Direktori : /usr/share/mysql-test/include/ |
Current File : //usr/share/mysql-test/include/ |
--source include/ # # Spatial objects # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, gis_point, gis_line, gis_polygon, gis_multi_point, gis_multi_line, gis_multi_polygon, gis_geometrycollection, gis_geometry; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE gis_point (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g POINT); CREATE TABLE gis_line (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g LINESTRING); CREATE TABLE gis_polygon (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g POLYGON); CREATE TABLE gis_multi_point (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g MULTIPOINT); CREATE TABLE gis_multi_line (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g MULTILINESTRING); CREATE TABLE gis_multi_polygon (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g MULTIPOLYGON); CREATE TABLE gis_geometrycollection (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g GEOMETRYCOLLECTION); CREATE TABLE gis_geometry (fid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, g GEOMETRY); SHOW CREATE TABLE gis_point; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_point; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_line; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_polygon; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_multi_point; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_multi_line; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_multi_polygon; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_geometrycollection; SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_geometry; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (101, PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (102, PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')), (103, PointFromText('POINT(20 20)')), (104, PointFromWKB(AsWKB(PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')))); INSERT INTO gis_line VALUES (105, LineFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,0 10,10 0)')), (106, LineStringFromText('LINESTRING(10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10)')), (107, LineStringFromWKB(LineString(Point(10, 10), Point(40, 10)))); INSERT INTO gis_polygon VALUES (108, PolygonFromText('POLYGON((10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10))')), (109, PolyFromText('POLYGON((0 0,50 0,50 50,0 50,0 0), (10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10))')), (110, PolyFromWKB(Polygon(LineString(Point(0, 0), Point(30, 0), Point(30, 30), Point(0, 0))))); INSERT INTO gis_multi_point VALUES (111, MultiPointFromText('MULTIPOINT(0 0,10 10,10 20,20 20)')), (112, MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT(1 1,11 11,11 21,21 21)')), (113, MPointFromWKB(MultiPoint(Point(3, 6), Point(4, 10)))); INSERT INTO gis_multi_line VALUES (114, MultiLineStringFromText('MULTILINESTRING((10 48,10 21,10 0),(16 0,16 23,16 48))')), (115, MLineFromText('MULTILINESTRING((10 48,10 21,10 0))')), (116, MLineFromWKB(MultiLineString(LineString(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 5)), LineString(Point(2, 5), Point(5, 8), Point(21, 7))))); INSERT INTO gis_multi_polygon VALUES (117, MultiPolygonFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26),(52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)),((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))')), (118, MPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26),(52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)),((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))')), (119, MPolyFromWKB(MultiPolygon(Polygon(LineString(Point(0, 3), Point(3, 3), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 3)))))); INSERT INTO gis_geometrycollection VALUES (120, GeomCollFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0), LINESTRING(0 0,10 10))')), (121, GeometryFromWKB(GeometryCollection(Point(44, 6), LineString(Point(3, 6), Point(7, 9))))); INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_point; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_line; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_polygon; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_multi_point; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_multi_line; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_multi_polygon; INSERT into gis_geometry SELECT * FROM gis_geometrycollection; -- disable_query_log -- disable_result_log ANALYZE TABLE gis_point; ANALYZE TABLE gis_line; ANALYZE TABLE gis_polygon; ANALYZE TABLE gis_multi_point; ANALYZE TABLE gis_multi_line; ANALYZE TABLE gis_multi_polygon; ANALYZE TABLE gis_geometrycollection; ANALYZE TABLE gis_geometry; -- enable_result_log -- enable_query_log SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_point ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_multi_point ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_multi_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_multi_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_geometrycollection ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM gis_geometry ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, Dimension(g) FROM gis_geometry ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, GeometryType(g) FROM gis_geometry ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, IsEmpty(g) FROM gis_geometry ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(Envelope(g)) FROM gis_geometry ORDER by fid; explain extended select Dimension(g), GeometryType(g), IsEmpty(g), AsText(Envelope(g)) from gis_geometry; SELECT fid, X(g) FROM gis_point ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, Y(g) FROM gis_point ORDER by fid; explain extended select X(g),Y(g) FROM gis_point; SELECT fid, AsText(StartPoint(g)) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(EndPoint(g)) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, GLength(g) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumPoints(g) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(PointN(g, 2)) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, IsClosed(g) FROM gis_line ORDER by fid; explain extended select AsText(StartPoint(g)),AsText(EndPoint(g)),GLength(g),NumPoints(g),AsText(PointN(g, 2)),IsClosed(g) FROM gis_line; SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(ExteriorRing(g)) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumInteriorRings(g) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(InteriorRingN(g, 1)) FROM gis_polygon ORDER by fid; explain extended select AsText(Centroid(g)),Area(g),AsText(ExteriorRing(g)),NumInteriorRings(g),AsText(InteriorRingN(g, 1)) FROM gis_polygon; SELECT fid, IsClosed(g) FROM gis_multi_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM gis_multi_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM gis_multi_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from gis_multi_point ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from gis_multi_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from gis_multi_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from gis_geometrycollection ORDER by fid; explain extended SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from gis_multi_point; SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 2)) from gis_multi_point ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 