Direktori : /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/ |
Current File : //usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_make |
#compdef make gmake pmake dmake # TODO: Based on targets given on the command line, show only variables that # are used in those targets and their dependencies. _make-expandVars() { local open close var val front ret tmp=$1 front=${tmp%%\$*} case $tmp in (\(*) # Variable of the form $(foobar) open='(' close=')' ;; ({*) # ${foobar} open='{' close='}' ;; ([[:alpha:]]*) # $foobar. This is exactly $(f)oobar. open='' close='' var=${(s::)var[1]} ;; (\$*) # Escaped $. print -- "${front}\$$(_make-expandVars ${tmp#\$})" return ;; (*) # Nothing left to substitute. print -- $tmp return ;; esac if [[ -n $open ]] then var=${tmp#$open} var=${var%%$close*} fi case $var in ([[:alnum:]_]#) val=${VARIABLES[$var]} ret=${ret//\$$open$var$close/$val} ;; (*) # Improper variable name. No replacement. # I'm not sure if this is desired behavior. front+="\$$open$var$close" ret=${ret/\$$open$var$close/} ;; esac print -- "${front}$(_make-expandVars ${ret})" } _make-parseMakefile () { local input var val target dep TAB=$'\t' dir=$1 tmp while read input do case "$input " in # VARIABLE = value ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]_]#[ $TAB]#=*) var=${input%%[ $TAB]#=*} val=${input#*=} val=${val##[ $TAB]#} VARIABLES[$var]=$val ;; # VARIABLE := value # Evaluated immediately ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]_]#[ $TAB]#:=*) var=${input%%[ $TAB]#:=*} val=${input#*=} val=${val##[ $TAB]#} val=$(_make-expandVars $val) VARIABLES[$var]=$val ;; # TARGET: dependencies # TARGET1 TARGET2 TARGET3: dependencies ([[:alnum:]][^$TAB:=]#:[^=]*) input=$(_make-expandVars $input) target=${input%%:*} dep=${input#*:} dep=${(z)dep} dep="$dep" for tmp in ${(z)target} do TARGETS[$tmp]=$dep done ;; # Include another makefile (${~incl} *) local f=${input##${~incl} ##} if [[ $incl == '.include' ]] then f=${f#[\"<]} f=${f%[\">]} fi f=$(_make-expandVars $f) case $f in (/*) ;; (*) f=$dir/$f ;; esac if [[ -r $f ]] then _make-parseMakefile ${f%%/[^/]##} < $f fi ;; esac done } _make-findBasedir () { local file index basedir basedir=$PWD for (( index=0; index < $#@; index++ )) do if [[ $@[index] == -C ]] then file=${~@[index+1]}; if [[ -z $file ]] then # make returns with an error if an empty arg is given # even if the concatenated path is a valid directory return elif [[ $file == /* ]] then # Absolute path, replace base directory basedir=$file else # Relative, concatenate path basedir=$basedir/$file fi fi done print -- $basedir } _make() { local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" file expl tmp is_gnu dir incl match local -A TARGETS VARIABLES local ret=1 _pick_variant -r is_gnu gnu=GNU unix -v -f if [[ $is_gnu == gnu ]] then incl="(-|)include" else incl=.include fi if [[ "$prev" == -[CI] ]] then _files -W ${(q)$(_make-findBasedir ${words[1,CURRENT-1]})} -/ && ret=0 elif [[ "$prev" == -[foW] ]] then _files -W ${(q)$(_make-findBasedir $words)} && ret=0 else file="$words[(I)-f]" if (( file )) then file=${~words[file+1]} [[ $file == [^/]* ]] && file=${(q)$(_make-findBasedir $words)}/$file [[ -r $file ]] || file= else local basedir basedir=${$(_make-findBasedir $words)} if [[ $is_gnu == gnu && -r $basedir/GNUmakefile ]] then file=$basedir/GNUmakefile elif [[ -r $basedir/makefile ]] then file=$basedir/makefile elif [[ -r $basedir/Makefile ]] then file=$basedir/Makefile else file='' fi fi if [[ -n "$file" ]] then if [[ $is_gnu == gnu ]] && zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:targets" call-command then _make-parseMakefile $PWD < <(_call_program targets "$words[1]" -nsp --no-print-directory -f "$file" .PHONY 2> /dev/null) else case "$OSTYPE" in freebsd*) _make-parseMakefile $PWD < <(_call_program targets "$words[1]" -nsp -f "$file" .PHONY 2> /dev/null) ;; *) _make-parseMakefile $PWD < $file esac fi fi if [[ $PREFIX == *'='* ]] then # Complete make variable as if shell variable compstate[parameter]="${PREFIX%%\=*}" compset -P 1 '*=' _value "$@" && ret=0 else _tags targets variables while _tags do _requested targets expl 'make targets' \ compadd -- ${(k)TARGETS} && ret=0 _requested variables expl 'make variables' \ compadd -S '=' -- ${(k)VARIABLES} && ret=0 done fi fi return ret } _make "$@"