Direktori : /home/serb/public_html/chat/bot/programe/src/ |
Current File : /home/serb/public_html/chat/bot/programe/src/respond.php |
<?php /* Program E Copyright 2002, Paul Rydell This file is part of Program E. Program E is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Program E is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Program E; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Respond functions * * Second layer functions that are prior to entering the AIML match routine. * @author Paul Rydell * @copyright 2002 * @version 0.0.8 * @license GNU Public License * @package Interpreter */ /** * The general preferences and database details. */ define('THIS_DIR2', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); require_once THIS_DIR2 . "../../../temp/bot/programe/src/botinst/dbprefs.php"; /** * The matching engine functions of the AIML interpreter. */ require_once THIS_DIR2 . "graphnew.php"; /** * A collection of generally useful utility functions */ require_once THIS_DIR2 . "util.php"; /** * The file containing the function that process custom, non AIML 1.0.x specified, tags. */ require_once THIS_DIR2 . "plugins/customtags.php"; /** * Start function for retrieving bot reply * * Checks to see if bot exists, if so calls reply() to get the repons to the user's input. * * @uses lookupbotid() * @uses reply() * * @param string $userinput The user's input * @param integer $uniqueid The user's session ID * @param string $botname The bot's name, if no name selected the default value is "TestBot". * * @return string The bot's reply. */ function replybotname($userinput,$uniqueid,$botname = "Bot"){ $botid = lookupbotid($botname); if ($botid==-1){ print "I don't know that bot: $botname<BR>\n"; } else { return reply($userinput,$uniqueid,$botid); } } /** * Main container function in creating the bot's reply. * * This function is the 'manager' of all the sub-funtions that do the real processing. It creates a class * called Response that is used throughout the application. * * @uses addinputs() * @uses addthats() * @uses bget() * @uses cleanup() * @uses getthat() * @uses loadcustomtags() * @uses logconversation() * @uses normalsentences() * @uses respond() * @uses ss_timing_current() * @uses ss_timing_start() * @uses ss_timing_stop() * * @global string that The conversation's previous bot output * @global string topic The contents of the AIML tag 'Topic' * @global integer uid The session ID of the user (previously $uniqueid) * @global integer loopcounter Counts the number of time a particular category is used in the same match trace. * @global array patternmatched The pattern's that matched the * * @param string $userinput The user's input. * @param integer $uniqueid The user's session ID. * @param integer $bot The bot's ID. * * @return object A class link to 'Response'. */ function reply($userinput,$uniqueid, $bot = 1){ global $that,$topic,$uid,$loopcounter,$patternmatched,$inputmatched,$selectbot; cleanup(); ss_timing_start("all"); $patternmatched=array(); $inputmatched=array(); $myresponse = new Response; $myresponse->errors=""; $uid=$uniqueid; $selectbot=$bot; // Load the custom plugin tags loadcustomtags(); // Get the "that" and the "topic" $that=getthat(1,1); $topic=bget("TOPIC"); // Normalize the input $allinputs=normalsentences($userinput); // If nothing said then use INACTIVITY special input if (sizeof($allinputs)==0){ $allinputs[]="INACTIVITY"; } // Put all the inputs into the <input> stack. addinputs($allinputs); $finalanswer=""; // Build our response to all of the inputs. for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($allinputs);$x++){ $finalanswer.=respond($allinputs[$x]); } if (($loopcounter>LOOPINGLIMIT)&&(LOOPINGLIMIT!=-1)){ $finalanswer=LOOPINGERRORMSG; $myresponse->errors="LOOPINGLIMIT"; } // Put the final answers into the <that> stack. addthats(normalsentences($finalanswer)); // Log the conversation logconversation($userinput,$finalanswer); $myresponse->response=$finalanswer; $myresponse->patternsmatched=$patternmatched; $myresponse->inputs=$inputmatched; ss_timing_stop("all"); $myresponse->timer=ss_timing_current("all"); return $myresponse; } /** * This is the second level response function. * * After reply() this function is the second level function to get the answer to the user's input. * * @uses bget() * @uses debugger() * @uses gettemplate() * @uses GetXMLTree() * @uses recursechildren() * * @global string * @global integer * @global array * @global array * * @param string $sentence The sentence to be matched. * * #return string The response to the user's input. */ function respond($sentence){ global $that,$loopcounter,$patternmatched,$inputmatched; $topic = bget("topic"); $loopcounter++; if (($loopcounter>LOOPINGLIMIT)&&(LOOPINGLIMIT != -1)){ return ""; } $inputstarvals=array(); $thatstarvals=array(); $topicstarvals=array(); debugger("respond called with sentence: $sentence",3); flush(); if ($that==""){ $that="<nothing>"; } if ($topic==""){ $topic="<nothing>"; } if ($sentence==""){ return ""; } else{ //If we found a template $template=gettemplate($sentence,$that,$topic,$inputstarvals,$thatstarvals,$topicstarvals,$s_patternmatched,$s_inputmatched); $patternmatched[]=$s_patternmatched; $inputmatched[]=$s_inputmatched; if ($template!