Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/mysql-test/t/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/mysql-test/t/ps_ddl1.test |
# # Testing the behavior of 'PREPARE', 'DDL', 'EXECUTE' scenarios # # There are several subtests which are probably "superfluous" because a DDL # statement before the EXECUTE <prepared stmt handle> contained a keyword # or action (Example: Alter) which causes that all prepared statements using # the modified object are reprepared before execution. # Please do not delete these subtests if they disturb. Just disable them by # if (0) # { # <tests to disable> # }. # There might be future optimisations of the server which decrease the amount # of unneeded reprepares or skip unneeded prepare steps and than these subtests # might become valuable. # Example: # Every preceding ALTER TABLE seems to cause a reprepare. # But if the ALTER only changed the table comment ... # # Created: 2008-04-18 mleich # --disable_warnings drop temporary table if exists t1; drop table if exists t1, t2; drop procedure if exists p_verify_reprepare_count; drop procedure if exists p1; drop function if exists f1; drop view if exists t1; drop schema if exists mysqltest; --enable_warnings delimiter |; create procedure p_verify_reprepare_count(expected int) begin declare old_reprepare_count int default @reprepare_count; select variable_value from information_schema.session_status where variable_name='com_stmt_reprepare' into @reprepare_count; if old_reprepare_count + expected <> @reprepare_count then select concat("Expected: ", expected, ", actual: ", @reprepare_count - old_reprepare_count) as "ERROR"; else select '' as "SUCCESS"; end if; end| delimiter ;| set @reprepare_count= 0; flush status; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --disable_warnings --echo # Column added or dropped is not within the list of selected columns --echo # or table comment has changed. --echo # A reprepare is probably not needed. create table t1 (a int, b int); prepare stmt from "select a from t1"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); alter table t1 add column c int; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); alter table t1 drop column b; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); alter table t1 comment "My best table"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); drop table t1; deallocate prepare stmt; --echo # Selects using the table at various positions, inser,update ... --echo # + the table disappears create table t1 (a int); # Attention: # "truncate" must have the first position (= executed as last prepared # statement), because it recreates the table which has leads to reprepare # (is this really needed) of all statements. prepare stmt1 from "truncate t1"; prepare stmt2 from "select 1 as my_column from t1"; prepare stmt3 from "select 1 as my_column from (select * from t1) as t2"; prepare stmt4 from "select 1 as my_column from (select 1) as t2 where exists (select 1 from t1)"; prepare stmt5 from "select * from (select 1 as b) as t2, t1"; prepare stmt6 from "select * from t1 union all select 1.5"; prepare stmt7 from "select 1 as my_column union all select 1 from t1"; prepare stmt8 from "insert into t1 values(1),(2)"; prepare stmt9 from "update t1 set a = 3 where a = 2"; prepare stmt10 from "delete from t1 where a = 1"; let ps_stmt_count= 10; --echo # Attention: Result logging is disabled. # Checks of correct results of statements are not the goal of this test. let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { --disable_result_log eval execute stmt$num; --enable_result_log dec $num; } # There was no reprepare needed, because none of the objects has changed. call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); drop table t1; let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE eval execute stmt$num; dec $num; } # There was no reprepare needed, because the statement is no more applicable. call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { eval deallocate prepare stmt$num; dec $num; } --echo # Selects using the table at various positions, inser,update ... --echo # + layout change (drop column) which must cause a reprepare create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3); create table t2 like t1; insert into t1 values(2,2); prepare stmt1 from "select a,b from t1"; prepare stmt2 from "select a,b from (select * from t1) as t1"; prepare stmt3 from "select * from t1 where a = 2 and b = 2"; prepare stmt4 from "select * from t2 where (a,b) in (select * from t1)"; prepare stmt5 from "select * from t1 union select * from t2"; prepare stmt6 from "select * from t1 union all select * from t2"; prepare stmt7 from "insert into t1 set a = 4, b = 4"; prepare stmt8 from "insert into t1 select * from t2"; let ps_stmt_count= 8; --echo # Attention: Result logging is disabled. # Checks of correct results of statements are not the goal of this test. let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { --disable_result_log eval execute stmt$num; --enable_result_log dec $num; } call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); alter table t1 drop column b; --disable_abort_on_error let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { eval execute stmt$num; # A reprepare is needed, because layout change of t1 affects statement. call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); dec $num; } let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { eval execute stmt$num; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); dec $num; } eval execute stmt8; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); --enable_abort_on_error alter table t2 add column c int; --error ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW eval execute stmt8; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); let $num= $ps_stmt_count; while ($num) { eval deallocate prepare stmt$num; dec $num; } drop table t1; drop table t2; --echo # select AVG(<col>) + optimizer uses index meets loss of the index create table t1 (a int, b int, primary key(b),unique index t1_unq_idx(a)); # We need an index which is not converted to PRIMARY KEY (becomes in # case of InnoDB the key used for table clustering). insert into t1 set a = 0, b = 0; insert into t1 select a + 1, b + 1 from t1; insert into t1 select a + 2, b + 2 from t1; insert into t1 select a + 4, b + 4 from t1; insert into t1 select a + 8, b + 8 from t1; # "using index" optimizer strategy is intended let $possible_keys= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1); let $extra= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1); --echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra prepare stmt from "select avg(a) from t1"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); alter table t1 drop index t1_unq_idx; let $possible_keys= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1); let $extra= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1); --echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); --echo # select AVG(<col>) + optimizer uses table scan meets a new index alter table t1 add unique index t1_unq_idx(a); let $possible_keys= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1); let $extra= query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1); --echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); deallocate prepare stmt; drop table t1; --echo # table replaced by not updatable view - Insert create table t1 (a int); prepare stmt from "insert into t1 values(1)"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); drop table t1; create view t1 as select 1; --error ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); drop view t1; create table t2 (a int); create view t1 as select * from t2 with check option; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(1); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; deallocate prepare stmt; drop view t1; drop table t2; --echo ===================================================================== --echo Some freestyle tests --echo ===================================================================== create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a; delimiter |; create procedure p1() begin drop temporary table t1; end| create function f1() returns int begin call p1(); return 1; end| delimiter ;| prepare stmt from "select f1() as my_column, a from t1"; --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; prepare stmt from "select a, f1() as my_column from t1"; --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; prepare stmt from "select f1() as my_column, count(*) from t1"; --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; prepare stmt from "select count(*), f1() as my_column from t1"; --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; --echo # Execute fails, no drop of temporary table prepare stmt from "select 1 as my_column from (select 1) as t2 where exists (select f1() from t1)"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; --echo # Execute drops temporary table prepare stmt from "select f1()"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); --error ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); drop function f1; drop procedure p1; deallocate prepare stmt; --echo # Execute fails, temporary table is not replaced by another create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a; delimiter |; create procedure p1() begin drop temporary table t1; create temporary table t1 as select 'abc' as a; end| create function f1() returns int begin call p1(); return 1; end| delimiter ;| prepare stmt from "select count(*), f1() as my_column from t1"; --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); select * from t1; deallocate prepare stmt; prepare stmt from "call p1"; execute stmt; drop procedure p1; create schema mysqltest; delimiter |; create procedure mysqltest.p1() begin drop schema mysqltest; create schema mysqltest; end| delimiter ;| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); deallocate prepare stmt; drop schema mysqltest; drop temporary table t1; # Bug#36089 drop temp table in SP called by function, crash # Note: A non prepared "select 1 from t1 having count(*) = f1();" is sufficient. if (0) { create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a; prepare stmt from "select 1 from t1 having count(*) = f1()"; execute stmt; call p_verify_reprepare_count(0); deallocate prepare stmt; drop temporary table t1; } --echo # Cleanup --echo # --disable_warnings drop temporary table if exists t1; drop table if exists t1, t2; drop procedure if exists p_verify_reprepare_count; drop procedure if exists p1; drop function if exists f1; drop view if exists t1; drop schema if exists mysqltest; --enable_warnings