GIF89a; Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/share/mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/
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Current File : //usr/share/mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/

--source include/

if (`SELECT HEX(@commands) = HEX('configure')`)
  connection master;

  # Index that is used as an Id to tables that trigger errors.
  --let $tt_error_counter=0
  --let $nt_error_counter=0

  # Creates a T-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE tt_xx_1 ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb

  # Creates a N-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE nt_xx_1 ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam

  # Creates a T-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE tt_error_1 ( id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE = Innodb

  # Creates a N-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE nt_error_1 ( id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE = MyIsam

  # Creates a T-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE tt_error_2 ( id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE = Innodb

  # Creates a N-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TABLE nt_error_2 ( id INT, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE = MyIsam

  # Create a trigger nt_error_2 --> tt_error_2
  CREATE TRIGGER tr_i_nt_2_to_tt_2 AFTER INSERT ON nt_error_2 FOR EACH ROW
    DECLARE in_stmt_id INTEGER;
    INSERT INTO tt_error_2(id) VALUES (;

  # Creates a Temporary N-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nt_tmp_xx_1 ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam

  # Creates a Temporary N-table that is never dropped.
  --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tt_tmp_xx_1 ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb

  # In what follows, we create a set of tables that are used
  # throughout this test case. The number of tables to be
  # created is give by the variable $tot_table.
  # Creates Temporay N-tables that are automatically dropped and recreated
  # when a command ends.
  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nt_tmp_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam
    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n_temp'
    # Updates the $available_n_temp that keeps track of the created
    # temporary N-tables.
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      --let $available_n_temp= $available_n_temp,nt_tmp_$n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
      --let $available_n_temp= nt_tmp_$n
    --dec $n

  # Creates Temporay T-tables that are automatically dropped and recreated
  # when a command ends.
  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tt_tmp_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb
    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t_temp'
    # Updates the $available_t_temp that keeps track of the created
    # temporary T-tables.
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      --let $available_t_temp= $available_t_temp,tt_tmp_$n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
      --let $available_t_temp= tt_tmp_$n
    --dec $n

  # Creates N-tables that are automatically dropped and recreated
  # when a command ends.
  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nt_$n
    --eval CREATE TABLE nt_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam
    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n'
    # Updates the $available_n that keeps track of the created
    # N-tables.
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      --let $available_n= $available_n,nt_$n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
      --let $available_n= nt_$n
    --dec $n

  # Creates T-tables that are automatically dropped and recreated
  # when a command ends.
  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_$n
    --eval CREATE TABLE tt_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb
    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t'
    # Updates the $available_t that keeps track of the created
    # T-tables.
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      --let $available_t= $available_t,tt_$n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
      --let $available_t= tt_$n
    --dec $n

  --let $dropped_t_temp=
  --let $dropped_n_temp=

  --let $dropped_t=
  --let $dropped_n=

  let $pos_trans_command= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1);

  SET @commands= '';

# Drops tables and synchronizes master and slave.

if (`SELECT HEX(@commands) = HEX('clean')`)
  connection master;



  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_error_1;

  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nt_error_1;

  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_error_2;

  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nt_error_2;


  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nt_$n
    --dec $n

  --let $n= $tot_table
  while ($n)
    --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_$n
    --dec $n


  SET @commands= '';