=""){ $template="<xml><TEMPLATE>" . $template . "</TEMPLATE></xml>"; debugger ("found template: $template",2); $root=GetXMLTree($template); if (!isset($root[0]['children'][0]['value'])){ $root=$root[0]['children'][0]['children']; } else { $root=$root[0]['children'][0]['value']; } /* if ($root[0]['children'][0]['value']==""){ $root=$root[0]['children'][0]['children']; } else { $root=$root[0]['children'][0]['value']; } */ $myresponse=recursechildren($root,$inputstarvals,$thatstarvals,$topicstarvals); debugger("recursechildren ret: $myresponse",3); return $myresponse; } } } /** * Third level response processing * * This function is the 'manager' function of the template processing. * * @uses handlenode() * * @param mixed $xmlnode Getting either a string or an array from respond() func. * @param array $inputstar If a matched pattern includes *'s then what is covere by the * is found here. * @param array $thatstar if a used that contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here. * @param array $topicstar if a used topic contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here. * * @return string The bot's response. */ function recursechildren($xmlnode,$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar){ // Getting either a string or an array from respond() func. $response=""; if (is_array($xmlnode)){ // if ($xmlnode['value']==""){ if (!isset($xmlnode['value'])){ for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($xmlnode);$x++){ $response .= handlenode($xmlnode[$x],$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } } else { $response .= handlenode($xmlnode['value'],$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } } else { $response .= handlenode($xmlnode,$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } return $response; } /** * Get the real XML child * * Get the real XML child which is used for processing AIML tags that may contain other AIML tags, such as SRAI, CONDITION etc. * * * @param array $xmlnode * * @return mixed */ function realchild($xmlnode){ if (!isset($xmlnode["value"])){ if (isset($xmlnode["children"])){ return($xmlnode["children"]); } else { return ""; } } else { return($xmlnode["value"]); } /* if ($xmlnode["value"]==""){ return($xmlnode["children"]); } else { return($xmlnode["value"]); } */ } /** * Handles the actual XML between the <template/> tags. * * Recognises the different tags, access the different functions to process each individual tag. Notes by the original developer: <br/> * Why isn't this a huge switch statement? Because it has to do more comlicated checking than just string comparison to figure out what it should do. <br/> * How can I organize this better? Good question. * * @todo It seems to me that this function could modelled similarly to the custom tag system. Where there is a seperate function for each tag. * * @uses getid() * @uses getfdate() * @uses getsize() * @uses upperkeysarray() * @uses debugger() * @uses recursechildren() * @uses respond() * @uses botget() * @uses gender() * @uses getinput() * @uses bset() * @uses insertgossip() * @uses firstthird() * @uses firstsecond() * @uses getthat() * @uses realchild() * * @param mixed $xmlnode Getting either a string or an array from recursechildren() func. * @param array $inputstar If a matched pattern includes *'s then what is covere by the * is found here. * @param array $thatstar if a used that contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here. * @param array $topicstar if a used topic contains a star, then what is covered by the * is found here. * * @return string The bot's response. */ function handlenode($xmlnode,$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar){ if (!is_array($xmlnode)){ return $xmlnode; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="ID"){ return botget_user_ip(); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="DATE"){ return getfdate(); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="VERSION"){ return PROGRAMEVERSION; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SIZE"){ return getsize(); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="STAR"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$starindex=$xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"]; if (!((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["INDEX"])))){ $mynode["INDEX"]=""; } $starindex=$mynode["INDEX"]; if ($starindex==""){ $starindex="1"; } debugger("starindex: $starindex",3); //print_r($inputstar); return $inputstar[$starindex-1]; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="THATSTAR"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$starindex=$xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"]; if (!((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["INDEX"])))){ $mynode["INDEX"]=""; } $starindex=$mynode["INDEX"]; if ($starindex==""){ $starindex="1"; } debugger("starindex: $starindex",3); //print_r($inputstar); return $thatstar[$starindex-1]; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="TOPICSTAR"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$starindex=$xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"]; if (!