Direktori : /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/ |
Current File : //usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mt |
#compdef mt local -a args cmds local state line curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1 args=( '(-)-f[specify raw tape device]:tape device:_files' ) cmds=( {eof,weof}':write specified number of EOF marks at current position' 'fsf:forward space by specified number of files' 'fsr:forward space by specified number of records' 'bsf:backward space by specified number of files' 'bsr:backward space by specified number of records' 'asf:absolute space to specified file number' 'eom:go to end of recorded media on the tape' 'rewind:rewind the tape' {offline,rewoffl}':rewind and unload the tape' 'status:print status information about the tape unit' 'retension:rewind, wind to end of reel, rewind again - smoothes tape tension' 'erase:erase the tape' ) if _pick_variant gnu=GNU unix --version; then args=( '(1 2 -)'{-V,--version}'[print version info]' '(1 2 -)--help[display usage info]' '(-V --version --help -f --file)'{-f,--file=}'[specify raw tape device]:tape device:_files' '(-V --version --help)--rsh-command=[specify remote shell command]:rsh command:_command_names -e' ) # should really allow remote user@host for tape device cmds+=( 'bsfm:backward space by specified number of file marks' 'fsfm:forward space by specified number of file marks' 'fss:forward space by specified number of setmarks' 'bss:backward space by specified number of setmarks' 'wset:write specified number of setmarks at current position' {eod,seod}':space to end of valid data' 'setblk:set drive block size' 'setdensity:set tape density code' 'drvbuffer:set drive buffer code' 'stoptions:set driver option bits' 'stwrthreshold:set device write threshold' 'seek:seek to specified block' 'tell:tell the current block on tape' 'densities:explain some common density codes' 'datcompression:enquire or set compression status' ) elif [[ $OSTYPE = (freebsd|dragonfly)* ]]; then cmds=( ${cmds:#(asf|eof):*} 'smk:write specified number of setmarks at current position' 'fss:forward space by specified number of setmarks' 'bss:backward space by specified number of setmarks' 'rdhpos:read hardware block position' 'rdspos:read SCSI logical block position' 'sethpos:set hardware block position' 'setspos:set SCSI logical block position' 'errstat:print error status info about device' 'blocksize:set drive block size' 'density:set tape density code' 'geteotmodel:print the current EOT filemark model' 'seteotmodel:set the current EOT filemark model' 'eod:go to end of recorded media on the tape' 'comp:set compression mode' ) elif [[ $OSTYPE = solaris* ]]; then cmds+=( 'nbsf:back space by specified number of files positioning at file start' 'reserve:allow drive to remain reserved after close until explicit release' 'release:re-establish release at close behaviour' ) if (( ! EUID )); then cmds+=( 'forcereserve:break reservation of tape drive held by other host' ) fi fi _arguments -C "$args[@]" '(--help --version -V)1:operation:->operation' \ '2:count:' && ret=0 [[ -n "$state" ]] && _describe -t operations 'operation' cmds && ret=0 return ret