# This is the core of the test is responsible for processing
# the following commands:
# B - Begin
# C - Commit
# R - Rollback
# T - Inserts a row into a T-table
# N-Temp - Inserts a row into a temporary N-table.
# T-SELECT-N-Temp - Selects from a temporary N-table and inserts
#                   into a T-table.
# N-SELECT-N-Temp - Selects from a temporary N-table and inserts
#                   into a N-table.
# T-SELECT-T-Temp - Selects from a temporary T-table and inserts
#                   into a T-table.
# N-SELECT-T-Temp - Selects from a temporary T-table and inserts
#                   into a N-table.
# Create-N-Temp - Creates a temporary N-table if a temporary N-table
#                 was dropped before
# Create-T-Temp - Creates a temporary T-table if a temporary T-table
#                 was dropped before
# Drop-Temp-T-Temp - Drops a temporary T-table if there is any
# Drop-Temp-N-Temp - Drops a temporary N-table if there is any
# Drop-Temp-TN-Temp - Drops both a temporary T-table and N-table if there
#                     is any
# Drop-Temp-TT-Temp - Drops two temporary T-tables if there is any
# Drop-Temp-NN-Temp - Drops two temporary N-tables if there is any
# Drop-Temp-Xe-Temp - Tries to drop a temporary table that does not exist
# Drop-Temp-NXe-Temp - Drops a temporary N-table if there is any and
#                      a temporary table that does not exist
# Drop-Temp-TXe-Temp - Drops a temporary T-table if there is any and
#                      a temporary table that does not exist
# Drop-Temp-If-Xe-Temp - Tries to drop a temporary table that does not exist
# Drop-Temp-If-TXe-Temp - Drops a temporary T-table if there is any and
#                         a temporary table that does not exist
# Drop-T - Drops a T-table if there is any
# Drop-N - Drops a  N-table if there is any
# Drop-Xe - Tries to drop a table that does not exist
# Drop-TXe - Drops a T-table if there is any and a table that does
#            not exist
# Drop-NXe - Drops a N-table if there is any and a table that does
#            not exist
# Drop-TN - Drops both a T-table and N-table if there is any
# Drop-TT - Drops two T-tables if there is any
# Drop-NN - Drops two N-tables if there is any
# Drop-N-TN-Temp - Drops a N-table and both a temporary T-table and
#                  N-table if there is any
# Drop-If-Xe - Tries to drop a table that does not exist
# Drop-If-TXe - Drops a T-table if there is any and a table that does
#               not exist
# Drop-If-NXe - Drops a N-table if there is any and a table that does
#               not exist
while (`SELECT HEX(@commands) != HEX('')`)
  SET @command= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@commands, ' ', 1);
  let $command= `SELECT @command`;
  --eval SET @check_commands= '$commands'
  if (`SELECT HEX(@check_commands) = HEX('''')`)
    let $commands= `SELECT @commands`;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('B')`)
    eval BEGIN;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('T')`)
    eval INSERT INTO tt_xx_1() VALUES (1);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('N')`)
    eval INSERT INTO nt_xx_1() VALUES (1);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Te')`)
    --inc $tt_error_counter
    eval INSERT INTO tt_error_1() VALUES ($tt_error_counter), ($tt_error_counter);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Ne')`)
    --inc $nt_error_counter
    eval INSERT INTO nt_error_1() VALUES ($nt_error_counter), ($nt_error_counter);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('NeT-trig')`)
    --inc $nt_error_counter
    eval INSERT INTO nt_error_1() VALUES ($nt_error_counter), ($nt_error_counter);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('N-Temp')`)
    eval INSERT INTO nt_tmp_xx_1() VALUES (1);

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('N-SELECT-N-Temp')`)
    eval INSERT INTO nt_xx_1 SELECT * FROM nt_tmp_xx_1;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('N-SELECT-T-Temp')`)
    eval INSERT INTO nt_xx_1 SELECT * FROM tt_tmp_xx_1;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('T-SELECT-N-Temp')`)
    eval INSERT INTO tt_xx_1 SELECT * FROM nt_tmp_xx_1;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('T-SELECT-T-Temp')`)
    eval INSERT INTO tt_xx_1 SELECT * FROM tt_tmp_xx_1;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-N-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-T-Temp')`)
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-N-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_n_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-T-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_t_temp

    --eval SET @check_temp='$dropped_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp, ',', 1);
      let $table=`SELECT @temp`;
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $available_temp= $available_temp,$table
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $available_temp= $table
      --eval SET @check_temp='$dropped_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $dropped_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-N-Temp')`)
        --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $table ( id INT ) engine= MyIsam

        --let $available_n_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Create-T-Temp')`)
        --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $table ( id INT ) engine= Innodb

        --let $available_t_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_temp

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-N-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-T-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-T') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N')`)
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-N-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_n_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-T-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_t_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n
      --let $available_temp=$available_n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-T')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t
      --let $available_temp=$available_t