((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["INDEX"])))){ $mynode["INDEX"]=""; } $starindex=$mynode['INDEX']; if ($starindex==""){ $starindex="1"; } debugger("starindex: $starindex",3); //print_r($inputstar); return $topicstar[$starindex-1]; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SRAI"){ // Build up a new response inside of here (using recursechildren function and then call response with it. $newresponse=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); debugger("newresponts: $newresponse",3); return respond($newresponse); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SR"){ return respond($inputstar[0]); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="RANDOM"){ $liarray=array(); $children = $xmlnode["children"]; for ($randomc=0;$randomc<sizeof($children);$randomc++){ if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI"){ $liarray[]=$randomc; } } // Pick a random number from 0 to sizeof($liarray)-1 mt_srand ((float) microtime() * 1000000); $lirandom= mt_rand(0,(sizeof($liarray)-1)); return recursechildren(realchild($children[$liarray[$lirandom]]),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="THINK"){ recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); return ""; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="BOT"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$name=$xmlnode["attributes"]["NAME"]; $name=$mynode["NAME"]; return botget($name); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GET"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$name=$xmlnode["attributes"]["NAME"]; $name=$mynode["NAME"]; return bget($name); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SET"){ //$name=$xmlnode["attributes"]["NAME"]; $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); $name=$mynode["NAME"]; $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); bset($name,$value); return $value; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="UPPERCASE"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); return strtoupper($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="FORMAL"){ $nvalue=""; $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); $value=strtolower($value); $words=explode(" ",$value); for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($words);$x++){ if ($x!=0){ $nvalue.=" "; } $nvalue .= ucfirst($words[$x]); } return $nvalue; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="LOWERCASE"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); return strtolower($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GENDER"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); return gender($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SENTENCE"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); return ucfirst($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="INPUT"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$index = $xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"]; if (!((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["INDEX"])))){ $mynode["INDEX"]=""; } $index = $mynode["INDEX"]; if ($index==""){ $index=1; } $index=$index-1; return getinput($index); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GOSSIP"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); insertgossip($value); return $value; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="PERSON"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); if ($value==""){ $value=$inputstar[0]; } return firstthird($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="PERSON2"){ $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); if ($value==""){ $value=$inputstar[0]; } return firstsecond($value); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="THAT"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); //$indexes = $xmlnode["attributes"]["INDEX"]; if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["INDEX"]))){ $indexes = $mynode["INDEX"]; } else { $indexes=""; } $indexes = split (",", $indexes); if (sizeof($indexes)<2){ $indexes=array(); $indexes[]=1; $indexes[]=1; } return getthat($indexes[0],$indexes[1]); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="CONDITION"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($xmlnode["attributes"]); // First do multi condition name=value if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["NAME"]))){ $condname=$mynode["NAME"]; } else { $condname = ""; } if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["VALUE"]))){ $condvalue=$mynode["VALUE"]; } else { $condvalue = ""; } if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["CONTAINS"]))){ $condcontains=$mynode["CONTAINS"]; } else { $condcontains = ""; } if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["EXISTS"]))){ $condexists=$mynode["EXISTS"]; } else { $condexists = ""; } /* $condname=$mynode["NAME"]; $condvalue=$mynode["VALUE"]; $condcontains=$mynode["CONTAINS"]; $condexists=$mynode["EXISTS"]; */ // If this is a multi condition if (($condname!="")&&($condvalue!="")){ if ($condvalue!=""){ $condtype="VALUE"; } elseif ($condcontains!=""){ $condtype="CONTAINS"; } elseif ($condexists!=""){ $condtype="EXISTS"; } if ($condtype=="VALUE"){ $condvalue="^" . str_replace("*","(.*)",$condvalue); if (eregi($condvalue,bget($condname))){ //if ((bget($condname))==$condvalue){ return recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } } } // Else condname not blank and value is blank then it goes to <li>'s that have conditions in them. elseif (($condname!