_name)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $count = 0; $result = array(); foreach( $arrayRoom as $key=>$val ) { $room_elems = explode("\t", $val); if( $str=='maxnumb' ) { if( $room_elems[6]!='' ) { $count++; } } elseif( $str=='maxnumb' ) { if( $room_elems[0]>0 ) { $count++; } } } $result[][$str] = $count; return $result; } function process(/*...*/) { if(func_num_args() > 0) { $params = func_get_args(); } else { $params = array(); } // if string in quotes, then cut them. artemK0 for($i=0; $i<count($params); $i++) { if($params[$i][0]=="'" && $params[$i][strlen($params[$i])-1]=="'") { $params[$i]=substr($params[$i], 1, -1); } } $GLOBALS['query_count']++; if(strpos($this->queryStr, 'SELECT')!==FALSE) { $GLOBALS['select_count']++; } else { } if( $this->code_sql==0 && strpos($this->queryStr, 'FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages LEFT JOIN '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users ON ('.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'messages.userid = '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'users')!==FALSE ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/selFromAllBase.php') ); } if( $this->code_sql > 0 && $this->code_sql < 50 ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/selConfig.php') ); } if( $this->code_sql > 200 && $this->code_sql < 250 ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processConnect.php') ); } if( $this->code_sql > 250 && $this->code_sql < 300 ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processBans.php') ); } if( $this->code_sql > 150 && $this->code_sql < 200 ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processMessages.php') ); } if( strpos($this->queryStr, 'ignors')!==FALSE ) { return ( include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processIgnors.php') ); } if( $this->code_sql > 50 && $this->code_sql < 100 ) { return (include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processRoom.php')); } if( $this->code_sql > 100 && $this->code_sql < 150 ) { return (include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processUsers.php')); } if( $this->code_sql > 400 && $this->code_sql < 450 ) { return (include(INC_DIR . 'classes/full_cache/processConfig.php')); } } function deleteRoomById() { $id = substr($this->queryStr,strpos($this->queryStr,"id=")+3); $file_name = $this->getCachFileName('Rooms'); //$handle = fopen($file_name, "r"); $i = 0; while( !($array = file($file_name)) ) { //usleep(1000);//for linux $i++; if( $i>1000 ) break; } $total = ''; $allRooms = array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v ) { $buffer = $v; $array = explode("\t",$buffer); if( $buffer=='' ) continue; if( $array[0]!=$id ) $total .= $buffer; } //fclose($handle); $handle = @fopen($file_name, 'w'); fwrite($handle,$total); fflush($handle); fclose($handle); } } class ResultSet1 { var $result; var $numRows = 0; var $currRow = 0; function ResultSet1($result = null) { $this->result = $result; if($result) $this->numRows = count($result); } function hasNext() { return ($this->result && $this->numRows > $this->currRow); } function next() { if($this->hasNext()) { $this->currRow++; $array = $this->result[$this->currRow-1]; return $array; } else { return null; } } } ?>