    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp, ',', 1);
      let $table=`SELECT @temp`;
      --eval SET @check_temp='$dropped_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_temp= $dropped_temp,$table
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_temp= $table
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-N-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table

        --let $available_n_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-T-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table

        --let $available_t_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table

        --let $available_n= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-T')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table

        --let $available_t= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t= $dropped_temp

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-Xe-Temp')`)
    --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tt_xx_1

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-Xe-Temp')`)

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Xe')`)
    --eval DROP TABLE xx_1

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-Xe')`)
    --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xx_1

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NXe') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TXe') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-NXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-TXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-NXe') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-TXe')`)
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-NXe-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_n_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TXe-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-TXe-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_t_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NXe') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-NXe')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n
      --let $available_temp=$available_n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TXe') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-TXe')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t
      --let $available_temp=$available_t

    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp, ',', 1);
      let $table=`SELECT @temp`;
      --eval SET @check_temp='$dropped_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_temp= $dropped_temp,$table
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $table
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NXe-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table, tt_1

        --let $available_n_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-NXe-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS $table, tt_1

        --let $available_n_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TXe-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table, tt_1

        --let $available_t_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-If-TXe-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS $table, tt_1

        --let $available_t_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NXe')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table, xx_1

        --let $available_n= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-NXe')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table, xx_1

        --let $available_n= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TXe')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table, xx_1

        --let $available_t= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-If-TXe')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table, xx_1

        --let $available_t= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t= $dropped_temp

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NN-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TT-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NN') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TT')`)
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NN-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_n_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TT-Temp')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t_temp
      --let $available_temp=$available_t_temp
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NN')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_n
      --let $available_temp=$available_n
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TT')`)
      --let $dropped_temp=$dropped_t
      --let $available_temp=$available_t

    --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
      --let $n= 2
      while (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('') && $n != 0`)
        SET @temp= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp, ',', 1);
        let $table=`SELECT @temp`;
        --eval SET @check_temp='$dropped_temp'
        if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
          --let $dropped_temp= $dropped_temp,$table
        if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
          --let $dropped_temp= $table
        if ($n == 1)
          --let $table_1= $table
        if ($n == 2)
          --let $table_2= $table

        --dec $n
        --eval SET @check_temp='$available_temp'
        --eval SET @table_temp='$table'
        SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
        --let $available_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-NN-Temp') && $n = 0`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table_1, $table_2

        --let $available_n_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TT-Temp') && $n= 0`)
        --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table_1, $table_2

        --let $available_t_temp= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-NN') && $n = 0`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table_1, $table_2

        --let $available_n= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_n= $dropped_temp
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TT') && $n= 0`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table_1, $table_2

        --let $available_t= $available_temp
        --let $dropped_t= $dropped_temp

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-Temp-TN-Temp')`)
    --eval SET @check_temp_t='$available_t_temp'
    --eval SET @check_temp_n='$available_n_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('') && HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp_t= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_t, ',', 1);
      let $table_t=`SELECT @temp_t`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_t='$dropped_t_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_t_temp,$table_t
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $table_t
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_t'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_t_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      SET @temp_n= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_n, ',', 1);
      let $table_n=`SELECT @temp_n`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_n='$dropped_n_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_n_temp,$table_n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $table_n
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_n'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_n_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE $table_t, $table_n

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TN')`)
    --eval SET @check_temp_t='$available_t'
    --eval SET @check_temp_n='$available_n'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('') && HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp_t= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_t, ',', 1);
      let $table_t=`SELECT @temp_t`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_t='$dropped_t'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t= $dropped_t,$table_t
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t= $table_t
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_t'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_t= `SELECT @check_temp`

      SET @temp_n= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_n, ',', 1);
      let $table_n=`SELECT @temp_n`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_n='$dropped_n'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n= $dropped_n,$table_n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n= $table_n
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_n'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_t= `SELECT @check_temp`

      --eval DROP TABLE $table_t, $table_n

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N-TN-Temp') || HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TN-Temp')`)
    --eval SET @check_temp_t='$available_t_temp'
    --eval SET @check_temp_n='$available_n_temp'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N-TN-Temp')`)
      --eval SET @check_n='$available_n'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TN-Temp')`)
      # Just to be possible to go through the next if...
      --eval SET @check_n='...'
    if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('') && HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('') && HEX(@check_n) != HEX('')`)
      SET @temp_t= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_t, ',', 1);
      let $table_temp_t=`SELECT @temp_t`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_t='$dropped_t_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $dropped_t_temp,$table_temp_t
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_t) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_t_temp= $table_temp_t
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_temp_t'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_t_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      SET @temp_n= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_temp_n, ',', 1);
      let $table_temp_n=`SELECT @temp_n`;
      --eval SET @check_temp_n='$dropped_n_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) != HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $dropped_n_temp,$table_temp_n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp_n) = HEX('')`)
        --let $dropped_n_temp= $table_temp_n
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n_temp'
      --eval SET @table_temp='$table_temp_n'
      SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
      --let $available_n_temp= `SELECT @check_temp`

      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-N-TN-Temp')`)
        SET @temp_n= SUBSTRING_INDEX(@check_n, ',', 1);
        let $table_n=`SELECT @temp_n`;
        --eval SET @check_n='$dropped_n'
        if (`SELECT HEX(@check_n) != HEX('')`)
          --let $dropped_n= $dropped_n,$table_n
        if (`SELECT HEX(@check_n) = HEX('')`)
          --let $dropped_n= $table_n
        --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n'
        --eval SET @table_temp='$table_n'
        SET @check_temp= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@check_temp, LENGTH(@table_temp) + 2));
        --let $available_n= `SELECT @check_temp`

        --eval DROP TABLE $table_temp_t, $table_temp_n, $table_n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('Drop-TN-Temp')`)
        --eval DROP TABLE $table_temp_t, $table_temp_n

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('C')`)
    --error 0, ER_GET_ERRMSG
    eval COMMIT;

  if (`SELECT HEX(@command) = HEX('R')`)
    --error 0, ER_GET_ERRMSG
    --replace_column 2 #
    eval ROLLBACK;

  SET @commands= LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@commands, LENGTH(@command) + 1));
  if (`SELECT HEX(@commands) = HEX('')`)
    let $binlog_start= $pos_trans_command;
    --echo -b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- >> $commands << -b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-
    # Use other connection because include/
    # executes SELECT UUID(), which switches to row-logging when
    # binlog_format=mixed, if there are open temporary tables. This is
    # due to BUG#13692513.
    --connection server_1
    --source include/
    --connection master
    --echo -e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- >> $commands << -e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-
    --let $available_n_temp=
    --let $dropped_n_temp=
    --let $n= $tot_table
    while ($n)
      --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS nt_tmp_$n
      --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nt_tmp_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $available_n_temp= $available_n_temp,nt_tmp_$n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $available_n_temp= nt_tmp_$n
      --dec $n

    --let $available_t_temp=
    --let $dropped_t_temp=
    --let $n= $tot_table
    while ($n)
      --eval DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tt_tmp_$n
      --eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tt_tmp_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t_temp'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $available_t_temp= $available_t_temp,tt_tmp_$n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $available_t_temp= tt_tmp_$n
      --dec $n

    --let $available_t=
    --let $dropped_t=
    --let $n= $tot_table
    while ($n)
      --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_$n
      --eval CREATE TABLE tt_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = Innodb
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_t'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $available_t= $available_t,tt_$n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $available_t= tt_$n
      --dec $n

    --let $available_n=
    --let $dropped_n=
    --let $n= $tot_table
    while ($n)
      --eval DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nt_$n
      --eval CREATE TABLE nt_$n ( id INT ) ENGINE = MyIsam
      --eval SET @check_temp='$available_n'
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) != HEX('')`)
        --let $available_n= $available_n,nt_$n
      if (`SELECT HEX(@check_temp) = HEX('')`)
        --let $available_n= nt_$n
      --dec $n

    let $pos_trans_command= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1);
    let $commands= '';

./BlackJoker Mini Shell 1.0