2)) from gis_multi_line ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 2)) from gis_multi_polygon ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 2)) from gis_geometrycollection ORDER by fid; SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 1)) from gis_geometrycollection ORDER by fid; explain extended SELECT fid, AsText(GeometryN(g, 2)) from gis_multi_point; SELECT g1.fid as first, g2.fid as second, Within(g1.g, g2.g) as w, Contains(g1.g, g2.g) as c, Overlaps(g1.g, g2.g) as o, Equals(g1.g, g2.g) as e, Disjoint(g1.g, g2.g) as d, Touches(g1.g, g2.g) as t, Intersects(g1.g, g2.g) as i, Crosses(g1.g, g2.g) as r FROM gis_geometrycollection g1, gis_geometrycollection g2 ORDER BY first, second; explain extended SELECT g1.fid as first, g2.fid as second, Within(g1.g, g2.g) as w, Contains(g1.g, g2.g) as c, Overlaps(g1.g, g2.g) as o, Equals(g1.g, g2.g) as e, Disjoint(g1.g, g2.g) as d, Touches(g1.g, g2.g) as t, Intersects(g1.g, g2.g) as i, Crosses(g1.g, g2.g) as r FROM gis_geometrycollection g1, gis_geometrycollection g2 ORDER BY first, second; DROP TABLE gis_point, gis_line, gis_polygon, gis_multi_point, gis_multi_line, gis_multi_polygon, gis_geometrycollection, gis_geometry; # # Check that ALTER TABLE doesn't loose geometry type # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, gp point, ln linestring, pg polygon, mp multipoint, mln multilinestring, mpg multipolygon, gc geometrycollection, gm geometry ); SHOW FIELDS FROM t1; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD fid INT; SHOW FIELDS FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (pk integer primary key auto_increment, a geometry not null); insert into t1 (a) values (GeomFromText('Point(1 2)')); -- error 1416 insert into t1 (a) values ('Garbage'); -- error 1416 insert IGNORE into t1 (a) values ('Garbage'); drop table t1; create table t1 (pk integer primary key auto_increment, fl geometry not null); --error 1416 insert into t1 (fl) values (1); --error 1416 insert into t1 (fl) values (1.11); --error 1416 insert into t1 (fl) values ("qwerty"); --error 1048 insert into t1 (fl) values (pointfromtext('point(1,1)')); drop table t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests # # Bug#24563: MBROverlaps does not seem to function propertly # Bug#54888: MBROverlaps missing in 5.1? # # Test all MBR* functions and their non-MBR-prefixed aliases, # using shifted squares to verify the spatial relations. CREATE TABLE t1 (name VARCHAR(100), square GEOMETRY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("center", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 0, 0 2, 2 2, 2 0, 0 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("small", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("big", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 0, 0 3, 3 3, 3 0, 0 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("up", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 1, 0 3, 2 3, 2 1, 0 1))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("up2", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 2, 0 4, 2 4, 2 2, 0 2))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("up3", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 3, 0 5, 2 5, 2 3, 0 3))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("down", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 -1, 0 1, 2 1, 2 -1, 0 -1))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("down2", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 -2, 0 0, 2 0, 2 -2, 0 -2))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("down3", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 0 -3, 0 -1, 2 -1, 2 -3, 0 -3))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("right", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 1 0, 1 2, 3 2, 3 0, 1 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("right2", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 2 0, 2 2, 4 2, 4 0, 2 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("right3", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( 3 0, 3 2, 5 2, 5 0, 3 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("left", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( -1 0, -1 2, 1 2, 1 0, -1 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("left2", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( -2 0, -2 2, 0 2, 0 0, -2 0))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("left3", GeomFromText('POLYGON (( -3 0, -3 2, -1 2, -1 0, -3 0))')); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrcontains FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBRContains( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrdisjoint FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBRDisjoint( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrequal FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBREqual( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrintersect FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBRIntersects( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbroverlaps FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBROverlaps( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrtouches FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBRTouches( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS mbrwithin FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON MBRWithin( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS contains FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Contains( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS disjoint FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Disjoint( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS equals FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Equals( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS intersect FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Intersects( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS overlaps FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Overlaps( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS touches FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Touches( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS within FROM t1 a1 JOIN t1 a2 ON Within( a1.square, a2.square) WHERE = "center" GROUP BY; # Overlaps needs a few more tests, with point and line dimensions SET @vert1 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((0 -2, 0 2, 0 -2))'); SET @horiz1 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-2 0, 2 0, -2 0))'); SET @horiz2 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-1 0, 3 0, -1 0))'); SET @horiz3 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((2 0, 3 0, 2 0))'); SET @point1 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((0 0))'); SET @point2 = GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-2 0))'); SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS overlaps FROM t1 a1 WHERE Overlaps(a1.square, @vert1) GROUP BY; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY AS overlaps FROM t1 a1 WHERE Overlaps(a1.square, @horiz1) GROUP BY; SELECT Overlaps(@horiz1, @vert1) FROM DUAL; SELECT Overlaps(@horiz1, @horiz2) FROM DUAL; SELECT Overlaps(@horiz1, @horiz3) FROM DUAL; SELECT Overlaps(@horiz1, @point1) FROM DUAL; SELECT Overlaps(@horiz1, @point2) FROM DUAL; DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests