GIF89a; Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/mysql-test/suite/ndb_binlog/t/
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Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/mysql-test/suite/ndb_binlog/t/ndb_binlog_unique_epoch.test

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# Bug#35217 Strange ndb_binlog_index error inserting rows in MyISAM table
# Verify that mysql.ndb_binlog_index is getting unique epoch values
# Do this by dropping the PK, inserting some data and checking
# uniqueness
alter table mysql.ndb_binlog_index drop primary key;

use test;

create table t1 (a int) engine=ndb;

delimiter %;
create procedure ins (rows int)
  set @x = 0;
    insert into t1 values (1);
    set @x = @x + 1;
  until @x = rows
  end repeat;

delimiter ;%

call ins(10000);

# Did any of the epochs have > 1 entry?
# (Answer should be no !)
--echo Duplicate epochs according to mysql.ndb_binlog_index
select epoch >> 32 as gci, 
       (epoch << 32) >> 32 as ugci, 
       sum(1) as count 
from mysql.ndb_binlog_index 
group by epoch 
having count > 1;

# Now look at what's in the Binlog events themselves, in case they also
# carry duplicate epochs
# Code here similar to
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir;`;
--exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --verbose $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysqld-bin.000001 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/ndb_binlog_mysqlbinlog.sql

create table raw_binlog_rows (txt varchar(1000));

--eval load data local infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/ndb_binlog_mysqlbinlog.sql' into table raw_binlog_rows columns terminated by '\n';

create table binlog_stmt_parts_unassoc (txt varchar(1000), line_count int, stmt_boundary int);

set @line_count=0;
set @stmt_boundary=0;

# Use replace() here to get rid of any unwanted Windows
# CRs
insert into binlog_stmt_parts_unassoc
  select replace(txt, '\r', ''),
         @line_count:= @line_count + 1,  # So we can preserve order later
         (txt like '%INSERT%' or         # Identify statement boundaries
          txt like '%UPDATE%' or
          txt like '%DELETE%')
    from raw_binlog_rows
      txt like '###%';                   # Discard non verbose output

create table binlog_stmt_parts_assoc (txt varchar(1000), line_count int, stmt_num int);

set @stmt_count = 0;

insert into binlog_stmt_parts_assoc
  select txt, 
         @stmt_count:= @stmt_count + stmt_boundary   # All rows from same stmt will
                                                     # have same stmt_num
    from binlog_stmt_parts_unassoc order by line_count;

create table binlog_stmts (txt varchar(1000), stmt_num int);

insert into binlog_stmts 
  select group_concat(right(txt,             # Combine rows in statment into 1
                            length(txt) - 4) # Trim ### from line start
                      order by line_count
                      separator ' '), stmt_num
    from binlog_stmt_parts_assoc
    group by stmt_num;

create table epochs_in_binlog (epoch bigint);

# Trim INSERT INTO mysql.ndb_apply_status SET   @1=1   @2=144115213845659648   @3=''   @4=0   @5=0
# down to a list of epochs
insert into epochs_in_binlog
  select substring_index(right(txt, length(txt) - instr(txt, '@2=') - 3),' ', 1) 
         from binlog_stmts
         where txt like '%ndb_apply_status%' 
         order by txt;

--echo Duplicate epochs according to MySQLD Binlog entries
select  epoch >> 32 as gci, 
       (epoch << 32) >> 32 as ugci, 
       sum(1) as count 
from epochs_in_binlog
group by epoch
having count > 1;

drop table raw_binlog_rows;
drop table binlog_stmt_parts_unassoc;
drop table binlog_stmt_parts_assoc;
drop table binlog_stmts;
drop table epochs_in_binlog;

# Now cleanup

reset master;
alter table mysql.ndb_binlog_index add primary key (epoch, orig_server_id, orig_epoch);

drop procedure ins;
drop table t1;

./BlackJoker Mini Shell 1.0