="")&&($condvalue=="")){ $children = $xmlnode["children"]; $checkval=bget($condname); // After a match break. If no match then execute last if no name or val for ($randomc=0;$randomc<sizeof($children);$randomc++){ if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($children[$randomc]["attributes"]); //$condvalue=$children[$randomc]["attributes"]["VALUE"]; if (!((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["VALUE"])))){ $mynode["VALUE"]=""; } $condvalue=$mynode["VALUE"]; $condvalue="^" . str_replace("*","(.*)",$condvalue) . "$"; if ((eregi($condvalue,$checkval))||($condvalue=="^\$")){ return recursechildren(realchild($children[$randomc]),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } } } } // Else condname and value both blank then the <li>'s inside have both elseif (($condname=="")&&($condvalue=="")){ $children = $xmlnode["children"]; // After a match break. If no match then execute last if no name or val for ($randomc=0;$randomc<sizeof($children);$randomc++){ if (strtoupper($children[$randomc]["tag"]) == "LI"){ $mynode=upperkeysarray($children[$randomc]["attributes"]); if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["NAME"]))){ $condname=$mynode["NAME"]; } else { $condname = ""; } if ((is_array($mynode))&&(isset($mynode["VALUE"]))){ $condvalue=$mynode["VALUE"]; } else { $condvalue = ""; } $condvalue="^" . str_replace("*","(.*)",$condvalue) . "$"; if ((eregi($condvalue,bget($condname)))||(($condvalue=="^\$")&&($condname==""))){ return recursechildren(realchild($children[$randomc]),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } } } } } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SYSTEM"){ $command=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); exec($command,$execoutput); for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($execoutput);$x++){ $allout=$allout . $execoutput[$x]; } return $allout; } // For Javascript to work you need: // 1. Java. // 2. PHP compiled with Java support. // 3. js.jar in your php/java directory. // (you can get js.jar from the Program D distribution - // 4. php.ini's java.class.path to point to js.jar. // A much easier alternative is to write PHP code and embed it in <php></php> tags. /* elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="JAVASCRIPT"){ $jscode=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); $context = new Java("org.mozilla.javascript.Context"); $newContext = $context->enter(); $scope = $newContext->initStandardObjects(null); $script = $jscode; $evaluate = $newContext->evaluateString($scope, $script, "<cmd>", 1, null); $context->exit(); return $newContext->toString($evaluate); } */ elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="PHP"){ $phpcode=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); ob_start(); eval($phpcode); $evaled = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $evaled; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="JUSTBEFORETHAT"){ $indexes=array(); $indexes[]=2; $indexes[]=1; return getthat($indexes[0],$indexes[1]); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="JUSTTHAT"){ $index=2; $index=$index-1; return getinput($index); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="BEFORETHAT"){ $index=3; $index=$index-1; return getinput($index); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GET_IP"){ return botget_user_ip(); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GETNAME"){ $name="NAME"; return bget($name); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GETSIZE"){ return getsize(); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GETTOPIC"){ $name="TOPIC"; return bget($name); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="GETVERSION"){ return PROGRAMEVERSION; } elseif (substr(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]),0,4)=="GET_"){ $name=substr($xmlnode["tag"],4); return bget($name); } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SETNAME"){ $name="NAME"; $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); bset($name,$value); return $value; } elseif (strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"])=="SETTOPIC"){ $name="TOPIC"; $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); bset($name,$value); return $value; } elseif (substr(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]),0,4)=="SET_"){ $name=substr($xmlnode["tag"],4); $value=recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); bset($name,$value); return $value; } elseif (isdeprecated(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]),$ttag)){ $name=$ttag; return botget($name); } elseif (iscustomtag(strtoupper($xmlnode["tag"]),$ctfunction)){ return $ctfunction($xmlnode,$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar); } // Else we do not know how to handle this. Assume it is HTML and just output it. // This code fixed by Stefan Humnig else { $name = $xmlnode["tag"]; $atts=$xmlnode["attributes"]; $atttext=""; if ($atts != NULL) { foreach ($atts as $key => $value) { $atttext .= " $key=\"$value\""; } } $value="<$name" . $atttext; if (isset($xmlnode["children"]) || strcmp($xmlnode["value"], "") != 0) { $value .= ">" . recursechildren(realchild($xmlnode),$inputstar,$thatstar,$topicstar) . "</$name>"; } else { $value .= "/>"; } return $value; } } ?>